Zuulkan Tir'Xhal
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Zuulkan's appearance is somewhat unusual for a male dark elf of Zar'Ahal in that he is taller than the average for his gender, though he otherwise holds true to the stereotype with his dark gray skin tone, white hair, and crimson eyes. More unusual for a male of sorcererous talent however is the toned and muscular physique that he flaunts, as equally honed as his sharp mind.
Skills and Abilities
Zuulkan is a powerful sorcerer skilled in many magics. He is however most talented in darker and fouler forms of magic that most sane mages would think twice, then thrice, about the costs to ones morality before venturing down the same dark roads to power that Zuulkan walks. Zuulkan is also a competent martial artist, for no Dark Elf in Zar'Ahal is free from physical danger, no matter how powerful their spellcraft.
Zuulkan is cunning, ambitious, and most importantly, cautious. A man in a woman's underworld, Zuulkan knows well the dangers of his ambitious nature. Chafing under the domineering attitudes of his female superiors, Zuulkan nevertheless accepts their orders without visible complaint, biding his time for the right opportunities to expand his power.
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