Character Theme
Xenogears - Omen [Remastered]
Xenogears - Omen [Remastered]

Zyndyrr K'yoshin
Zyndyrr K’yoshin is a drow born in the underworld to a noble family, the House of K’yoshin. However, his lineage has yet proven to be distinct among other castes. Incepted within the realm of Zar’Ahal, they branched out, venturing forth to establish a slave colony in the underground.
Therefore, though a sworn sword of his queen, at least in name, Zyn has sworn his sword to his master before her: his father and his mother. While not rebels of the crown or defiant of the realms underground, House K’yoshin seeks to keep its own colony.
In this, Zyn’s objective is to keep the peace between his family’s estate and the greater drow state. Further, the son of K’yoshin endeavors to serve both his masters by venturing outside. Danger takes a backseat. It means nothing to a guy with a need to feed on that which seeks to be his enemy, which just may be everything.
Zyn looks as drow as they come, however he stands an inch or two taller than most of his contemporaries. This may be attributed to his family's upbringing in a distance from the main city and its territory, or it's just because of an anomaly in genetics as tends to happen.
He sports an athletic build, considered thin by elven definition, but his muscle is built with sinew. His cheeks are hollow, his lips rigid, with natural eyeshadow, and arched brows. He has red irises, a hint of grey in his pupils, like a blade.
He sports an athletic build, considered thin by elven definition, but his muscle is built with sinew. His cheeks are hollow, his lips rigid, with natural eyeshadow, and arched brows. He has red irises, a hint of grey in his pupils, like a blade.
Skills and Abilities
Combat: Skilled swordsman, favoring two scimitars, and sports plate armor
Cunning: Deceit and trickery are not beneath him
Confidence: Knows what he wants, aims to get it, if with bouts of arrogance
Charm: Has no qualms chatting, especially if it leads to fulfilling his needs
Cunning: Deceit and trickery are not beneath him
Confidence: Knows what he wants, aims to get it, if with bouts of arrogance
Charm: Has no qualms chatting, especially if it leads to fulfilling his needs
Zyn would come off as just your average drow in appearance, albeit with a marginally taller height. However, he is very much his own man and he knows it, though he may not necessarily go out of his way to show it. He was born different, even within his own species' queendom.
His family, the House of K'yoshin, are not on the verge of being defiant, but they have been perceived as, perhaps, too self-sufficient with their slavery. Slaves fuel their economy. Such a culture was one that Zyn was born in and he was doctored from exposure.
Rather than having him question content or context, however, the treatment of others, of lessers, tools, only fueled Zyn's perception. He was already born with a deeply seeded need for more, with or without his sword.
He can fight and die in war, or he can live in bliss with the peace of bringing others to their knees. It all remains to be seen.
His family, the House of K'yoshin, are not on the verge of being defiant, but they have been perceived as, perhaps, too self-sufficient with their slavery. Slaves fuel their economy. Such a culture was one that Zyn was born in and he was doctored from exposure.
Rather than having him question content or context, however, the treatment of others, of lessers, tools, only fueled Zyn's perception. He was already born with a deeply seeded need for more, with or without his sword.
He can fight and die in war, or he can live in bliss with the peace of bringing others to their knees. It all remains to be seen.
Biography & Lore
Zyn was born in Qel'karia, a settlement of the under-realm outside of Zar'Ahal. His family, the House of K'yoshin, had long since forged forward in search of elements to support the queendom, all the way to the goddess. That meant digging deeper for some. For them, however, it meant going away.
House K'yoshin set up a colony a ways off from the proper realm of the drow in order to capture the lessers on the surface and turn them into slaves. The thralls would toil for the iron crown, they would mine, and they would find that life meant turmoil, but the drow did not mind.
Zyn grew up in this environment. Was it this condition that molded his mind, or was his mind already melded into the frame it is today? From boy to man, who can say, except for the spider, the bat, the liar and that slash of blade that paves the way.
Slaves. They were a necessary aspect of the economy. Yet, to slay, that was a means to another end. Zyn was determined to forge forth, to be the link between his family and his queen so that both survive and grow in might.
However, his days in the world, above and below, have shown him that more is needed. He has seen a door, a vision, a floor, in the distance, and he will open it like a storm of swords in the ocean.
Whatever shall be broken? Not his problem. Kings, queens, they are dust in the wind. He will bring a new sea. Come see.
House K'yoshin set up a colony a ways off from the proper realm of the drow in order to capture the lessers on the surface and turn them into slaves. The thralls would toil for the iron crown, they would mine, and they would find that life meant turmoil, but the drow did not mind.
Zyn grew up in this environment. Was it this condition that molded his mind, or was his mind already melded into the frame it is today? From boy to man, who can say, except for the spider, the bat, the liar and that slash of blade that paves the way.
Slaves. They were a necessary aspect of the economy. Yet, to slay, that was a means to another end. Zyn was determined to forge forth, to be the link between his family and his queen so that both survive and grow in might.
However, his days in the world, above and below, have shown him that more is needed. He has seen a door, a vision, a floor, in the distance, and he will open it like a storm of swords in the ocean.
Whatever shall be broken? Not his problem. Kings, queens, they are dust in the wind. He will bring a new sea. Come see.
- There Will Be Violence [ABANDONED]
- From the Tangled Vines That Grow [ABANDONED]
- A Dark And Damp Job [ABANDONED]
- Thirst Beyond Measure [ABANDONED]
- Seven For A Secret [ABANDONED]
- The First Hearth [ACTIVE]