Xoknath, "Bloodshot"

Xoknath Mag Ul Asdezukhard

Biographical information
Epressa 25 Asdezukhard Fortress
Physical description
ORC Male 7'11" / 2.41 m 725 lbs / 328.85 kg Black Blood Red Light Harlequin Green
Political information
are they affiliated with any organisations? Mercenary and Hunter
Out-of-character information
TimberWolfBrother May 4, 2019 Unknown


Xoknath is massive, standing at 7'11" (2.41 m) in height and weighing about 525 lbs (428.85 kg).

His muscles are large, giving form a very noticeable bulk. and by orcish standards he can be considered quite attractive, with a strong facial features, calloused light harlequin green skin and varied scars. The most noticeable of his scars is on his forehead, a thick line above his right eye.

Xoknath almost uniquely sports blood red eyes, darker around the scalera and brighter at the irises and pupils.

He also strongly prefers a mixture of hides from hunts mixed with iron and chainmail armor and a collection of mostly animal bones.

Skills and Abilities

Xoknath is not only massive in stature, but has the strength to match. While being incredibly strong, he suffers a loss in dexterity when fighting, leading him to prefer simple but powerful attacks in combat, though he tends to move quicker than his enemies give him credit for he would be hard-pressed against fighters who pride themselves in swift maneuvers.

His fighting style tends to mix one-handed weapon use in his right hand combined with strikes and grapples using his free left hand, allowing him to sloppy yet typically quicker swings and the chance to overpower his enemies. When focusing on only weapon strikes, such as against heavily-armored enemies or for finishing blows, he uses both hands with his weapon.

Despite his brutish style, Xoknath is proficient with most melee weapons, able to change grip, parry, and maneuver relatively effectively within his abilities. He strongly prefers using a two-handed axe in one hand, though.

While not a great cook, neither is he a bad cook, sometimes even considered good. His cooking style is very simple, borne mostly from making sure anything he killed he could cook in the wild to a reasonably edible state.

Attributed to his red eyes, Xoknath's vision is somewhat blurry, and while not a problem in most situations, it makes it hard for him to discern details or read. His eyes also tend to add to his already intimidating appearance, leading to bad first impressions in normal situations.


Iron, Hide, and Fur Armor: Xoknath feels almost naked without some decent form of protection on him. He strongly prefers spiked armor spaulders and gauntlets, an iron studded girdle, and an assortment of hides and furs from hunts. He prefers not wearing a helmet, believing his sight to be bad enough without also taking away his peripheral vision.

He also sports an assortment of weapons, most of which double with practical purpose, including a hook-bearded axe topped with a spike, a spear, a quiver of ten javelins, a chipped woodcutting axe, a cleaver, a skinning knife, a whittling knife, a regular combat knife, and a skillet with a leather-wrapped handle. All of which are proportionately sized for him. As well, he keeps a number of sharpening stones at his person at any given time to maintain the edge of his sharper tools.


Xoknath is slow to anger, quick to forgive, and quicker to a fight. While usually fearless, he is also quite reckless.

Life is too short to worry about grudges, and there are few problems that cannot be solved with a drink, a fight, or both. This is the belief of the mighty orc, who feels no remorse for bloodshed, lives lost, or property damaged.

He is typically impulsive, aggressive, gleefully violent, and happily peaceful at the same time. To him, a swift strike when annoyed clears the air, and if it leads to a fight then all the better. At the same time, he puts little consideration into what he says or does, preferring to act first and then see what happens.

While slow to anger, he is also quick to a friend's side when he suspects danger, more than happy to brawl on their behalf not only for his own selfish love of combat, but also to protect those he favors.

Xoknath perhaps might not be humble, proudly boasting of his own strength and prowess in battle, but he is also shameless about his shortcomings. Unconcerned with academic pursuits, lacking finesse or stealth, and behaving boorish and crudely, he does not mock those with other talents and proudly accepts others for filling roles in life he has no interest in.

Insults, however, are but a game to him. A test of wits, but he welcomes an educational loss.

Biography & Lore

Of the Asdezukhard Tribe that has found its home in an abandoned fortress in Epressa, Xoknath was always large for his age compared to the other orcs. Raised as the eldest child of the chieftain's three sons, he found no problem putting his natural strength to work and growing even stronger, making spars with his siblings both quicker and more dangerous for them.

However while his strength and raw power were honed, their agility was honed so they could better defeat their larger brother. One day as they sparred, his youngest brother struck a fine blow against his head with a club, sending Xoknath falling, dazed, face-first into a rock. When he came to, both of his eyes were blood red, yet he could still see, earning him the nickname of "Bloodshot".

Rather than staying with the tribe, Xoknath chose to set off to explore the world at large, find new and exciting things to fight, and enjoy what life had to offer him. After some failed interactions with a few different orcish women, the mighty orc has sworn that he will only spend his life with any woman that can beat him in battle or competition.


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