Yvette Leroux
While short hair would be most practical in her situation, Yvette is determined to keep it long, hoping that one day she will be able to work in her field again. The skin on her hands is calloused from her work although she keeps them gloved as often as possible. Her living situation has forced her to wear more muted tones. She has a long fresh scar across her throat that she keeps hidden with a high collar or choker necklace.
Skills and Abilities
Yvette is very out of place in Cerak At'Thul and she knows it. She is very organized and even her dingy rented room is a great deal cheerier due to her intervention. She loves to draw and paint although she is very limited in supplies and has resorted to sketching on the walls of her room with chalk and charcoal. She is a very intelligent person and can pick up on things rather quickly, at least in pursuits of the mind. While she is unaccustomed to the sheer amount of debauchery at Cerak At'Thul she knows how to keep herself somewhat protected through first her wit and second a basic knowledge of swordplay. She knows several languages and can read and write in three. Her weaknesses come in the form of her physicality, she is not a very strong person and is easily overpowered. She has a lack of street smarts and is not very good at bargaining.
She has a sharp tongue that until now she has had to keep hidden behind a demure facade. She has a strong sense of duty to do good which often gets her into trouble especially in a place like Cerak At'Thul. While she tries not to be, she is a desperately lonely person that clings to any perceived connection from others. She is a romantic and often thinks up imaginary scenarios in order to remove herself from unpleasant situations. She is never quite satisfied with herself and
Biography & Lore
Yvette was born an orphan, her mother dying in childbirth. She was raised by monks until she was 7 years old and was sent away to Alliria to be trained as a personal maid and/or housekeeper. When she finished her training at 17 she was sent to be the personal maid of a lords daughter named Christine after her childhood nanny had died. The girls were similar in age and got along straight away.
While in the employ of the family, Yvette formed a strong bond with Christine and the two of them became inseparable. Neither of the girls thought much of the friendship but Yvette always knew it wasn't proper to have more than a professional relationship with the other girl. This all culminated when Christine kissed Yvette and sent the two into a passionate young romance. The two were able to keep it a secret for several years but eventually the secret got out and Yvette was immediately dismissed and arrested on charges of obscenity and sexual coercion due to the extremely traditional views and high standing of the family.
Ultimately she was able to evade the charges but the family was not done. Christine in an attempt to escape with her lover met up with Yvette in the city, only to be followed by her brother who then attempted to kill Yvette. In trying to save her life she killed Christine's brother and now, facing the very real possibility of a death sentence for killing a nobleman she was forced to flee.
She has been living in Cerak At'Thul for a few months now and has made a modest name for herself as a scribe and translator. She has become, much to her displeasure, a very popular person to come to to read/translate romantic correspondence. She is well aware that there is a bounty on her head and has been receiving lessons in self defense from one of her clients in lieu of coin.
While in the employ of the family, Yvette formed a strong bond with Christine and the two of them became inseparable. Neither of the girls thought much of the friendship but Yvette always knew it wasn't proper to have more than a professional relationship with the other girl. This all culminated when Christine kissed Yvette and sent the two into a passionate young romance. The two were able to keep it a secret for several years but eventually the secret got out and Yvette was immediately dismissed and arrested on charges of obscenity and sexual coercion due to the extremely traditional views and high standing of the family.
Ultimately she was able to evade the charges but the family was not done. Christine in an attempt to escape with her lover met up with Yvette in the city, only to be followed by her brother who then attempted to kill Yvette. In trying to save her life she killed Christine's brother and now, facing the very real possibility of a death sentence for killing a nobleman she was forced to flee.
She has been living in Cerak At'Thul for a few months now and has made a modest name for herself as a scribe and translator. She has become, much to her displeasure, a very popular person to come to to read/translate romantic correspondence. She is well aware that there is a bounty on her head and has been receiving lessons in self defense from one of her clients in lieu of coin.
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