Recent content by Aiari

  1. Aiari

    Open Chronicles The Sunset's Sorrow

    He'd have cast the she-devil a blank stare were he not so focused on their prize. He was familiar enough with magic to know that it was more than a set of parlour tricks that actually needed sleeves, did she think him some drab half-wit? At least she could see his strength, which as any man...
  2. Aiari

    Open Chronicles The Sunset's Sorrow

    A little faster? Is she daft!? I'm already rowing as- oh. His thought process cut short, and his initial bout of concern for her assessment of his abilities was assuaged. It was not a demand, to which he was elated. On the contrary, whatever unseen forces she had at her disposal rendered his...
  3. Aiari

    Open Chronicles The Sunset's Sorrow

    Looking out over the harbour, it took only mere moments after their arrival for it to descend into a chaos he was more than at home in. Nevertheless, things had escalated exceptionally quickly, even by his own reckoning. They'd best tarry very little if they hoped to hitch a ride. He looked up...
  4. Aiari

    Open Chronicles The Sunset's Sorrow

    He shot Mathalla a final smile before saying, "let's go!" Darting across the street through a break in the crowds, he led the she-devil down into a narrow alley, one which fortuitously stretched across alongside the buildings and down between them. They turned down and hurried on toward the...
  5. Aiari

    Open Chronicles The Sunset's Sorrow

    The she-devil's proclamation of excitement prompted a grin to find his features. The following question turned it to a toothy smile. "A peerat, my dear," he said with an inquiring and yet affirming tone, "let's just say if you want to experience something new, then let us go meet us some...
  6. Aiari

    Open Chronicles The Sunset's Sorrow

    "Mm, I think it feels like I'm going to experience something new tonight." Just then as he cast her a weary eye, all too cautious of premonitions, the first sound of a grand bell rang. He pursed his lips, his eyes slowly moving away from her and tracking across the establishment. More than a...
  7. Aiari

    Open Chronicles The Sunset's Sorrow

    The door swung open for a small company. All sailors, and not a one of them was hesitant to find themselves a place to sit and make an order. Right next to a card game by the looks of it. A few of the men took an interest, even taking a moment to salivate over the great pile of coin laid bare...
  8. Aiari

    Open Chronicles The Sunset's Sorrow

    Amol-Kalit Salitra Sunset in the city was a marvelous time. Shops set up lights, the sound music and laughter rose up louder into the air, and the streets became more and more empty. Yet, at the docks, there was still a bustle. Business there often ran late now-a-days, and more and more it...
  9. Aiari