

Biographical information
Amol-Kalit 27 moons Where her people reside
Physical description
Gnoll She/They (very masc by some Human standards) 6'3"/190cm at a hunch 357lbs/161kg Tan and cream with dark brown markings and spots Left dark brown, right hazy brown Tan-and-Brown under fur
Political information
Greatest of Fifty (Ranking Warrior)
Out-of-character information
Blackbeltkitten 6/23/2022 I created it on HeroForge

"Don't try to play games with me, little boy."

(Zaa-sin, Waw Eh-Maw-Ate) A Thousand Kisses, A Soldier of Death.


Many in a non-combatant state are first to notice Xzaasen's many facial and ear piercings, which can be linked by chains for formal occasions. She is most proud of the gold rings in her nose and through her right brow, and the titanium ring through the middle of her other brow, though she certainly has more. The second thing many notice is her eyes, the left being a deep brown, while the right is hazy from an old injury. Her sight has not been impaired, however, and she can still see you even in her off eye.

Her mane (or crest, if you prefer) is a similar tan shade as the rest of her fur, with a few darker streaks at the front and throughout. Her muzzle is a dark brown, and her arms and legs from the knees and elbows down turn a darker chocolate colour. Her body is covered in spots and patches of near-black, and her eartips are a similar shade as the spots.

She usually wears her linen robings, once white, though now a shade of tan-brown, and armour at all times while awake and on duty, and occasionally while she sleeps as well, due to the current state of affairs concerning her people. Her robes drape down from her shoulders loosely in large panes down front and back to just past her knees, leaving her arms quite free, and split and drawn back in front of each leg for mobility. A red linen belt on top girds her abdomen and suspends a square metal plate on its corner as groin protection, bronze and bordered with brass. A well-used leather harness around her shoulders and chest hold a large bronze metal disc over her heart and lungs, and a rectangle over her spine, as well as the band-and-scale pauldrons on her shoulders.

Underneath her robings are a simple set of wrapped binding and loincloth from unbleached linen. This is what she strips down to if overheated or intending to do any games of sport, such as racing, wrestling, or strength contests.

Beyond that, she carries little. Her doubled-ended polearm is usually in her hands. On her right hip his a small bag for rations and small necessities, and on her left is a large waterskin.

Skills and Abilities

Melee - Long and Short
Xzaasen is proficient with her seven-foot (2 meter) double-ended polearm, the blades of which are curved as scimitars.
Xzaasen is skilled with shorter-ranged blades, making her able to pick up whatever sword is on hand in an emergency.

Ranged - Thrown and Projected
Xzaasen is somewhat skilled with throwing knives and darts. The long and short of it is you don't want her lobbing sharp things in your direction.
Xzaasen does not enjoy and is therefore not terribly skilled at bows and crossbows, nor slings. She will throw rocks by the fistful at you if she absolutely must, however, which is definitely not pleasant by any means.

It depends on the weapon.

Xzaasen is not particularly drawn by magic's ever-present force, aside from in the inherent force of deities.

Xzaasen can hunt, skin, and clean most creatures, forage, upkeep her arms, armour, and clothes, throw together salves, and the other skills required to stay alive, both in the wilderness and in the populace.

Xzaasen quite enjoys games of chance, skill, and sport, whether she's particularly good at them or not. Races, contests of strength (especially against silly little human men,) knucklebones, and especially strategic boardgames.


Xzaasen is, under very friendly, familiar, or camaraderous conditions, quite an alright individual to be around. She tends to be quite honest and brash, however not deliberately unkind, and she can take and dish jokes quite happily when not required to keep up form. Under Princess Amun'Dzeer's or another, higher-ranking Gnoll's orders, however, she will quickly and easily shape up for proper presentation.

In combat, Xzaasen's full potential and latter namesake, A Soldier of Death, truly comes to life. She demands not that her soldiers bend to her every will, but that they trust her command and competence, and do what must be done in whatever way possible. She never shies away from shaping up or dressing down an improperly held soldier, nor will she bend or break as a commander under opposing forces.

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