Vlas was born in the northern city of Neus as the son of a common soldier.
Though a man who spoke of honor and duty, Vlas' father was a drunk, a problem which plagued him and subsequently his family. Vlas grew up under the fists of his father, often bearing the brunt of drunken beatings and tirades for one imagined failure or another.
His upbringing was not a pleasant one, and he would often run away from home to avoid his fathers violent cycles. Each time he got away the City Guard would find him, and thanks to his fathers connections would return him.
This violent cycle continued for years until Vlas turned fourteen. It was during his fathers latest tirade that Vlas finally managed to defend himself. As his father grabbed a fireplace poker and began to walk towards him, Vlas lashed out. An innate magic called forward from his very soul, and the wrought iron within his fathers hand twisted and stabbed through his arm like a snake striking it's prey.
His father fell screaming to the floor, and from that day forth did not dare to raise a hand.
Unable to leave behind his mother and siblings, Vlas continued to live with his parents for the next three years. Through this time he was pushed to follow in his fathers footsteps, encouraged to use his magical abilities and join the City Guard.
He eventually relented, joining the guard and beginning his training.
It was here that Vlas truly began to understand his gifts. Though holding no College of Magic or collection of Sorcerers like some other cities, Neus embraced it's magical sons and daughters. Vlas was welcomed into the ranks of the military, and there was given free reign to practice, explore, and learn of his abilities.
Eventually this lead to him rapidly rising through the ranks, allowing him to the join the Neus Imperial Guard.
There he served loyally for five years, protecting the ruling Duma and foiling dozens of assassination attempts.
Though his life went well enough, Vlas was eventually embroiled in a love affair with one of the wives of a member of the Duma. The two were caught, and though Vlas was to be sentenced to death, the friends that he had made over the years got his sentence reduced to exile.
Thrown from the only home he had ever had, Vlas became a wanderer. For years he served in various jobs; Bounty Hunter, Mercenary, bodyguard, and half a dozen other.
Eventually he landed upon a single occupation; Monster Hunting.
Though Vlas is unaware of it, he carries an innate magical gift known as Allomancy.
He is capable of fully controlling, manipulating, and shifting most metals produced in Arethil. Though this control is hardly complete, it is functional enough that it makes him a fierce opponent in most modern battlefields. This magic takes various forms, though Vlas has discovered that two in particular come most easily to him.
The manipulation of metals themselves was the first thing he learned to do. He could bend, reshape, and outright reform most metals. Though it was simpler with some(Iron, Copper, Bronze), others(Steel, Alloys in General) he found far more difficult. As he grew up he learned which metals he could better control and which made better weapons for himself.
Allomancy in such a form works best up close. Vlas cannot stand a dozen meters from his opponent and simply crush him inside of his own armor, nor are the affects so dramatic unless he creates a great amount of strain upon himself. Generally speaking, the closer the material, the either it is to manipulate it. The 'harder' the metal, the more strain there is in doing the task.
Despite the complexity in this Vlas has learned to use his powers well, and is a significant threat for this alone.
The other form of Allomancy, which Vlas discovered during his time within the Neus Imperial Guard was the fact that the ingestion of certain metals can change certain aspects about his own body.
Though he is not entirely aware of every effect, Vlas has become very well aware that by snorting the powders of certain metals he can enhance and shift parts of his body. These effects can vary greatly from metal to metal, and Alloys can sometimes be dangerous.
He is capable of fully controlling, manipulating, and shifting most metals produced in Arethil. Though this control is hardly complete, it is functional enough that it makes him a fierce opponent in most modern battlefields. This magic takes various forms, though Vlas has discovered that two in particular come most easily to him.
The manipulation of metals themselves was the first thing he learned to do. He could bend, reshape, and outright reform most metals. Though it was simpler with some(Iron, Copper, Bronze), others(Steel, Alloys in General) he found far more difficult. As he grew up he learned which metals he could better control and which made better weapons for himself.
Allomancy in such a form works best up close. Vlas cannot stand a dozen meters from his opponent and simply crush him inside of his own armor, nor are the affects so dramatic unless he creates a great amount of strain upon himself. Generally speaking, the closer the material, the either it is to manipulate it. The 'harder' the metal, the more strain there is in doing the task.
Despite the complexity in this Vlas has learned to use his powers well, and is a significant threat for this alone.
The other form of Allomancy, which Vlas discovered during his time within the Neus Imperial Guard was the fact that the ingestion of certain metals can change certain aspects about his own body.
Though he is not entirely aware of every effect, Vlas has become very well aware that by snorting the powders of certain metals he can enhance and shift parts of his body. These effects can vary greatly from metal to metal, and Alloys can sometimes be dangerous.
Metal Effect
Below are a few examples of Metals and their effects upon ingestion;
Iron - Once snorted triples strength for fifteen to twenty minutes, with a dramatic drop off afterward and a feeling of utter lethargy.
Bronze - Allows one to move far faster and react to things more quickly, with a dramatic drop off afterward and a feeling of utter lethargy.
Steel - Increases the durability of skin. Though it can vary depending on how much was taken, it generally renders the skin immune to glancing blows of even the sharpest sword.
Silver - Enhances the senses. Touch, taste, hearing, eyesight all seems to improve to an almost painful degree depending on amount consumed. Usually grants migraine like headache a day or so after effects wear off.
Gold - Induces an amazing, if not sometimes overwhelming, hallucinogenic trip. The High can sometimes last for days and renders the user almost entirely out of scope. After wearing off generally leaves one dehydrated, achy, hungry, and extremely hungover.
Platinum - Almost painful to consume, Platinum renders visions of near future possibilities. After consumption, one can almost 'see' the possible paths of what can occur at any point within the next passing seconds. This can be incredibly confusing, disorienting, and panic inducing. It is difficult to focus on any one thing when a thousand things could happen, though after practice it is possible to choose the most 'likely' option and counter it within that moment. When the effects of platinum wear off, it almost always puts the user within a coma for several hours if not days due to the rebounding of the mind.
Aluminum - A fantastic and wonderful 'pick up', giving a massive boost of energy that replaces a night of sleep. When it's effects wear off, the body is rendered tired and exhausted, equivalent to not having slept for days on end.
Iron - Once snorted triples strength for fifteen to twenty minutes, with a dramatic drop off afterward and a feeling of utter lethargy.
Bronze - Allows one to move far faster and react to things more quickly, with a dramatic drop off afterward and a feeling of utter lethargy.
Steel - Increases the durability of skin. Though it can vary depending on how much was taken, it generally renders the skin immune to glancing blows of even the sharpest sword.
Silver - Enhances the senses. Touch, taste, hearing, eyesight all seems to improve to an almost painful degree depending on amount consumed. Usually grants migraine like headache a day or so after effects wear off.
Gold - Induces an amazing, if not sometimes overwhelming, hallucinogenic trip. The High can sometimes last for days and renders the user almost entirely out of scope. After wearing off generally leaves one dehydrated, achy, hungry, and extremely hungover.
Platinum - Almost painful to consume, Platinum renders visions of near future possibilities. After consumption, one can almost 'see' the possible paths of what can occur at any point within the next passing seconds. This can be incredibly confusing, disorienting, and panic inducing. It is difficult to focus on any one thing when a thousand things could happen, though after practice it is possible to choose the most 'likely' option and counter it within that moment. When the effects of platinum wear off, it almost always puts the user within a coma for several hours if not days due to the rebounding of the mind.
Aluminum - A fantastic and wonderful 'pick up', giving a massive boost of energy that replaces a night of sleep. When it's effects wear off, the body is rendered tired and exhausted, equivalent to not having slept for days on end.
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