Private Tales The Lost Artifact

A private roleplay only for those invited by the first writer


Zafira Jade
Character Biography
Kids laughed wildly as they chased each other, their sandals flapping against the wooden port, a whistle blowing from an irritated fisherman. Sounds of sailors shouting commands, raising decks, loading ships, and the like momentarily distract the girl in the black cloak. Zafira pressed her body against the wooden crate, crouching down softly as she heard the waves crashing against one another. The sound of the birds whistling in the air, along with the heavy wind would have been relaxing on another day.

Today was not just another day though.

Zafira looked to the side, eyeing the profile of her friend. She saw his jawline clench as he observed their surroundings with his red eyes, his hand subconsciously touching at his injured leg as he signaled for her to move forward. Catching his gaze, Zafira smirked, glad that the distance hid her blush well. At least she hoped it did.

They had met somewhere on the way to Alliria, and Zafira remembered exactly how they met - a battle which neither one had any business to partake in. Despite the time spent together, the inevitable feelings Zafira had grown to have for Belmont, Zafira kept it to herself, letting herself flirt and tease, but nothing more.

Coming from such different backgrounds, Zafira was surprised to have encountered that Belmont carried the same interest she did when it came to historical artifacts, particularly a golden chalice that was said to have been lost for over a hundred years. Zafira loved adventure, and adventure with risk was like an itch Zafira just had to scratch. She didn't know if Belmont had that same itch, but she was glad for his company nonetheless.

Hearing the sailor pull back, a grin encompassed Zafira's lips. The man had stolen her professor's ship, changing the ship's name and calling it her own. It was only fair to claim the whole thing back as her own - specifically with a ready crew.

Zafira slid up to the ship, signaling for Belmont to join. The minute she felt him come up, Zafira's green eyes morphed gold, the anchor lifting with her power. "We'll be commanding this ship again, loves," Zafira said smoothly as all the men's eyes turned to the duo.

Belmont Lacroze
Belmont had never had a taste for adventure but rather the company of Zafira. After their meeting in the forest some time ago, he had grown an attachment to her and let her know by subtle body language. His thoughts were suppressed as he signaled Zafira to advance to her professor's ship. The wizard had never partaken in the reclamation of a ship, especially something that was dear to his lass. He tried his hardest to ignore the pain of his lame foot and limped behind Zafira as the two joined each other to the ship's deck.

"We'll be commanding this ship again, loves,"

Belmont smiled and fire appeared in his hand. "Now, sea lubbers:" Belmont spoke in a fake pirate accent to rouse the humor of Zafira. He changed back into his regular scruffed voice. "You can either join us and partake in another journey with greater benefits to yourselves, or burn in the nether realm. It's all entirely up to you." The first option was only a little grab at the crew. Belmont knew these men were only in something for the reward and no honor or loyalty. These were men who knew nothing of selflessness. To himself, he hoped they would choose the second option to have a bit of action, though he didn't want the risk of the ship possibly getting destroyed in the process.

He adjusted his foot and cane before settling his eyes on Zafira and then back to the crew, ready for whatever option they may choose:

  • Bless
Reactions: ZafiraJade
The ship lurched forward as the anchor came up, the sea already rocking them. This was when Zafira realized her mistake first. If they didn't agree, Zafira and Belmont would have to dispose of the entire crew. Then another thing: Zafira knew how to sail a boat, a ship on the other hand...

Zafira disregarded the thought. She'd figure it out eventually.

At Belmont's tone, her smirk switched into a genuine smile, bright eyes meeting Belmont's. She rolled her eyes playfully at the terrible pirate accent, making sure to remember it to tease him about later before turning back to the crew. She recognized some of them, particularly a young boy who was shyly peeking from a man's leg. At Belmont's show of power, Zafira revealed her own green fire, her magic swirling behind her wistfully as she looked on at the men.

"I suggest you pick the first option. I'm not known to be as kind as my partner here," Zafira said slowly, her voice edging out in a seductive lilt. She saw some of the men stand down - the ones who her professor knew well before. The new ones though, probably more in allegiance to the sailor who stole from her professor, were already grabbing at the swords by their side.

"Of course, we have more pay as well," Zafira continued, grabbing the small pouch from her cloak and tossing it to the one who was rippling with muscle. "If Markus comes back, he sails with his original offer. Right now, you have his coin, and if you have us here, ours too,"

It was more than fair in Zafira's opinion. The angry-looking men seemed to disagree. This much was evident when she felt a sword fling itself towards her chest. Quickly, Zafira's hands went in front of her, stopping the blade. She let it fall into her hand, testing the weight of the blade.

