Beyond her eyes- a faded gold, Yeva strikes the onlooker as a simple, dark haired woman. Young, tanned and lean- it is clear from her callused hands and sun-blush that she comes from a simple life. She wears unadorned clothing- a tunic, hood and breeches fitted into worn boots. The only things that would cause a second look is her lute and the book she keeps strapped to her side.
Skills and Abilities
Powerful Empath
Yeva is a born empath. She has the almost uncanny ability to weave and draw on people's emotions with no training. However, because she lacks any formal education, she cannot control the effects. Such prolonged, unguided usage of her powers have damaged her and those around her.
Yeva is a gifted musician- though she's had no formal training in this either. Instead, she collects folk songs from the villages and inns she's been to and travels with them tucked safely inside a little book she considers sacred. Although it's good entertainment, Yeva also taps into people's emotions with her songs- capable of invoking powerful emotions through her music.
Yeva is a born empath. She has the almost uncanny ability to weave and draw on people's emotions with no training. However, because she lacks any formal education, she cannot control the effects. Such prolonged, unguided usage of her powers have damaged her and those around her.
Yeva is a gifted musician- though she's had no formal training in this either. Instead, she collects folk songs from the villages and inns she's been to and travels with them tucked safely inside a little book she considers sacred. Although it's good entertainment, Yeva also taps into people's emotions with her songs- capable of invoking powerful emotions through her music.
Yeva is a recovering addict- one that gets her fix in the form of emotion. As a natural -yet untrained- empath, Yeva constantly tries to resist the urge to push and pull the emotions of those around her. Every moment of her life is a struggle, every touch and interaction a test of will. Because she spent her formative years leeching joy from her loved ones, she now struggles to find the happiness in life- though she is trying her best to never again use her magic to do harm. Though sometimes...she loses those fights.
The continual usage of her magic has rendered Yeva emotionally unstable- used to being 'balanced' at the cost of others around her, the lack of emotional sustenance now often swing her from being happy one second to anxious and paranoid in the next. However, despite these things, Yeva is still a sweet girl- one that believes in the goodness of people and strives to learn more about her powers and perhaps maybe one day, return to her village and undo the damage she's caused.
The continual usage of her magic has rendered Yeva emotionally unstable- used to being 'balanced' at the cost of others around her, the lack of emotional sustenance now often swing her from being happy one second to anxious and paranoid in the next. However, despite these things, Yeva is still a sweet girl- one that believes in the goodness of people and strives to learn more about her powers and perhaps maybe one day, return to her village and undo the damage she's caused.
Biography & Lore
Born in a distant village to a hardworking farming family, Yeva spent her childhood as most children there do- playing, harvesting, helping with chores and occasionally sampling the rare candies that a wayward traveler might trade for a single night's stay at her house. She was always gleeful and full of joy, unnaturally so- even at the worst of times when the rains flooded their fields or when the winters came too soon.
Unbeknownst to anyone in the village (including herself), Yeva was a natural empath- one that had, over the course of many years, unknowingly siphoned the joy and laughter from all the people around her. As the months ticked by, people in the village became more and more irate, their emotions wilder and wilder as Yeva continued to feed off of them. They began to act bizarrely, even her own parents and Yeva, addicted to joy and desperately hungering for another fix, drained everyone of their emotions in a fit of wild pique. Eventually, her parents, her friends, her entire village was filled with nothing but walking, talking husks.
Horrified at what she'd done and emotions swinging wildly from ecstasy to fear- she took her beloved lute and ran far far away. Now she travels the roads- often alone- playing music for the random inn for a night's stay and hoping to somehow find a way to turn her loved ones back to normal and maybe- fix herself in the process.
Unbeknownst to anyone in the village (including herself), Yeva was a natural empath- one that had, over the course of many years, unknowingly siphoned the joy and laughter from all the people around her. As the months ticked by, people in the village became more and more irate, their emotions wilder and wilder as Yeva continued to feed off of them. They began to act bizarrely, even her own parents and Yeva, addicted to joy and desperately hungering for another fix, drained everyone of their emotions in a fit of wild pique. Eventually, her parents, her friends, her entire village was filled with nothing but walking, talking husks.
Horrified at what she'd done and emotions swinging wildly from ecstasy to fear- she took her beloved lute and ran far far away. Now she travels the roads- often alone- playing music for the random inn for a night's stay and hoping to somehow find a way to turn her loved ones back to normal and maybe- fix herself in the process.
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