"There is an odd anomaly amongst the Drow that turns their usually black or grey skin a bright red. From what we know through studies, many surface scholars now believe this to be a throwback, or a rare condition, relating to the Drow's histories before they shunned the sunlight and chose to live in the Underdark realm.
Amongst the Drow themselves, however, the red skinned Drow are seen as a message from their Old Gods. Sometimes the red-skins are sacrificed to them to appease them, and other times the red-skins are protected and revered like Gods themselves depending on the culture."
- The Mysteries of the Underdark, by Scholar Trivae
Born with the rare red-skinned taint, Xylthe has attempted to cover these with various tattoos in symbols to garner favour with the Gods, most commonly associated with the Priesthood of Aerubla, dedicated to the Goddess of Darkness, Whispers and Secrets. Her eyes are a bright gold shade and she still possesses the typical white shade of hair characteristic of other Drow.
Since serfhood, Xylthe has always worn two rune-etched manacles that go from wrist to just below her elbows.
Since serfhood, Xylthe has always worn two rune-etched manacles that go from wrist to just below her elbows.
Skills and Abilities
Xylthe, like most Aevendrow, possesses powerful magic. The ins and outs of this are as mysterious as the Aevendrow race themselves. It is believed their magic is mostly related to illusions, though there are records of them possessing skills over dreams, shadows, telepathy and aura projections.
Having been forced to wear magic-jamming bracelets for most of her serfdom, none of those who had possessed her have been able to uncover which magics she controls.
Having been forced to wear magic-jamming bracelets for most of her serfdom, none of those who had possessed her have been able to uncover which magics she controls.
Xylthe is a quiet and reserved figure, owing to her traumatising past but also the racial prejudices she suffered on account of her skin colour. However, she carries out all of her duties with what appears to be contentment and has always been sold on as a 'no hassle' slave.
With those she considers friends amongst those of her own class, Xylthe is a talkative and passionate young woman about her interests. She has a small thread of iron will and does push on principles when she feels she may win a certain battle. Xylthe wouldn't describe herself as such but she is a strong woman for dealing with what life has given her and attempting to make the best of the situation.
With those she considers friends amongst those of her own class, Xylthe is a talkative and passionate young woman about her interests. She has a small thread of iron will and does push on principles when she feels she may win a certain battle. Xylthe wouldn't describe herself as such but she is a strong woman for dealing with what life has given her and attempting to make the best of the situation.
Biography & Lore
Born in the far flung Northern city of Durunrul, the City of Starlight, Xylthe was immediately passed to the Priesthood of Aerubla on account of her odd complexion. Many citizens believed that her birth was a sign of doom to come, whilst others believed it was a herald from the Gods they would return their favour to the Drow. The Priesthood decided that the babe should live but that she would be raised within the covenant and taught to live by the ways of the Goddess.
Xylthe had a happy childhood despite not knowing her parents, and was given a good education quite rare amongst the people so that she might learn the ancient texts better. She became a passionate and devout follower of the Old Gods and became a cherished member, often seen as a daughter by the older acolytes.
War came from the South not long after her 100th birthday and wrecked the city. Xylthe was one of many who were taken and sold as slaves.
The next 500 years of her life were spent moving form pillar to post, master to lady. Some were cruel, others kinder. She took on the jobs of whatever was needed and learned early on in life not to complain. Thoughts of freedom begun to die in her around her 300th year and now, well into her 600th the memory of freedom is so distant she barely yearns for it anymore. In her latest household she has found the most peace, however. Her Master, a kind owner, freed his slaves and dubbed them 'serfs' instead, which gave her a few more freedoms than ever she enjoyed before. When he discovered her ability to read and found her penmanship beautiful, he had her raised to be a serf under the direction of his scribes looking after his vast library.
Xylthe had a happy childhood despite not knowing her parents, and was given a good education quite rare amongst the people so that she might learn the ancient texts better. She became a passionate and devout follower of the Old Gods and became a cherished member, often seen as a daughter by the older acolytes.
War came from the South not long after her 100th birthday and wrecked the city. Xylthe was one of many who were taken and sold as slaves.
The next 500 years of her life were spent moving form pillar to post, master to lady. Some were cruel, others kinder. She took on the jobs of whatever was needed and learned early on in life not to complain. Thoughts of freedom begun to die in her around her 300th year and now, well into her 600th the memory of freedom is so distant she barely yearns for it anymore. In her latest household she has found the most peace, however. Her Master, a kind owner, freed his slaves and dubbed them 'serfs' instead, which gave her a few more freedoms than ever she enjoyed before. When he discovered her ability to read and found her penmanship beautiful, he had her raised to be a serf under the direction of his scribes looking after his vast library.
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