"Well that wasn't very nice, was it?" Zafira murmured.
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  • Yay
Reactions: Belmont Lacroze
Belmont stood, still always amazed at Zafira's how of power. She seemed to be grabbing the attention of the veterans but the new coming ruffians had a more different and stupid approach. As the sword from a hefty, tall, grizzled man almost met Zafira, the Wizard knew it would be stopped. But to let it go without some of his input was not an option.

He flicked his middle and index finger and the flames that manifested itself from his hand swirled into the man's eyes and out the back of his head. The snipe couldn't even register the pain, for it only lasted a half of a second. The pirate's body dropped to the floor in a loud thud, head almost cracking open. His eyes were black and ashy already. The flame held itself in the air before Belmont issued a command before it sprang back to his palm.

He saw more of the newcomers grab at whatever they had on hand. Daggers, sticks, sword, even a crossbow. Belmont sighed and let his cane fall to the floor.

"Well then, guess fear cannot win an argument this time. Shall we?" Belmonts eyes focused on the men who were now about to try their best to kill the duo while his mouth swerved to Zafira.

The Wizard closed his eyes and started to chant a pyromancy spell. He felt the life energy of everyone on board, with Zafria's being a beacon of light to his aura. He felt some flee off of the ship; intimidated men who dare not fight the duo. He felt others nearing his and Zafira. Five of them. Another three, he sensed, stayed back and Belmont registered them as the veterans of the ship in his mind.

  • Devil
Reactions: ZafiraJade
Zafira felt the surge of energy pass through Belmont rather than see it. The results took a moment but watching the man fall to the floor, head split wide open was a necessary act that made Zafira grimace. She couldn't focus on it for too long. The men were ready for a battle. That much was obvious in the dramatic yells they let out.

Zafira rolled her eyes.

She never understood the whole yelling thing before somebody attacked. Does that not just defeat the whole surprise of the attack? Before Zafira could dwell on the thought too much, she felt a person's knife slash at her waist. Zafira pushed back in just the right moment, slipping the blade from her boot and letting it push into the man's arm. The aim wasn't as well placed as Zafira had intended it to be, but it did the job just fine. The pirate had gripped his arm tightly, blood falling onto the deck that looked like it had just been wiped clean.

"Let's hope that didn't leave a spot," Zafira murmured breathlessly to Belmont as her back pressed against his. A wave of heat coursed through Zafira's body at the contact. There was something so comforting about being close to him. It made her feel safe, a feeling Zafira usually ran from. More because she didn't know how to properly allow anything to keep her safe.

Four people surrounded them now, the fifth clutching onto his fingers tightly. All armed with knives and swords, eyes laced with so much hate that for a moment, it felt personal. Zafira relaxed, eyes switching gold. She saw the men lure back for a moment, and she let herself smile, knowing that she probably looked everything the opposite of herself. She usually felt it whenever she used her magic like this. More monster, than anything human.

"Fibt the rizm" Zafira said, voice coming out in a song like a lilt. A whirl of green surrounded the men before focusing on one. Zafira clenched her hands to a fist, tracing the life thread that the man had. She had never killed before, and this man was not going to be her first. She tugged at the thread softly, watching the man writhe out in pain.

Zafira couldn't wait until this 'battle' was over. Belmont and herself had been on the run for days now, barely sleeping, mapping out the plans, hitting each and every library, and important historian to find a map that may or may not work. She could feel it in her cloak now, its importance carrying its weight. Despite it, all Zafira could think about was having a normal conversation with Belmont, without the planning, scheming, or the like.
With his back pressed against Zafira, Belmont felt clustered with the men surrounding him. He had killed groups before, but now he needed to preserve his energy the best he could. His previous killing was for more demonstration, not for actual fighting. His foot bothered him as he looked to the four men with the knives and the one with the crossbow, sweat beading down his dirty face. He was sleep-deprived and hungry but he knew that once he and Zafira were done here, resting will ensue. He saw Zafira take one of them out and the Wizard let out a smirk.

"Dashing, as always" He let out a chuckle before taunting a shorter man with a dagger. Belmont waved his hands, causing the pirate to gain focus on the cripple. The man looked at his foot and smiled while the other pirates were prancing around, itching to get hits after the shorter man was done.

"Ye nothin' but a damn man with a lame foot! Cursed be your name in hell!" The man trotted up to Belmont and attempted to stab the Wizard's right temple.

Have to preserve my energy. Belmont was focusing on every life sign on the vessel. Any further extremities could cause "complications". A heart attack, instant death, the loss of a limb. Every spell he manifested into the world always came at a cost. That cost was his inner life energy. With it almost gone, Belmont can only do so much.

