Honiahaka was born to a Nazrani mother and Nord father. His physical appearance is a near perfect blend of both, his skin reddish brown, build tall and muscular, with the pronounced canines of his Nazrani background. His long dark brown hair is usually pulled back and tied, save for a braid his wears on the left side of his head. Upon his face his bears the tattoos of his mothers Nazrani clan, three red tribal markings that stretch down from each eye and his bottom lip in bright red ink. Coupled with his bright blue eyes, he paints a striking image upon first glance. Much like his father, he had proving adept in fending off the cold, a natural trait Nord's seem to carry.
Being of the Spine, his clothing is similar to the Orcish tribes that shared the land as opposed to his mother's and father's native culture. Composed of what they hunted, his clothing was made of deer skins and the like, until he was old enough to complete his first hunt. Hopiong to take down a Elk, Honi ended up taking on a wolf and coming out alive from the encounter. Skinning the beast, he adopted his Wolf Dress look which would become well known around the Crobbear Lake region.
Upon his travels, Honi has recently adopted a more subdued look, choosing to wear a white and blue overcoat as his "orcish" clothing had been described as brutish and savage.
Being of the Spine, his clothing is similar to the Orcish tribes that shared the land as opposed to his mother's and father's native culture. Composed of what they hunted, his clothing was made of deer skins and the like, until he was old enough to complete his first hunt. Hopiong to take down a Elk, Honi ended up taking on a wolf and coming out alive from the encounter. Skinning the beast, he adopted his Wolf Dress look which would become well known around the Crobbear Lake region.
Upon his travels, Honi has recently adopted a more subdued look, choosing to wear a white and blue overcoat as his "orcish" clothing had been described as brutish and savage.

Skills, Abilities, and Items
Honi is a skilled hunter and thus has been taught by his parents to track and read the land in order to survive. As a child, he was taught to use and construct bows and years of training has rewarded him with an uncanny ability to use it to full effect.
He is also quite capable of wielding bladed weapons and he has a profound love for using a tomahawk and knife when called for. He also has a talent for throwing knives, throwing and hitting with near perfection.
His parents were clever in their teachings, disguising the lessons as games or competitions in order to install a need to win. As such, Honi can live comfortable in the wilds, having been taught to survive off what the land provides. For his size, he is surprising nimble and sure of foot, able to scale trees and rock as if he himself were a squirrel.
If he has a capacity for magic, such skills lay dormant as his parents never touched upon this subject. They did however provide him with great knowledge of the lands that boarded their home. Because of this, Honi speaks several languages, be it the native tongue of his parents, the common speech of the realm, and even Orcish.
Honi does have a way with animals that boarders near communication. He has often stated he just reads the signs they present, but on more then one occasions he has stared down wolves and bears and has been known to calm down even the most skittish of horses.
He chooses to travel light for the most part, forgoing most items as to not burden himself or his horse. A simple bedroll is fasten to his very simple bedroll and two saddle bags for provisions and his beloved wolf headdress. He carries a recurve bow, made of hickory and wrapped with leather to help strength the limbs. The bow itself is adorned with etchings and markings related to the heritage of both his mother and father. Honi also caries no less then three tomahawks, one used for up close fighting and two smaller ones for throwing. He also carries a hunting knife for the skinning of felled prey and fighting as well, along with several throwing knives.
Honi travels with a chestnut Allirian Mustang named Sure Foot and a White Hooded Spine Eagle, Silent, that he raised from a chick. The pair are incredibly loyal to him and though they may not be seen, the are usually only a call away from the lone traveler.
He is also quite capable of wielding bladed weapons and he has a profound love for using a tomahawk and knife when called for. He also has a talent for throwing knives, throwing and hitting with near perfection.
His parents were clever in their teachings, disguising the lessons as games or competitions in order to install a need to win. As such, Honi can live comfortable in the wilds, having been taught to survive off what the land provides. For his size, he is surprising nimble and sure of foot, able to scale trees and rock as if he himself were a squirrel.
If he has a capacity for magic, such skills lay dormant as his parents never touched upon this subject. They did however provide him with great knowledge of the lands that boarded their home. Because of this, Honi speaks several languages, be it the native tongue of his parents, the common speech of the realm, and even Orcish.
Honi does have a way with animals that boarders near communication. He has often stated he just reads the signs they present, but on more then one occasions he has stared down wolves and bears and has been known to calm down even the most skittish of horses.
He chooses to travel light for the most part, forgoing most items as to not burden himself or his horse. A simple bedroll is fasten to his very simple bedroll and two saddle bags for provisions and his beloved wolf headdress. He carries a recurve bow, made of hickory and wrapped with leather to help strength the limbs. The bow itself is adorned with etchings and markings related to the heritage of both his mother and father. Honi also caries no less then three tomahawks, one used for up close fighting and two smaller ones for throwing. He also carries a hunting knife for the skinning of felled prey and fighting as well, along with several throwing knives.
Honi travels with a chestnut Allirian Mustang named Sure Foot and a White Hooded Spine Eagle, Silent, that he raised from a chick. The pair are incredibly loyal to him and though they may not be seen, the are usually only a call away from the lone traveler.
The man of the Spine has no room to doubt. When presented with a choice, he either does or does not. He is sure of his own abilities and knows when there is something he can accomplished and when it is out of his skill set. He can be quiet at times, choosing to speak with actions then words. He can be humorous, though it takes a lot for him to appear comfortable around people.
He has not traveled much in his life, staying mostly around the closed in region of Crobbear Lake. Because of this, he tends to be expressive with a intense wide eye look, as he is taking in everything for the first time.
He has not traveled much in his life, staying mostly around the closed in region of Crobbear Lake. Because of this, he tends to be expressive with a intense wide eye look, as he is taking in everything for the first time.
Biography & Lore
Born to Hevgar, a Nord Warrior who had been banished from his homelands, and Nafiti, a Nazrani assassin who had been betrayed and given to the slavers of Cerak At'Thul, Honi is very much the product of both his parents rich history. Joined in slavery together, his parents managed a daring escape. Filled with thoughts of revenge, they initial plan was to go against those who wronged them. Their plans changed however when what started as two lonely wronged souls seeking companionship turned to love. With a child on the way, the pair thought best to bring their child up outside of their homelands. And so, the pair eventually ended up in the Spine.
Born among forest and snow beside a lake, Honi had a rather pleasant life. Their orcish neighbors were pleasant enough and there was never any real threat visited upon the lake itself. Honi did have questions about his parents they never would answer however, one being why they never traveled. He became interested in learning about their past, but any questioned was rebuked. When both his parents passed due to old age, the young man of the Spines found he had nothing left binding him to the place of his birth. Gathering what he believed most important, he packed his belongings and took off to see the world with open eyes.
Born among forest and snow beside a lake, Honi had a rather pleasant life. Their orcish neighbors were pleasant enough and there was never any real threat visited upon the lake itself. Honi did have questions about his parents they never would answer however, one being why they never traveled. He became interested in learning about their past, but any questioned was rebuked. When both his parents passed due to old age, the young man of the Spines found he had nothing left binding him to the place of his birth. Gathering what he believed most important, he packed his belongings and took off to see the world with open eyes.