Isak Lavelle
"As justice says, men like us will pay someday. But we all know how that works."

Isak is a mixture of two worlds, human and elf coming together. Though most of his features were taken after his human father, the blood of his elven mother runs through his veins.
He was separated from his mother at a very young age, training under a powerful mage with hands in many different dealings in Alliria, especially those of blood. But even after many years, he eventually gained his freedom, along with the knowledge and power that had been given to him.
Without other alternatives, Isak decided to try his own luck at those businesses, but not as a bad man, just someone with good intentions and debatable means. He took up the name 'Lavelle' to pass as a man of reputation, starting low but with ambition to grow and make his name amongst the most dangerous and powerful men in the region.
To some, a young businessman trying to make a name for himself, to others... A rising star in that dark underworld of blood and coin, seeking his own fortunes.
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After many years of strict training, being raised to overtake his opponents both physically and mentally, Isak grew rather distant from common social relationships, believing that people are generally too difficult to deal with and preferring to stay alone with his own thoughts.
When looking at him, one may think that he's stoic, cold and ruthless in a few of his approaches, but he still carries a good and somewhat pure heart, even though some of his views about the world can be cruel and too simplistic.
He developed a trust issue with other people, especially strangers, due to past situations and vowed to only trust money above anything else. Yet, he's not a monster without feelings and would go to unreal lengths to help those kind enough to recognize him as a normal person, not just as another tool in the works of the world.
As a businessman though, is where Isak feels himself free and true to his desires. He is incredibly astute and smart for his age, some would even say that's wise well beyond his years, capable of dealing with any kind of problem. He's also very organized and hates surprises, always scheming and keeping himself a few steps ahead of those he has business with.
And even though most people would consider Isak a person without any sort of pleasure, his greatest loves are money and fashion. He always goes to where he can earn the most coin to fuel his love for expensive clothing, as he likes to keep appearances up and stay fresh on the eye, always wearing his fancy suits made in many different fabrics.
When looking at him, one may think that he's stoic, cold and ruthless in a few of his approaches, but he still carries a good and somewhat pure heart, even though some of his views about the world can be cruel and too simplistic.
He developed a trust issue with other people, especially strangers, due to past situations and vowed to only trust money above anything else. Yet, he's not a monster without feelings and would go to unreal lengths to help those kind enough to recognize him as a normal person, not just as another tool in the works of the world.
As a businessman though, is where Isak feels himself free and true to his desires. He is incredibly astute and smart for his age, some would even say that's wise well beyond his years, capable of dealing with any kind of problem. He's also very organized and hates surprises, always scheming and keeping himself a few steps ahead of those he has business with.
And even though most people would consider Isak a person without any sort of pleasure, his greatest loves are money and fashion. He always goes to where he can earn the most coin to fuel his love for expensive clothing, as he likes to keep appearances up and stay fresh on the eye, always wearing his fancy suits made in many different fabrics.
Skills and Abilities
Isak endured many years of gruesome physical and mental training, held to sometimes impossibly high standards by his mentor and his other tutors.
After reaching the limits of Isak's innate magical powers, his mentor resorted to more devilish means to amplify his abilities. He put Isak through a forbidden ritual, bonding his blood to that of a enslaved demon, granting him access to more powerful dark magics, but not without cost. As any warlock's pact, Isak was now bound to that demon, and even though the link was damaged later on, those demonic powers still coursed through his veins and sometimes scratched the deepest parts of his mind, but with proper training, the young man slowly began to control his power.
The blood ritual greatly enhanced and even transformed his magic, molding his pyromancy into darker and stronger flames, or allowing him to call upon ethereal forms of his demon to shield or attack his enemies in more punishing ways. Stronger magics are more tricky and dangerous, requiring him to sometimes use his own blood to fuel them, at cost of his health.
A decent hand to hand fighter, Isak always carries with him a small cane, which he uses more as a weapon than anything, helping him channel his magic into a small object, and thus controlling it better.
But even though he's a talented warlock, Isak's true skill lies in his brain, being a creative tactician and negotiator. Calm and collected, Isak is capable of surveying his surroundings and analyzing any situation with ease in a very short time, creating several plans to stay in control of any dealings.
After reaching the limits of Isak's innate magical powers, his mentor resorted to more devilish means to amplify his abilities. He put Isak through a forbidden ritual, bonding his blood to that of a enslaved demon, granting him access to more powerful dark magics, but not without cost. As any warlock's pact, Isak was now bound to that demon, and even though the link was damaged later on, those demonic powers still coursed through his veins and sometimes scratched the deepest parts of his mind, but with proper training, the young man slowly began to control his power.
The blood ritual greatly enhanced and even transformed his magic, molding his pyromancy into darker and stronger flames, or allowing him to call upon ethereal forms of his demon to shield or attack his enemies in more punishing ways. Stronger magics are more tricky and dangerous, requiring him to sometimes use his own blood to fuel them, at cost of his health.
A decent hand to hand fighter, Isak always carries with him a small cane, which he uses more as a weapon than anything, helping him channel his magic into a small object, and thus controlling it better.
But even though he's a talented warlock, Isak's true skill lies in his brain, being a creative tactician and negotiator. Calm and collected, Isak is capable of surveying his surroundings and analyzing any situation with ease in a very short time, creating several plans to stay in control of any dealings.
Biography & Lore