As the short pirate attempted to kill Belmont, the wizard blocked the incoming attack and hit the ruffian in the face, sending him back. Belmont lifted his cane from the ground and started to jab at the man with increasing force until a rib or two broke. Two more marauders now were focused and the last one on Zafira. The two pirates quickly gained on Belmont with knives and a crossbow to their arsenal. The one with the knife lunged at Belmont and manage to strike him in the right deltoid.

Belmont let out a sharp, painful noise before jabbing his cane into the foot of the freebooter, sending him down with more jabs from the Wizard's cane. Blood was now spilling out of Belmont's cloak and tapped the floor with quick rhythmic beats. One pirate remained on Belmont. The one with the crossbow. He had dark skin and a scar on his eye.

"Poor choice of weapon, whoreson." Belmont managed to slip out before the man discharged a bolt, grazing his inner left thigh, forming a skinny cut that bled too. Belmont's adrenaline made him ignore the pain and the Wizard had no choice but to use whatever was left of his inner life essence. He conjured a small flame that had spread to his hand, making it glowing orange and crimson. Belmont quickly leaped on the pirate who was attempting to reload the crossbow and put his hand on the man's face, burning it instantly and then the Wizard struck the chest, specifically the sternum, and ribs before the ruffian died of shock.

Belmont now held onto his breath with anxious ferocity. His energy was near depletion and was nearing fainting. His vision had become distorted and the only thing he had seen were the three bodies laying around him with Zafira perhaps ten feet away.

"One.. more.." The wizard managed and pointed to the last man who dared to attack with his band of fools. Belmont kneeled and gripped his cane with whatever force he had left. He collapsed from exhaustion.

  • Scared
Reactions: ZafiraJade
Zafira chuckled softly at the comment, eyes still focused on the men surrounding them.

"Darling please, I take my notes from you," Zafira teased just as everyone sprung into action. Zafira's back moved away from Belmont as the two men in front of her moved to attack. One of them was young, good-looking in the classy way that belonged to no pirate. Zafira froze for a moment, confused by his presence. What the hell was a banker doing in a place like this?

The man, noticing Zafira's confusion threw a punch at her gut which she quickly dodged only to feel his fist punch at her head. Zafira let out a painful gasp. Her ears rung with pain, but she pushed down the feeling, memorizing the man's life force before she felt the other man grab her from behind, his arm pressing tightly against her throat.

Zafira's feet lifted off the ground slightly as she choked. Instead of having the young, blond man fall to the floor as she initially planned to do, she traced the man's energy, forcing him to attack the burly man behind her. She saw the man let go in surprise.

"What the fuck Ro-" Zafira didn't let the man finish his sentence, squeezing her hands into a fist so that the man was suffocating for a breath. She leaned over him.

"Doesn't feel so good, does it?" she growled before hearing someone hurl an insult at Belmont. Enraged, Zafira's eyes darted to the man, but Belmont had already taken care of him. Zafira whirled around to see who was left. She turned to see Belmont in her line of vision, suddenly collapse.

"Belmont!" Zafira let out without thinking. She saw the man look at her, then Belmont before he bolted towards him, grinning at Zafira with his missing teeth. She saw him grab a sword and press it at the tip of Belmont's stomach. Fear gripped Zafira tightly, the addicting adrenaline from the fight washing away immediately.

"Another move lady and I will kill him right now," the man said, having the nerve to smile at her. An eerie calm washed over Zafira. She narrowed her eyes at him, about to open her mouth to speak.

"Ah, don't do that either, Witch. No spells," At any other time, she would have been amused. Did the ignorant moron truly believe that she had to speak for her to be able to do any damage? Eyes shifting a clear yellow, Zafira imagined her hand gripping onto his heart hard. She saw the vein on the man's neck probe deeply before the knife slipped out of his palms. The man Zafira recognized caught it before letting it fall against Belmont.

The man dropped next to Belmont, and Zafira rushed over to him. "Stars, Belmont," she murmured to herself, checking his vitals. He was breathing fine. It must have been the rush from the fight as well as their conditions from before that had him fall. Looking at the cuts on Belmont, Zafira stitched them up quickly with her finger.

"About damn time you did something," she snapped at the older man. Thomas.

"Can yer blame ye ole' man? Man's gotta find biz somewhere," The man said with a nervous chuckle. The other sailors, more loyal (if you could even call it that) stepped forward, ready for whatever order.

"Don't kill any of the other sailors. Drop them off the ship. Clean up all of this, I don't want to see a single drop of blood ruining my deck," Zafira ordered, voice loud and clear. She wasn't normally like this, preferring to learn from the men and be their friend. Her professor, Augustus, was in charge of being the Captain. Him not being here, Zafira would obviously take his place. She didn't have Augustus's calm though. Anger pulsed through her, feeling betrayed even though she knew the sailors owed nothing to her.

