Recent content by Alccarion

  1. Alccarion

    The Great Ones The Great Ones Beneath

    Alccarion blasts her fire/lighting breath at Seph who bumped into her, “You attack its mother you baboon, you have no right.” She hisses as she dives down and attempted to scoop up both the egg and the bloody dark elf in her talon, aiming to pierce it with them. Ash chuckles, “Well dark elf, if...
  2. Alccarion

    It went crazy for me for thirty mins lol

    It went crazy for me for thirty mins lol
  3. Alccarion

    Rip discord

    Rip discord
  4. Alccarion

    The Great Ones The Great Ones Beneath

    Alccarion felt the power of her little elf’s magic when he cast his spells. But the first thing she felt with the slight panic of when he was woken by the quake. Her little one always so curious and protective of her own kin, with little regard to others other them his own people. He was indeed...
  5. Alccarion

    Quest To Break a Mountainbreaker

    Alccarion felt the snap of the lava dragon’s tail against her scales and his heat of his molten rock radiated under her talons. She flaps her wings causing a great wave to form, another and then three. She hisses as she lets the little killer and murderer have his little power surge. However...
  6. Alccarion

    Quest To Break a Mountainbreaker

    The ancient black and purple dragon flew through the air in somewhat a blind panic and a pit of anger burning deep within her hearts. She knew not that her little one was going on such a dangerous task, but when she felt his panic, then his fear and finally acceptance. Alccarion had to take...
  7. Alccarion

    Open Chronicles A Quick Visit

    Air flowed under her wings. It was crisp and cool, kind of like the droplets from the ocean on a hot day. The stars above her were sparkling beautifully, their light complimenting the moon just as well. The huge dragon flapped her dark wings and the air under her would blow down in what is akin...