Hello all!

Witches Brew

Tired Forest Witch
Hiya! I’m Witches Brew, but you can all just call me Witchy! I started forum based rp on Valucre, some of you might know me already. I’m all about fluffy romance, dark dramas, and I’ve written a couple villains in my time! Most of my friends just know me as the girl who always plays elves.

Anywho! Lovely to meet you all, and I look forward to writing with you guys soon! Much love!
Hiya! I’m Witches Brew, but you can all just call me Witchy! I started forum based rp on Valucre, some of you might know me already. I’m all about fluffy romance, dark dramas, and I’ve written a couple villains in my time! Most of my friends just know me as the girl who always plays elves.

Anywho! Lovely to meet you all, and I look forward to writing with you guys soon! Much love!
Also, do either of you want to rp? My char bio is in my profile.
Welcome to the site, Witchy! It's a pretty friendly place, and if ever you have a question feel free to ask!

Dig into whatever lore peeks your interest the most and take it in stride. There is a lot to look through!

Looking forward to seeing you around the board and potentially rping down the line!