"I need your help carrying him to the Captain's room," she told Fred, the man who had the young boy as a child. He nodded, and Zafira was aware of the question resting at the tip of his tongue. He didn't say anything though - instead, taking Belmont to the room as Zafira fixed everything up on the deck. A while later, Zafira went down, sitting by Belmont's side.
  • Yay
Reactions: Belmont Lacroze
White was all that Belmont saw. For infinity, there was white. He looked down and noticed that he had been donning a soft, plush, navy blue robe fitting with inscriptions of a language he did not know. When he looked up again, however, a figure was blocking his view of the white. A make with long, grey and white hair with a long beard of the same color. Wrinkles danced across his face and he wore a golden robe with red lines darting to and fro. He wore no shoes, with his bony feet sticking to the ground. He spoke in a deep tone that could only belong to someone Belmont knew without a doubt: His teacher.

"Treasure hunting. Fights with pirates. I thought I raised you to surpass those nitwitted, fallacious activities, my boy." He stood in place with a gracious stance, hands behind his back.

"You're not real." Belmont gasped.

"'Tis only a dream. I ran out of stamina. That's all."

"Oh? And you expect that you'll wake up at any moment? Be free of this conversation? Be with that girl?" Belmont's mentor gave a light chuckle.

"Please, just stop. Go away! Get out!" Belmont flailed his hands. Sadness struck his heart at seeing his dead mentor in the flesh right in front of him. Tears were streaming down his face and he could feel their trails on his cheeks and the tap on a floor he cannot see but feel.


"You're dead!" The white that surrounded now turned to a deep gray, but not black. Belmont's mentor glowed with a brilliant light.

"Nobody is ever truly gone from the planes of existence, my friend. Go, keep watch over your girl. Be with her and cherish her as I have cherished you. We shall speak again soon."

The brilliant glow turned into a blinding light. Belmont shielded his face from the intensity. He could hear ambiance as he was beginning to wake up. He felt his eyes surge open and the Wizard let out a gasp for air. The room was dark. It must've been night. Belmont could not get the image out of his head. His Master. His friend.

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  • Cry
Reactions: ZafiraJade
It had been hours. The day had turned into night, the ship continued sailing at a soft pace, and the men upstairs had finished their work.

Thomas had come down once to check on Zafira and Belmont, asking a few questions which Zafira had responded to calmly. Zafira knew she had to act like a leader here, not a petulant child who felt they owed her something. They didn't, despite the memories they'd had together. Despite the fact that they knew her since she was 15.

So maybe Zafira was still a little mad. It didn't matter, in the long run. It as washed away by her concern for Belmont who was still asleep. She knew this was normal, and if it were any other patient, she would have left them in the patient's room comfortably, checking up on them here and there. Belmont, was obviously a different case.

The reason as to why, Zafira kept quiet about, even to herself.

At this point, Zafira had probably memorized every inch of Belmont's face. His dark lashes, strong jawline, the cuts of his cheekbone, and his lips. It only made her want to do the one thing you never do when someone collapses from exhaustion: wake them up. She wanted to see his red eyes - the way they'd look at her with that slightly exasperated, mostly amused look.

Zafira's head dipped onto the bed, feeling her own eyes start to flicker close when all of a sudden, she felt Belmomt stir and sit upright speedily, a name on his mouth. "Galin,"

Zafira stood up, automatically pressing a hand to his shoulder to get him to lay down again. He would have a terrible headache, especially with that he just did. "Relax," Zafira said soothingly.

"You're fine. We're on the ship. We're in the Captain's room," Zafira said, noticing the panic on his gaze. She knew if she were in his place, she would want to be told what was going on. Zafira put a cool hand on his forehead, checking for a fever. He was warm, nothing that would kill him. Zafira turned away from him for a moment, grabbing the bowl of millet and steamed rice broth she'd made. It was still warm.
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  • Yay
Reactions: Belmont Lacroze
Belmont felt dizzy, disoriented. He could feel the calm swaying the vessel on where he lay. He felt a cold sensation touched his head. Zafira. His eyes were closed for if he opened them, Belmont would feel the need to puke.

"Captain's Room." The Wizard calmed himself. He felt as if millions of pins of needles were digging in his lame foot. He tried to move it but to no avail. His right leg seemed numb as well as he couldn't even flex his knee. Belmont breathed rapidly, but then calmed himself. He held onto the presence of Zafira, like a lost Shepard to his lord.

