Aeden is an unseelie lunar air-aligned Púca. They do not belong to any court.
Their sub-species, Linnaq, has the animal trait of crow's wings. They are lunar earth or air-aligned unseelie fae and often roam the land in small groups or families. There is no one region where they are more often found, as family units can reside or "nest" almost anywhere. They are highly adaptable and are known to travel, families not often nesting in the same areas for more than two or three generations. They are, by nature, collectors and hoarders.
Aeden uses he/him or they/them pronouns and is bisexual.
Aeden stands at about 5'4", thin with pale skin and wavy black hair that comes to just above their shoulders. Their eyes are dark brown. The only non-human qualities about him seem to be the pointed tips of his ears and the black feathered wings that protrude from their back.
Skills and Abilities
Aeden's wings afford him the ability to fly, though it is too tiring for long distances without shapeshifting fully into a bird. They can channel ley magick, though not in large amounts, and can use the power of true names and binding deals as any other faerie.
Aeden seems friendly, if very eccentric, and is quick to make friends. He's nearly as quick to lose them, though, and ultimately not entirely trustworthy. Stay on good terms with him and you will gain many gifts and favors, but be wary of tricks. They aren't a truthful being by nature.