Zar'to Honi

Zari'to Honi is no stranger to the finery available to a person of his station. Serving more often then not then a direct assistant to one of the richest nobles in Alliria, Honi, pending the situation, has donned fine gowns and tunics of vibrant colors and schemes. However he is most comfortable in his black suikan. A robe of fine silken material more or less, it serves a double purpose, providing comfort and a professional appearance when beside his master, but also masking the protective magical threading woven into the gown which provides both protection and serves as a sound proof buffer. Often paired with high boots and gauntlets, Honi poses a striking image. The colors themselves pair well with each other, black, gray, and red and what at first may appear to be the eccentric outfit of an assistant fast becomes the garb of an assassin when needed.
A professed hat man, Honi is hardly ever seen with out a hat or head wrap of some sort that allows his neko ears to poke through but also can give him a chance to cover up in less demi-human friendly areas.
In friendly lands, Honi let's his features out. Cat like ears crown the side of his head, large and able to pick up the faintest of noise. Like many of his people, his teeth are sharp, his canines long enough to perhaps rival that of vampires. Under his eyes are dark hook like markings, no different then larger wild cats. In honor of the war paint his people were known to wear into battle, Honi has two red stripes tattooed on either side of his face, something that may appear exotic, alluring, or frightening, pending the situation he is in. His tail itself is large and bushy in appearance, it's dark fur matching his hair. It is flexible enough to wrap around his waist if need be, giving the appearance of a belt made of fur if he wished to hide it. Lastly, his eyes are large and golden and allowing him to see near perfectly in low light conditions.

Honi is seldom seen with out a smile, smirk, or sneer, depending on who is opposite of him. He seems to take life lightly, serving at the will of his master, and simply floating by day by day. Few have seen him truly serious alluding to the rumor that he sees the world as a comedy. Though in a traditional sense a comedy is usually described as a tragedy of some sort. One thing that can be said, he is one to give into the spoils of life, be it drink, gambling, or the pleasures of flesh.However in terms of business, he can be a shrewd fellow, looking to the market, checking such things as supply and demand, before making decisions. This gives the sense that Honi is possible of deep foresight, when motivated. This motivation has not shined any brighter then the martial studios he undertook however. Serving as one of many trusted assistants to the Merchant Lord, he has been schooled in business practices but more importantly he is also a body guard and assassin when need be and thus has been trained in several forms of armed and unarmed combat. He is not cocky about his skills but knows full well his place and when he can take on a opponent head on or must use other means to win. Honor holds no value to him, as death trumps living a honorable or dishonorable life in his eyes.
Biography & Lore
Born to the Tsuki Neko clan which has a collection of small villages through out the Falwood, Honi's first act as a man of business was to negotiate his worth to the Merchant Lord Stein Saban who plotted a safari into the wild lands in hopes of returning with a prize, a Neko kit. Finding the village plagued with sickness, Lord Saban offered his aid if the village was willing to trade for one of their youths. Honi, a young Neko with dreams of leaving the Falwood, stepped up and offered himself, but at a much higher price. In exchange for medicine and on going flow of supplies, Honi swore his undying loyalty. It didn't seem like much but Lord Saban was taken in by the gull of the youth, and so agreed. However he informed Honi that at any part he felt his investment in him was not worth what he claimed it to be, he would cut off aid to the village.Honi agreed and thus began his life as a servant and eventually assistant to the eccentric merchant lord. Trained in various forms of combat and trained in the use of elemental spells, his training also included studies pertaining to yearly crop yields and the political nature of the different surrounding countries among other fields to help the role he would one day fill. Gold, crops, silks are yield coin, however through Lord Saban, Honi learned that their was one product that trumped all. Secrets. The key to Lord Saban's vast wealth rest int he procuring and trading of secrets. Some could end empires, others could start wars. People paid to learn secrets or make others forget, by any means necessary. And in his large collection of assistants that had been trained for this purpose, Honi was one of the best the Merchant Lord Saban had to offer.
Skills and Abilities

Honi has trained in several forms of combat and has a mastery of bladed weapons as well as unarmed forms of combat. Because of the nature of his work, Honi has also been trained in the art of burglary, espionage, and acrobatics, all skills he puts to good use.
Because of natural nimbleness and the training he has undergone, Honi has combined his fighting knowledge with acrobatics to create a fighting style unique to him. Fluid movements merge with attacks from awkward angles creating an unorthodox formless style which changes pending his opponents. Of course these are the opponents who get to engage him in combat, as he would sooner slit a throat in surprise.
On the magical spectrum, Honi chose to pursue studies in Thread Magic. An odd choice perhaps, as magical thread is often used for the manufacturing of magical garments, Honi, ever clever, has twisted this form of magic to his benefit. Outside of the thread woven into his gown to strength it, he also can manipulate spools of thread to create two life like thread puppets. He in turn uses the puppets to great affect as a means to overwhelm opponents or trick them by providing a distraction. The thread clones though strong thanks to being infused with mana, have weak defense and often disappear once they take damage.
Honi uses the thread as a form of travel as well, as tucked into his sleeves and hips are spools of thread with small metal hooks that serve as anchors, latching on to the surface of the object it comes into contact with before wheeling him in. This allows him to traverse the land in a rather fast albeit unique way. Because of the amount of mana and concentration needed to use what he calls his "Anchor Shot" he is unable to use his magical thread to create clones.
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