"What happened... after I fell?" Belmont's voice rose in octaves as he ended the question. All he remembered was there was one more iron-headed man near Zafira, his sword raised to strike. Then... no. He could not think of that dream anymore. It had been too real, too vivid for him. It felt as if he were in another place during it and not just in the realm of the mind.

He felt the warm bowl of food lay in his hand. He hadn't seen the sight of any food in what seemed like an eternity. He grabbed a utensil from Zafira and began his prayer before a meal.

"Thank the maker," Belmont concluded before he began to eat at a rapid speed. His head was starting to clear itself of his disorientation after a few quick bites of food. He looked to Zafira and his entire mental barrier collapsed at the sight of the woman. He felt warm, safe. He was beyond grateful for her looking after him. How he could possibly repay her, he did not know. Belmont thought of his first encounter with her in that forest.

  • Sip
Reactions: ZafiraJade
"Stop trying to move, Bel," Zafira murmured to him quietly, pressing her fingers against his leg. She checked his left foot first, eyes looking forward and morphing into an orange shade as she focused on a random spot on the wall. Again, the force there was mangled -everything encircling together like twisted veins whereas it should have been one, straight line. She murmured a soft spell that would temporarily alleviate the pain, before focusing in the other leg.

There was nothing wrong with that one. The deep sleep had momentarily 'paralyzed' Belmont, but he'd be fine in the long run. It was the expression on his face that worried Zafira though, the sheer panic and pain in them. If Zafira could, she'd heal that one too, but the type of pain on his face was something he seemed to see in his dream. Zafira didn't ask about it just yet. He needed to rest.

Zafira leaned back against her chair, finally letting herself properly feel relieved. "I took care of the last man with the help of Thomas, and we got rid of all the sailors who weren't cooperating. And now we're here," Zafira let the smallest smile dance on her feature before she saw Belmont eating quickly.

Chuckling, Zafira put a hand on his wrist. "Slow down. You'll hurt yourself," Zafira said playfully, removing her hand and leaning back. She let her eyes look up at the ceiling, remembering her Professor tell her stories in this exact room.
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"Slow down. You'll hurt yourself,"

"Nothing can hurt worse than what happened before." Belmont referenced the fight and his collapsing. He took more spoonfuls of rice into his mouth. Although his speed was surely reminiscent of a slob, he tried to keep his manners in check.

When he finished, the Wizard let out a deep breath and took in his environment once more. He closed his eyes and tried to calm his inner mind storm. Galin. What did he mean? Belmont let out another exaggerated breath and tried to stand, but failed almost instantly. His lame foot disregarded his entire body and failed to comply. Belmont hit the side of his face on the ground and he gave out a frustrating groan.

"Curse this snipe of a leg!" Belmont held onto a nearby piece of furniture to sit himself up. Sensing his energy, he was now fully replenished.

"Thank the maker." Belmont closed his eyes and chanted a spell. His hand glowed once more but instead of doing a massive amount of damage to flesh, it allowed the user to further see wounds, physical or spiritual. As his hand lay just a few inches from his club foot, Belmont could feel something wrong. It wasn't just the symptoms of his birth defect, but rather a... hole? Belmont couldn't explain it in his mind but as he felt his foot more and more it felt empty as if it had no place in the universe. He concluded that it was useless.

The Wizard wanted to pay no attention to it and instead wanted to get on with the quest with Zafira. He couldn't focus on himself right now. He needed to be there for Zafira.

"It wasn't that bad, " Zafira protested, wincing lightly at Belmont's bitterness. It was understandable, of course. Both of their conditions were bad since they were on the run and all, and Belmont had collapsed near the end of the battle. All in all, everything worked out in the end, so Zafira had no complaints. Belmont seemed to disagree though. She saw him finish up his food quickly, mind focused on something deeply.

To interrupt his thoughts, Zafira voiced her curiosity. "Who's Galin?" she asked, voice careful. She was treading lightly, unsure of Belmont's reaction. Just then though, Belmont had attempted to get up. Before Zafira could warn him against it, she saw him fall. Zafira's hands automatically went up to her mouth, and she crouched down to help him. Belmont didn't take it though, opting to get up on his own.

Something in Zafira ached. She hadn't ever seen him like this, and it hurt. Guilt encompassed Zafira. She shouldn't have suggested this to Belmont. It wasn't fair to drag him into this when he could be doing something saner instead.

"Maybe we should head back,"
  • Yay
Reactions: Belmont Lacroze
"Who's Galin?"

That question stuck in Belmont as he was finding a place to sit down and tend to his lame leg. After reaching his conclusion after seeing his leg through magic, the Wizard held onto his breath until he finally uttered the words.

