

Biographical information

Unknown at this time. The Domum Dei.
Physical description
Human. Male
Political information
To anyone asking without a mark on their head, he's a Jack of all trades. He fancies himself a scholar, a savant, and a collector of oddities. In his free time he trades knowledge, artifacts, secrets and sorceries.
Out-of-character information
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Viego stands at a lean and athletic 5'10". Shock white hair almost always slicked back reveals an angular and chiseled face. Full and well-maintained eyebrows hover over lapis blue monolid eyes. A long nasal ridge leads up to a button of a nose. Downward turned full lips perpetually resting pensively. Posture has never been an issue for viego. At first glance you would think him a soldier. Shoulders square, unnerving stoicism, and well disciplined. Underneath his clothing scars lay in hiding. They tell stories of toiling indoctrination and pain mastered. A shadow of a man, if he didn't speak, you'd forget he was there.

His combat wear: Shoulder to toe covered in Vanta black studded leather that is lined with grey gryphon fur. Studs outline the pauldrons, knuckles, elbows and knees. Flexible elven plate lines the back protecting his spine. He recently commissioned more for the groin. A face mask is worn around the neck unless needed. His waist (belt lining) was built into the armor. It holds vials, discreet pouches, and hidden pockets. It's practical, tough, and flexible.

Skills and Abilities

Viego is skilled in most martial weapons. His go to weapons of choice are his poisons. If he can't get to you at the dining room table or over a drink, he'll equip a blow dart gun. If the situation requires a close quarter approach, he'll reach for his parrying dagger and Jian. Viego hasn't classified or found anyone who can tell him of his other gifts. There have been moments in his history where he willed something into existence. In the past he's molded metals and rock, caused nosebleeds, incited nightmares, increased his own physical capabilities and many other unexplained outcomes. His devotion is to the Domum Dei, but his purpose is to uncover the meaning behind this secret he keeps.


Viego possesses exceptional calmness and discipline. He’s also rather intelligent, deductive and plans ahead of time. He is intuitive and capable. His main weakness is his lack of social skills. He understands people, but his training has stunted his ability to parse through others and their emotions. He can come across as callous and cold, even if he means well. Viego suffers from dissociative identity disorder but doesn't know it. He can often be found conflicting with himself out loud. He calls the voice, whisper. He attributes whisper as the granter of his psionic abilities. He doesn't find harm in their presence but doesn't find comfort either. To appease the voice, he treats himself to a world outside of the Domum Dei. His eclectic behaviors, connections, and appetite for the extremely weird satiates it.

Every day that passes with the weapons sheathed; a piece of my humanity finds its way back home. I fear that I've already relinquished too much. Whisper grows with each misdeed, and I shrink with compunctious regret.

Biography & Lore

Viego was 8 years old when he found himself in the cells of Alliria. Imprisoned for his thieving of one of the esteemed produce bazaars. Viego found himself helpless in the presence of storm mango and candy tangerine. With a stomach devoid of attention, and a lack of necessary provisions, he helped himself to many unaware merchants and their goods. He never could recall a life before this. Every time he attempted remembrance, he'd end up with more questions than answers. He accepted his fate quite some time ago and has lived criminally hedonistic since. Well, him and his inner voice, Whisper. They've been quite the pair, symbiotic in their relationship. Each of them heeding the other's wisdom and concern. Viego broke that trust when he unjustifiably stole more than his fair share of storm mango. Due to his ill-conceived actions, there he sat, in an Allirian cell, shaming himself for the overtly lustful grab. He would do so in solitude till the 6th morning when he was visited by a man named, Brother Lauren. A man blanketed in drab brown robes and bereft of any unnecessary accoutrements. In the center of his chest, he sported a symbol of a circle that was vertically split down the middle to represent the rising sun and sleeping moon. Brother Lauren would go on to convince Viego that a life outside of impoverished squaller existed. That Viego had a purpose meant to tip the scales of uncertainty. That he would be loved, revered, and never again be abandoned. Viego didn't want to be seen a criminal or be abandoned and forgotten in this city. He would choose the Domum Dei as his new home.

Viego - (Not finished)

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