

Biographical information
Allir Reach 27 Althhaven
Physical description
Lycanthrope Male 1.92m MUSCLE Brown Red White
Political information
Out-of-character information
Kasim Areth Valentia Remenar

Zivek was born in the furthest edge of the Allir Reach. Far away from the grand city of Alliria, and removed from any real future outside of farming or owning a Tavern. The boy who would become Zivek had always held far more grand dreams than what his simple village life could offer.

Though his parents were good to him, and he held no complaints against them, on his eighteenth nameday Zivek made the decision to leave his home.

Where he would venture to or what he would do the boy had not decided. Countless stories had been told to him over the years of different cities, oceans, and far away places. For two years the boy traveled as much as he could, moving with wagon trains, helping local farmers, and even resorting to stealing every now and again. Through these months traveling the Reach Zivek heard story after story about one place; Althhaven.

The words were always spoken in a hushed whisper, a quiet word.

No one would speak of it openly, but when men were deep in the drink or housewives were enraptured in their gossips the place came up again and again.

It took him months to get a full picture of what this place was. People reluctance to speak of it made it difficult to understand, and each time he pressed the rumors seemed to swirl and switch. Eventually the picture became clear. Althhaven was an opportunity. A place to better oneself. To become more than you were ever intended to be. So it was that after two years Zivek finally found his destination.

His journey to the school was as harrowing as it was for many others, though Zivek has never openly spoken about it to anyone. By the time he reached Althhaven however he was already at deaths door, his broken body limping into the gates of what he would now describe his hell.

Zivek looks upon his time in Althhaven as a journey through the underworld. There was never a time that he enjoyed himself. Never a time that he appreciated. Every moment within the ancient school was a living hell, and yet, he never left.

His ambition, his striving for power would be his undoing.

For five years he toiled away within his hell. He learned. He studied. He did his best to understand a world that was not his to know. Always he fell short. Always the other students outpaced him, and always they made sure everyone knew it.

After five years of hell, Zivek's fate was sealed. He knew what was to come when he was called to the central hall of Althhaven, when Professor Eiress laid a hand on his shoulder. There were no words that needed to be spoken. Nothing that needed to be said.

Zivek embraced his end, or what he thought would be his end.

What he thought was death, instead turned to a life of servitude.

Skills and Abilities

Like every other failed student of Althhaven, Zivek was cursed and twisted into a nightmarish creature.

Though there are many variants of these spells, with students being turned into everything from giant eagles to blight bears. Zivek himself was cursed with a variant of Lycanthropy. The spell that took sprouted within his soul was created specifically by Professor Eiress, twisted and changed slightly to make Zivek more useful than most of the failed student.

This tinkering with the disease of Lycanthropy has lead Zivek to able to retain a human form on all but nights of the full moon. Though this form can be changed at will, even during nights without a moon at all.

Like with any other werewolf, this transformation is incredibly painful, though fast. Zivek's changed form of lycanthropy also allows him to change only parts of himself, though doing so is difficult and will eventually turn him more and more violent as time goes on.

Unlike most Lycanthropes Zivek maintains his own consciousness while transformed. Though helps him be more than a monster, it has unfortunately lead to the side-effect of his own personality changing while not transformed. He is far more violent than he was in his other life, quick to anger, and in general more bestial.

The changes wrought by Professor Eiress' spell has made Zivek different than many other werewolves, a fact which most of the time leads to an immediate dislike of him by his own kind.

Most other werewolves see Zivek as a twisted abomination, broken and unnatural. Those other wolves who meet him are almost always able to either tell what he is, or feel an unease surrounding him.


Though not as well Known as Elbion or the College of Magic in Alliria, Althhaven is a unique school for magic nestled within the deepest reaches of the Spine.

Anyone and everyone is welcome to study at Althhaven. One must not necessarily be magically gifted or even inclined. There is no fee to enter nor live there, though there is a heavy price. Failure at Althhaven is now allowed, and the arts one learns there are only allowed to leave once the schools standards are met.

Students are given three spans of three years. At the end of every one of these 'terms' the student must display their mastery of one, if not more, of their chosen skill.

Each of these tests grows in difficulty, with the third and final being the hardest of all. The payment for failure is the students own soul. From the first test to the last, those who do not pass will find their essence torn from their body and turned to the schools own use.

Most of these failed souls are turned to monsters which are sent to roam the land around Althhaven in defense of the school itself.

This defense is necessary because of what Althhaven teaches. Unlike at some other schools of magic, there are no rules for what can be learned at Althhaven. Necromancy, Blood Magic, soul-marking are all practiced which are not only taught, but invariably explored and studied.

These teachings can be understandably upsetting for surrounding Kingdoms, Templars, and Monster hunters. It is for this reason that failed students become the very defense of the school itself, and to even reach Althhaven itself one is tested on their ability to survive.

One would think that with these conditions Althhaven would have failed long ago, yet the draw of power and knowledge is often difficult to overcome.


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