"My dead master." But he couldn't be dead. Not from that dream. Galin was in the flesh, though how Belmont never knew. He ran through the dream again in his mind Nobody is ever truly gone from the planes of existence. How was it possible? None could survive death's grip. Belmont knew that.

The Wizard looked unheeding as if he wasn't paying attention to what Zafira had said:

"Maybe we should head back,"

Belmont's looked to Zafira, that brilliant glow of her eyes as always. Her face seems out of place in this dark room. Belmont's face stuck to the ground, unrelenting to have his eyes stick away while he gave his answer.

"No. I'm fine, lass. We will continue on with the quest for this artifact."

"My dead master."

Zafira's breath hitched. Belmont seemed in a daze as if he were far away. The look worried Zafira, but she kept quiet. She knew how hard it was to lose someone one was close to. This Galin person seemed to mean a lot to Belmont. She put a hand on his shoulder, squeezing it lightly before moving away.

At Belmont's answer on continuing, Zafira held her gaze with his tightly. Before, she had been practically bouncing with excitement, the prospect of traveling with Belmont lighting her up in a way she hadn't felt before. So overtaken by the idea of spending more time with him, Zafira had neglected the fact that traveling, adventures, and the like were not his idea of fun. She kept her gaze on him, steady, to make sure that he meant it. She shivered lightly at Belmont calling her ''lass''. No one called her that, but him. Sighing, she turned her face away, opting to sit on the bed that Belmont had moved away from.

"What was he like?"
  • Yay
Reactions: Belmont Lacroze
"What was he like?"

Distant memories came flooding through his mind. Too many to count, in fact. All were peaceful and calming and then the sacking and destruction of his academy. He closed his eyes and tried to go back to the joyful bits.

"He was... wise, powerful. With it, his kindness matched it. There was nobody like him. He was a Father to me."

Belmont looked to the floor and held a knuckled fist against the sturdy wood. Here he was, being a sack of flesh filled with sadness. The dream had obviously affected him in such a profound way that he spoke of things that were only knowest to him. Although, he didn't mind sharing with Zafira. He knew in his mind the amount of trust he had for her. She was, in all seriousness, the only person he could trust. She was the only one who still had an interest in his poor self.

"Help me, lass."

Belmont extended his hand toward Zafira. He wished to stand up. Even though he couldn't by himself, much less any more from his cane because of his foot's failed compliance, he could still get assistance from Zafira.

  • Sip
Reactions: ZafiraJade
Zafira stayed silent as Belmont talked. A surge of something warm coursed through Zafira as she realized that Belmont trusted her enough to tell her this. She knew how hard it was to trust someone, especially with information that was so personal and deep. Zafira would know: she trusted Belmont, but still couldn't let out all that she'd been through.

In her mind, it was better to just ignore it which she knew as a healer was completely unhealthy.

"He sounds like he was an amazing man," Zafira offered gently. Belmont's description of his teacher reminded Zafira of her own father. He was everything she strived to be. She wondered what he would think of her now - not healing people, but chasing after fantasies. Her heart clenched.

At Belmont's ask for assistance, Zafira stood up, offering him her arm. He'd used that word again which made Zafira grin softly. "Shall we go up?" Zafira asked, her voice light. Everything that had trans[ired here was deep, and while she appreciated it, she didn't know how to deal with it. Zafira didn't close - not since her father, and definitely not since she moved from Elbion.
  • Dab
Reactions: Belmont Lacroze
"Shall we go up?"

Belmont took her hand and with every ounce of strength in his body he heaved himself up and practically hugged Zafira. He smelled flowers and cherries, acting as floral goodness to his senses. The Wizard then adjusted himself so his left arm was all the way around Zafira's back.

"I got this. I got this." Belmont muttered to himself. He knew that Zafira would hear it but he needed that extra motivation instead of just staying on the floor. Together, they ventured out of the room and out onto the main deck of the ship. Everything seeped in the blackness of the night and Belmont had to squint to process the seeing of the silhouettes. The boat gently rocked on the sea waters and a tight, cold breeze had thrown itself to Belmont, causing him to shiver.

"The cold." The wizard closed his eyes in Euphoria and let himself slip deep into the breeze as if he was gently floating away with it. He tightened his grip only slightly on Zafira's back when he truly came to his senses. He was very close to her and the breeze had also gotten him into a better mood. He perched his head on Zafira's shoulder, and clutched her tightly. He exhaled a relaxed breath and did not let the recent events bother him, though he knows he will never forget them from here on out. After this mission, he thought, they would need to investigate the dream. But for now, he's here for Zafira and not for himself.

  • Bless
Reactions: ZafiraJade
Zafira tensed up, feeling Belmont's arms wrap around her waist. She wasn't used to being so close to another person, hadn't had anyone touch her like this in years. Zafira reminded herself that Belmont was doing this out of necessity, and nothing else.

