The Last Chance Inn
One of the most famous Taverns and Inns in the entire world, the Last Chance has been a staple of Alliria, Vel Anir, Ragash, and-wait? Where is it again?
Well I suppose that doesn't really matter.
Renown for it's good quality ales, constant entertainment, and supply of fine Obanian wines everyone who has ever been there sings the praises of the Last Chance Inn. Build of stone and well curated wood, the Chance as it's called by locals is a famous tavern where ever it may be.
With a common room that is exceptionally welcoming and friendly, a hearth decorated by a stuffed dragons head and a bar that never seem to end, everyone can agree that the Chance is the place to be. Once welcoming patrons like Aroch Blackfang, Tulli the Two Handed Ogre, and Barnabee the Bard, the Last Chance has long been a gathering place of the famous and the fortunate.
Though certainly rich in atmosphere, the Chance's patronage is hardly made up of only the rich.
Everyone is welcome in the halls of this tavern, from the grandest Duke to the lowliest pauper. Everyone is served equally, prices are fair, and rooms commiserate to ones tastes can always be found. It is said that in the Chance one can rent everything from a gilded suite of gold to a shack that comes with it's own rats. With meals to match.
Even early in the mornings the Chance always seems to be well and truly alive. Minstrels or a player piano belch out a constant tune, and the Tavern's host always wears a welcoming smile.
It's difficult for most people to recall where the Last Chance came from, or who built it for that matter. Though no one seems to mind. The good times found within the commons more than make up for the hazy memories, and drink can tend to cloud the senses.
Whatever your sorrows, whatever your celebration, the Last Chance Inn is the place to be.
Skills and Abilities
Although it comes as a surprise to many, the Last Chance Inn is actually magical.
Though it takes time for people to notice, and most patrons never pin point anything at all, those who take extended stays in the Chance are more apt to notice things being off. Paintings will change, the kitchen never seems to struggle no matter how many people there are, and hallways that most assuredly lead to the bathroom now instead go to the inbuilt Sauna.
Oh, and the Tavern itself moves.
No one is entirely sure how, where, why, or when it happens, but every now and again the Chance will simply shift and be in another place.
It has never done so when occupied, though that is not to say that it couldn't. Whenever it does appear in a new place, most people seem to never question when it got there. It is generally just accepted that the Chance has always been there, and it's a great place to be.
Those that do notice the magic of the Chance generally tend to fall into the notion of scholars, story-tellers, and more curious folk. Overtime they notice that the building itself seems to have a personality. Changing and shifting things as much for it's amusement as for anything else.
These whims are a powerful driving factor, though most of the time it is a force for the positive.
Most commonly, the changes seem helpful. Such as a man who has not had a bath in some months suddenly finding a room with a tub, or a woman long denied her passions in the arts stumbling upon a painting room. Most often these things are explained away by the eccentric owner. A man who simply seeks the best for his clients.
Though it takes time for people to notice, and most patrons never pin point anything at all, those who take extended stays in the Chance are more apt to notice things being off. Paintings will change, the kitchen never seems to struggle no matter how many people there are, and hallways that most assuredly lead to the bathroom now instead go to the inbuilt Sauna.
Oh, and the Tavern itself moves.
No one is entirely sure how, where, why, or when it happens, but every now and again the Chance will simply shift and be in another place.
It has never done so when occupied, though that is not to say that it couldn't. Whenever it does appear in a new place, most people seem to never question when it got there. It is generally just accepted that the Chance has always been there, and it's a great place to be.
Those that do notice the magic of the Chance generally tend to fall into the notion of scholars, story-tellers, and more curious folk. Overtime they notice that the building itself seems to have a personality. Changing and shifting things as much for it's amusement as for anything else.
These whims are a powerful driving factor, though most of the time it is a force for the positive.
Most commonly, the changes seem helpful. Such as a man who has not had a bath in some months suddenly finding a room with a tub, or a woman long denied her passions in the arts stumbling upon a painting room. Most often these things are explained away by the eccentric owner. A man who simply seeks the best for his clients.
The Keeper

Mercurial and entirely too optimistic for most people, Ennio claims that he has run the Last Chance Inn for as long as anyone can remember. Though he looks like he's only in his mid twenties. Always happy and living to serve the clients who attend his tavern, Gladhand is more than happy to get you another ale, find you the perfect room, or press the local Minstrel to play your favorite song.
His only motivations in life seem to be assuring the quality of the stay of his guests.
Ennio seems to be both everywhere and nowhere within the Chance.
He appears precisely when he is needed and guests are never left wanting. The prime of the party, Ennio seems more than pleased with his lot in life. He spends most nights true to his name, moving around the common room and ensuring his guests have everything that they need.
When asked about the strange happenings within The Chance, Ennio only smiles and deflected. Often saying that an ale or two too many can make the mind a bit foggy.
Even when things get out of hand at the Chance, Ennio is there to quickly resolve it. Almost never falling to violence, Gladhand is far more likely to offer free drinks or a cold shower to cool off in. He is the very picture of the perfect host, always there and always willing to talk. Telling legends and collecting them.
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