As fate would have it, it was another human who appeared out of nothing to apparently save them. A generous offer of coin and comfort was made to the elf woman who barely had enough bread for the both of them, to let that strange man take away her child for tutelage with the promise of having a warm bed for her while they were away, to return a strong and rich man one day.
The man had sensed Isak's potential from a very young age, the sparks of pure magic running through his small body, inherited from his elven blood.
Any thoughts of a joyful childhood were replaced with strict lessons in many different courses. Isak learned how to fight, how businesses, both legal and illegal, were conducted and how money is made in the big cities of the world. He learned how to properly speak with people, of any race and importance, to achieve things with diplomacy as well as intimidation and also, how to take lives.
His mentor showed him many aspects of life in all those years, and as a mage himself, he also taught Isak about magic and its many uses and helped him develop his natural talents. But not without a certain degree of cruelty as well.
The man hired many tutors, runaway mages from the College and other hidden dabblers in the arts of destruction, and after the results were deemed not good enough, he resorted to other forbidden means. He sought to amplify Isak's powers with rituals and experiments, to turn him into a weapon, all in the name of a greater good as he would say.
But Isak had always been a bright kid, and he had learned the value of contacts in the world of coin and bargain, like his mentor had taught him and he had also learned about the scent of lies. He sought help from one of his mentor's peers, a man known to have ambition towards his adoptive father's businesses.
Isak discovered that all that training had only one purpose the entire time - to prepare him for a emprisoned life, serving as a battery of power to be used and discarded afterwards. Enraged but also trembling with fear, he decided to run off to his mother, to escape from that life. He had searched for her before but with no success, as his mentor always got in the way. Every time Isak would ask about her, he'd only be replied with empty words about how she was being taken care, living in a good house not far from them.
But once he got there, the lies were revealed. His mother was gone, died of sadness and grief for having her son taken from her, as said by a few of her neighbors.
Alone and hungry for revenge, Isak asked for help from the man he had approached early. Together, they were more than a match for his mentor, who was defeated by Isak's hellish magic and killed by his bloodied hands. A debt of lies well settled, as Isak said to him before running a dagger through his heart.

Isak and his new associate, a shrewd but trustworthy dwarf named Ogden, started plans for renovating the place, transforming it into a club of rising popularity amongst the patrons of Alliria's Outer City, filled with gambling and drinks. They renamed it as The Raven Club, and from there Isak would start his own network, to jump deep into the city's criminal underworld.
To some, a young businessman trying to make a name for himself, to others... A rising lord in that dark underworld of blood and coin, seeking his own fortunes.
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