Still, it didn't stop her from leaning a bit closer to him, taking in his deep musky scent intermingled with the fresh, salty air from the sea.

The minute they stepped up, the cold air drafted onto them and Zafira felt goosebumps rise against her skin. She tucked herself a little more tightly towards Belmont until she heard him mention the cold. Automatically, her hand went onto his chest to say some spell that would give him warmth. Seeing his face though, content and enjoying the breeze, Zafira omitted from it.

Instead, she took note of how he looked. Tired. Determined. He was beautiful against the night, something she rarely identified in someone that was like her. She let him have his moment, knowing that he probably needed it. A part of her wondered if he maybe wanted to be alone. Seeing him so deep in trance, Zafira felt she was intruding on something private. When she felt his hand grip her just a bit tighter, Zafira relaxed. She put her head on top of Belmont's, warm despite the cold surrounding them. Hesitantly, Zafira's pale fingers went to grab at one of Belmont's hands. She traced random patterns on it.

She knew she would later have to ask him about his leg, but as of this moment, she didn't want to. Instead, she let her eyes close for a moment. finally registering how exhausted she'd been because of the day. Scheming. Taking the ship. Belmont's fall. Commanding everyone.
  • Yay
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Belmont's and Zafira's warmth created something that the Wizard had never experienced before. Intimacy. Sure, he lay his head on Zafira's shoulder. He felt tired but he knew he wanted to inch closer to her heart and feel with her as he did. He wanted her to enjoy the breeze as he did. The only way to share that was through his own use of physical affection.

Belmont's mind flinched as Zafira reached for his hand. He felt her careful fingers trace little circles and swirls on the back of his palm. His whole demeanor changed. He wasn't a crippled wizard but a man who thinks he may have fallen for somebody. He grabbed Zafira's tracing hand and squeezed it in affection. He looked to his right and could see the moon, its light casting upon itself on the sea, creating a bright beam of white that also hit the ship in a flurry.

Belmont looked to the deck and around. Certain men were walking, preparing supplies and pulling ropes to the massive sails. He saw three men near the bow of the ship, sitting and singing quietly sailor tunes. The Wizard grabbed onto Zafira's hand more.

"What shall be our next move?"

Zafira clicked her tongue, playfully glaring at Belmont.

"Not a moment of rest with you," she teased, knowing very well that she was probably the one keeping the poor man on his toes all the time. His hand was warm around hers, and it made her feel delicate. She gently pulled her hand away from Belmont's, running her fingers through her silky strands. Zafira put some space between the pair, automatically missing the heat Belmont's body gave her.

Zafira tried to think. She still had the map with her, and the passage was by no means, an easy one. She was still slightly bitter towards the sailor too, and she had never been a "Captain" of a ship either. Zafira's chewed at her bottom lip, head starting to ache. The pair had planned for so long, and Zafira still felt so out of her element. She enjoyed that though, loved the challenge of doing new things.

Ironic considering she couldn't even admit her feelings to the handsome man next to her.

"Our next move will be to sleep, Sir. I can't have you pass out on me again," Zafira joked, winking at Belmont.
  • Yay
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"Not a moment of rest with you,"

Belmont looked at the sky and smiled with glee and humor. Indeed, rest never accompanied him wherever he went though he needed it all the time to harness his inner energy. Belmont leaned against the entrance to the captain's quarters and let out another cool breath of air, watching his warm breath swirl in and then out of existence.

Throughout this entire journey, they had seemed like they were ready, though the little skirmish with the renegade pirates had changed their plans drastically. Belmont felt at fault for all of this. His lack of rest, his collapse in the battle. He felt weak. His smile turned into a grimaced face, though it did not show so much externally. He looked at Zafira and the ground, then she mentioned sleep.

Belmont was instantly brought back to the dream he had of Galin. Deep down inside, he held a fear of going to sleep again. His voice, his face. It all seemed too real for the Wizard and yet He was there! Belmont shook off his superstitions. He didn't want to cause any more mental stress upon the lass. He didn't want her worrying about him so much but more so for the foot because not even he knew what was wrong.

Sleep did sound good though. This would be a big leap of faith for himself though the Wizard has nothing to fear. After all, Zafira was with him. He depended on her for his well being now and he would make sure to return the favor with interest.

He looked at her eyes and her hair, acting as a beacon when they were hit with the moonlight. She looked out of place on the ship with the rugged scallywags. She dressed like any normal mage or spell blade, but she herself looked something more than that. An angel, Belmont concluded. He was lost in her beauty until he snapped out of his trance due to a higher wave hitting the hull of the ship.

