Looking for a partner!

I am looking to push the current arc for this character.

The basic premise of the story I have in mind is that she wishes to return home (still), but has been forestalled from it be supernatural phenomena. Although there is no proof, Aeyliea is certain that the phenomena are occult in nature. Add to that the strange dream and the whispered voice she has recently heard, and it is enough to spark her supernatural dread.

Whispered demands that she "learn the truth" of the Sundered (anyone who is not of the No'rei nation or people) seem like a possible solution. She has seen people in steel and with sword and bow work to protect caravans crossing the Sea of Grass in the past, and now seeks to gain employment as a caravanserai guard. Headed west...

...which will go differently than she wishes.

So, ya. I don't have a set destination for the thread, merely a direction and a definitive start. Apply within!
Yo. o/

I just found my way back to this place after a very short stint some time ago, but I'd be interested in some road-bound adventures for sure! Still in the figuring out phase for my character, as I like to test ideas in play, but let me know if you want to chat more about potential rp hijinks!

I see your new thread, Steps of Faith is in the 'ask' category. So I'm here to ask if I could join your RP, please? I have a character that would suit a merchant and another that would suit a caravan guard.