"I saw it with my own eyes! It dived from the trees; feral, fanged and snarling! A beast if there ever was one!"
Standing at the respectable height of 9 feet with a lean muscle mass of 226kg, Xoro'Ga is not a figure that can simply blend into a crowd. Turquoise durable segmented-scales that are rough to the touch line the majority of his body aside from his chest, abdomen and throat, which instead have a more penetrable beige hide. This bipedal lizard has gnarled claws in place of where nails would otherwise be, with razor teeth that were developed from being the specimen produced from innumerable generations of carnivores. A large prehensile tail reaches out from behind his body, enabling greater movement and balance.
His ear canals are located on either side of his head under a lighter patch of scales that are able to reflexively lift so that his hearing can be temporarily improved. Often an intimidating sight of this creature are its eyes - Many unfortunate victims have had the misfortune of seeing a pair of red eyes in the darkness, transitioning into a more bestial amber the closer they got to the slit iris. Several relatively large horned protrusions, yet most prominent are the ones on his snout, slightly further up from his ear canals, and scalp. A bony frill also stretches backwards from his scalp.
Not one for overly fancy attire, Xoro'Ga tends to wear only basic clothing to suit his needs on a regular basis such as solely a loin cloth as the freedom of movement is the greatest freedom of all. When preparing for combat however he has a few different styles he enjoys: Golden accessories that make him more of a spectacle than before as the gleaming reptilian impresses the crowds, a more feral approach with the bones and skulls of former opponents adorning his fearsome figure, or a mere loin cloth would do. Often times he will have clay markings over his body, holding a deep significance that only fellow lizardmen would understand.
Skills and Abilities
"I could swear I cut that arm off.."
Due to his genealogy, Xoro'Ga is able to recover from most wounds that aren't fatal. The more serious the injury however, the longer it takes for the regeneration to occur, potentially stretching into numerous months if an entire limb is lost. This process enables the tissue to regenerate at an accelerated rate, with the growth of bone if needed, to replace the damaged area so long as he is well-fed so that his body can spare the energy to dedicate to this intense process. If this process is underway and Xoro'Ga isn't able to voraciously appease his appetite the repaired area will be weaker than it once was, providing another flaw to be exploited.
Enhanced Senses
"Don't panic. It can hear the fear in your heart."
Coming from a great line of hunters, Xoro'Ga is quite the attentive individual. Able to discern the location and mass of an individual within a reasonable distance from listening to the footsteps for a good few paces, he's often used this ability to set up his ambushes without needing the aid of sight. If a creature is suitably scared, with their heart beating to match, he is able to faintly hear the pulsations of his target and continue his hunt.
"I saw it massacre a small band in the blink of an eye - What, no, well, I didn't blink, obviously."
After innumerable skirmishes and fights, both inside and outside of his tribe, Xoro'Ga has developed quite the knack for physical combat. Capable of exuding a great level of strength due to his sheer size and mass, as well as maintaining a rather impressive speed for his height, he is able to often overwhelm and surprise an opponent should they not be cautious around him. His greatest affinity for melee is unarmed combat as he can use his size to a more beneficial degree, yet he still tends to use a polearm as it's better to have more than one weapon.
"One moment it was fine, then when we joked about how delicious lizards are.."
Inability to restrain anger goes hand in hand with one that is so bestial, yet even worse than that is his inability to snap out from these blood-fueled rampages until he's either exhausted, unconscious, or dead. Small things can set Xoro'Ga off if he feels as if someone is attempting to mock him, or worse, his species. A proud creature to be sure, he will take any snobbish tone toward his kind with great impunity. During these states, he is able to be lead around like a bull with a red cloth, let us only hope that he isn't lead into a china shop.
Magical Incompetence
"A creature so physically impressive, yet so unremarkable where it truly matters."
Xoro'Ga is unable to perform any type of magic to a degree that could be considered satisfactory to anyone with an ounce of self-respect, although he is unaware of this because why would a beast care for the intricacies of magic? His physiology evolved to develop him into one of the greatest hunters and to become a physical specimen that wrought terror in the hearts of many, and because of this his capabilities for magic are far below the average user to the point where he may as well not attempt it at all.
"There's a look in its eyes, one that foregoes malevolence, yet it can't tame its nature."
Despite his bestial nature and his feral upbringing, Xoro'Ga is not entirely without mercy. While he will perform heinous deeds in order to survive, as would most biological creatures, he is not without a heart that beats within his breast. The monster has shown compassion in numerous events over the years since his hatching, even if the reason for those acts were mostly done out of a desire to prove himself as the dominant being in a situation.
As he hails from a proud and nomadic tribe of lizardmen, he holds a great respect for his own kind and views them above all other species, being incredibly easier to befriend by those with a more reptilian background. While he doesn't view most other species as being equal to his own, there is one beneath them all, a race so horrific that he must exert great effort to not violently lash out at the mere sight of them - Nagas. Xoro'Ga's tribe had many skirmishes with them throughout the years, the highly-territorial creatures often coming to a heads yet the war never truly resolved despite the casualties that were brought about. A snaky bunch, Xoro'Ga discriminates against them with extreme prejudice.
Mentioned earlier, Xoro'Ga is territorial in nature and will not allow anyone to infringe on his turf, despite any inherent differences in power there may be. A trait that may very well get him killed, yet it is not his nature to allow any creature, great or small, to try and impede him. He can articulate himself in a respectable manner, yet when the words start to get a bit more complex, his train of thought will often be lost, perhaps he'll even start to see red should the foreign words continue to pollute his psyche.
Biography & Lore
"A barbarian from a primitive species, it'd be a surprise if he can live for long in a civilised land"
Hailing from a territorial nomadic tribe of Lizardmen, Xoro'Ga learnt early in his life that violence is an extremely efficient way to solve disputes. A hefty punch here, a snap of the jaws there, a gentle evisceration of a Naga every other day. Perfect. Years upon years of roaming all kinds of terrain with his tribe instilled a heavily aggressive nature in the gargantuan lizard, something that he manages to repress for the most part until it comes to combat, or someone piques his rage. One day, during the 'Endless Night' where his tribe warred with a single Naga clan for months on end with daily full-scale battles, Xoro'Ga was left wounded and bewildered; delirious from what could have very well been ingested poison. The next few days while he regained his conscience he found himself in a distant land without the tribe he coveted, and no idea of how to find them once more. Believing he had been exiled for his failure in the war, Xoro'Ga continued on his lonesome.
Meeting with a curious otter creature Xoro'Ga found something highly amusing. It was adorably furry with a way about him that brought the beast comfort of sorts, a friend in a foreign land was all one needed after all. Thaddius accepted an offer to finance the brute's arms so that they could continue on their travels together, no longer having to worry about their individual weaknesses for the other filled them out adequately.