Belmont reached out his hand with the other leaning against the door.

"Let us sleep away and let the sandman take us into his gaze of dreams, lass."

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  • Love
Reactions: ZafiraJade
Zafira rolled her eyes at Belmont's comment. "Nerd," She murmured to him, bumping her shoulders against his. She offered him her arm, knowing that in the morning they would have to deal with the Belmont's clubbed foot.

The pair started walking back down the deck, where all the rooms were. Zafira took her time going down, admiring the sleek wooden floors, the beautifully decorated walls. The ship had a flare that only her professor would add, something that made her miss him achingly much.

Despite all the tedious work he put her though, the tasks that barely made sense, the long, hard journeys for single items, she respected Augustus like a father even though he was only seven years her senior. She missed his random spurts of energy, the way he'd talk in riddles, and his fashion sense which was always so far fetched.

The minute they got down to the decks, Zafira steered Bekmont back to the Captain's room - her previous professors'. The room was larger than the other ones, decorated with plush red velvet cushions, a small area to boil tea and the like as well as a large enough area for a desk. It was where Zafira would study different spells and the like. She could still see the sight dark stain from a potion gone wrong. Zafira grinned at remembering how furious he'd gotten that day.

Zafira guided Belmont to the bed, lightly crouching with him as he sat down on it.

"You sleep here. Give me a second though," Zafira told Belmont, looking him right in his eyes. Zafira's breath hitched momentarily as she realized how close the pair were, her hands still on his shoulders. Involuntarily, Zafira's eyes flicked down to his lips. If she moved just a bit closer...

She tore herself away from him, turning to the kettle and creating a small elixir. It would help him with his sleep, and numb the pain in his body momentarily. Zafira's hands shook slightly as she realized what she was about to do.
As they made their way down to the professor's room, sleepiness had almost overtaken Belmont. He knew he had an exhausting day and sleep would fix that though the dream was still in the back of his mind. Zafira combated it however and soon he almost completely forgot about it for the night. He trudged slowly with Zafira and noticed the incredible detail that went into the ship. It definitely looked more nice and sleek than most ships on the seas. Tapestries were strewn across the walls of battles, men, and castles. The floors shined in the torchlight and held little decorative carvings here and there.

Once they reach their destination, Belmont had been let go on the bed by Zafira. The soft sheets absorbed his weight and he felt as if he had fallen into a cloud.

You sleep here. Give me a second though

Zafira's eyes were locked onto his and his onto her's. He gazed into the windows of her soul and he knew right there we wanted to just lay a kiss on her. Though, he was panicking. He didn't want to make a wrong move or do something that would complicate anything but both knew they were attached to each other. Belmont definitely knew that. He saw her eyes go to his lips and he was just about to lean before Zafira backed away. Nothing was going through the head of the Wizard and he just sat there, grabbing his lame leg onto the bed so he can lay on a pillow to relax.

He saw Zafira make a liquid of some sort. Belmont was not very knowledgeable in the art of alchemy and soon curiosity grew within him.

"What are you making there, Lass?" He popped his head vertically to try to catch a peek but no vantage point could have granted vision for the Wizard.

  • Bless
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"An elixir that'll help you sleep and ease the aches," Zafira replied. She could feel his eyes on her, and Zafira subtly moved to the side so that he could see what she was doing. Zafira opened the cupboards, hoping all the ingredients were still there. She was praying that the man who'd stolen the ship was an idiot who didn't know the use of the aromatic herbs.

Zafira's mood brightened when she noticed that they were all there - all the herbs and plants and rocks she'd went to find - perfectly stored in jars, completely untouched.

"This is false mastic," Zafira pointed to a green plant with miniature leaves all around it. She grabbed a healing stone and ground it roughly onto her cutting board before sliding it into the small cauldron which had some lavender oil in it.

"It is used as a healing property and also tastes absolutely horrendous," Zafira said, exaggerating a shudder. She took out another plant from a jar, snipping it vertically before once again using the healing stone to crush its juices. "This is culantro," Zafira said, putting it into the thin mixture.

"It's meant to calm the soul," Zafira said quietly, remembering how panicked Belmont had looked from his sleep. He didn't look like he wanted to talk about it, and Zafira wouldn't push. She knew just how many demons she had herself that she'd much rather not face. Once the liquid-cooled completely, Zafira blew a soft spell onto it, finalizing all the ingredients before pouring it into a glass cup, and turning to Belmont. The liquid looked similar to beer but would have a more earthy taste - not exactly unpleasant, but not tasty either.

She handed it to him carefully, sitting on the velvet seat across from him. "It should help with the dreams," Zafira said, not looking him in the eyes.
  • Popcorn
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