Belmont Lacroze
Belmont stands slouched at six feet two inches with straight, matted black hair. After years of isolation in the forbidden city trying to scavenge what little of he can for food and shelter, Belmont is close to starved and only relies on his teachings from his master to survive in the barren wasteland he calls home. Born with a right clubbed foot, Belmont must always use a brown, polished cane to walk or get to any place. Ever since his self-exile, Belmont's only selection of clothes is his black leather shoes, a pair of dark brown cotton trousers, a dirty and torn white undershirt, thin and rusting chainmail, and finally his trademark purple cloak.
Skills and Abilities
Belmont is skillful in the arts of pyromancy and is loosely affiliated with dark magic. During his lonesome time in the Forbidden City, Belmont has a small grip on the knowledge of Evocation and can use it to his benefit, but lacks the power to try anything significant to please his current situation.
Aside from his magical abilities, Belmont is a natural born survivor and is knowledgeable in medicine which comes in great handiness for his self-isolation and any injuries that he, or a companion, may come across
However, though he can take care of himself with what skills and abilities he possesses, Belmont lacks in physical strength and always requires someone to aid him in moving objects or simply getting around. In complimentary with this, Belmont's club foot also sets him back in any area of agility and stamina which in result makes him almost immobile in confrontations.
Belmont lacks in patience entirely and always wants to see results happen. He is a lackluster man and only wants self-benefit and leaves everyone else be to their own crazy lives. Ever since his self-exile, Belmont has no need anymore for interactions with living beings and only relies on his magic and knowledge of medicine. In his mind, he is ready to die and be rid of the insane world. Though in reality, he suffers from a tremendous amount of mental illness and his self-isolation was virtually the seal to his self-contained insanity.
Biography & Lore
"Belmont, you fool!"
"You are a poor excuse for a mage!"
"You should have all died with the rest of them."
Those words all echo in his head like the annoying tappings of a broken water spout. Belmont Lacroze was born in Alliria to a Mother he never knew and a Father who had sold him to his master for only a mere bushel of wheat when he was four months old. His master, Kelin, taught the boy the ways of magic and sorcery when he was five years old at the Lumbert Academy of the Magical Arts. There, Belmont's life would be full of torment from his peers and disappointment from various teachers. But to Kelin, the boy was special though the opportunity had not presented itself to be seen as such by everyone else. Over the next few years, until his nineteenth year, Belmont had exceeded in his education as a Mage and soon was made an honoree of magical excellence. There, Kelin knew that Belmont's potential had sprouted and the now teenager had entered an age of his life where he felt meaning. That was until an invading army from the North had discovered Lumbert and had demanded that all mages are to be stripped of their powers by the high mages or die. Of course, the high wizards of Lumbert refused and soon a bloody conflict had ensued, with the northern army from the unknown lands killing virtually every mage over the course of a six month, long and bloody battle that had the students and mages dealing with famine, struggle, and weakness. On the last day of the conflict, also known as the night of one thousand suns to the world, the last attempt was made to try to push back the northern army by Kelin and his boy, Belmont. Together, along with several unnamed students, they had conjured large, fiery earth elementals to aid their attacks on the Northern Army. But alas, the Northern Army's numbers were too much and their firepower had bested even the most skillful of mages. That night had ended in a massacre of nearly everyone at Lumbert, including Belmont's long-time teacher, Kelin. Now the only ones that remained were Belmont and several students. In a rage, the students had blamed Belmont for what happened that night and had tried to kill the once prestigious and excelling boy. After successfully fleeing, Belmont swore to never cross any living being ever again and cursed himself to the Forbidden City, where he shall take in his last days and rid himself of the awful days and nights that ultimately caused the collapse of everything he loves so dearly.
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