Recent content by Alani Delkera

  1. Alani Delkera

    Private Tales The Dawn of a New Year

    (OOC: Sorry for disappearing for a bit there. I suddenly had to deal with chronic pain and it just wiped me out. Pains not gone... I just got better at managing my energy. XP) Alani urged her cat forward, following Mabess. She sniffed deeply, the sent of pine and cool morning air filling her...
  2. Alani Delkera

    Private Tales The Dawn of a New Year

    Alani thanked the chieftain before departing to attend to her own affairs. She returned to the meeting place at the appointed time. She carried a recurve bow, which she had supplied herself, most orcish bows being too big for her. She also wore a hunting knife sheathed at her hip. In a...
  3. Alani Delkera

    Private Tales The Dawn of a New Year

    Alani liked the sound of a hunt, her smile widened at the thought of it. She hadn't been hunting in a while, to be a part of the cycle of life, to hunt with a pack and immerse oneself with nature, it was not only exhilarating but a spiritual experience. "I would be honored to join you," Alani...
  4. Alani Delkera

    Private Tales The Dawn of a New Year

    Alani stood aside as she watched the reunion. The look in Mabess' eyes was so proud of her daughter. It reminded Alani of the look her mother used to give her. In many way's Mabess reminded Alani of her mother. Even though her mother had been a half orc she was tall and imposing. With a warm...
  5. Alani Delkera

    Private Tales The Dawn of a New Year

    Alani's brow furrowed at the question "Only whispers... I don't exactly look like kin... many people still don't trust me." She looked and the ground and sighed. "If I'm being honest, I don't like it. I understand the desire for safety and stability but a city is not the answer. Cities and...
  6. Alani Delkera

    Private Tales The Dawn of a New Year

    Alani's lips parted in a smile, her little tusks showing. She had smiled little when she first came to the Ashlanders, and laughed even less, but now with the coming of spring and a new year her heart felt lighter then it had in a long time. "I've been made to feel all the more welcome by your...
  7. Alani Delkera

    Private Tales The Dawn of a New Year

    Alani paused in her work, as the chieftain approached. "I am well, though sleep has not done me any favors," Alani said, glancing up at the orc chiftain. The orcish woman towered over Alani but the chiftain never made Alani feel small. Alani looked back at her work, tying off a knot and...
  8. Alani Delkera

    Private Tales The Dawn of a New Year

    Alani had encountered the Ashlanders several months ago. Having nowhere else to go, she stayed with them. It was nice to be around fellow orcs, though her lineage was very muddled and she did not look much like an orc herself. She was distant and quiet, keeping to herself for the most part and...
  9. Alani Delkera

    Shattered City Shattered City[Main Event]

    She needed to return home. She had been away to long. The spine was calling to her. But the Portal stone had other ideas. This was not where she was supposed to be. It was still the spine. A dwarvish town. But not where she had intended. The stone on the edge of the wilds, the deep forests...
  10. Alani Delkera

    Completed Betrayer. Oathbreaker.

    Alani gritted her teeth and stared at her bloodied hands as she continued to apply pressure to the wound. So much death and pain, it was all unnecessary. Yet her involvement had perpetuated it. She shook her head and reached for the healer's bag with one hand, pulling it closer. She rummaged...
  11. Alani Delkera

    Completed Betrayer. Oathbreaker.

    Alani took the rags that she had brought and pressed them to the wound. Blood had begun to pool and her hands quickly became sticky with it as she worked. "Hold on, This is going to hurt," She said. She carefully lifted the leg and scooted closer, ignoring the blood that soaked through her pants...
  12. Alani Delkera

    Completed Betrayer. Oathbreaker.

    As Abby fell Alani snapped out of her trance. She didn't know what to believe but she did know one thing, that a sister did not need to die. Abby had to live. All the others could die, she couldn't save everyone after all, but Abby must live. Alani ducked back inside through the hole in the...
  13. Alani Delkera

    Completed Betrayer. Oathbreaker.

    Alani just watched, she did not take action against either side, contradiction tearing at her insides. In the wild animals killed only for food, only killed for life and the need to sustain themselves and their offspring. In a fight for territory or to defend oneself even the wolf and the bear...
  14. Alani Delkera

    Completed Betrayer. Oathbreaker.

    Alani stared wide-eyed as a tendril pierced through the skull of the man she had been struggling with. He collapsed to the ground, lifeless, and Rickards scream of loss pierced her ears. He was dead and it was her fault. The spear slipped from her hands clattering to the ground and she backed up...
  15. Alani Delkera

    Completed Betrayer. Oathbreaker.

    Alani ducked the wild strike. She could feel a burst of adrenalin rush through her veins, but it wasn't hers. She could smell blood. The hit had landed. Then she felt it. The way Abby looked at Rickard. He was her always, her forever. It was the same way that Alani's mother looked at her father...