Vicar Demise
The Seven Sisters? Yeah, I've heard of them. Bunch of stuck up currs if you ask me, they don't like letting anyone into their little clique. Can't say they don't do their job though. I heard the eldest likes to take her victims hearts whilst they're still breathing, and that she chops it up into her food. The youngest is meant to be the most sadistic though, I think she sees it as a game more than a job. Oh, she might be pretty with them eyes of hers, but I wouldn't trust her not to bite my cock off if it went near those lips.
I will say, it's odd we only ever see six of 'em out in public though. Where's the other one? I saw her once, years ago, just a glimpse. I reckon she's dead, that neither of 'em made it through the trials, but I've heard the Cardinal herself mention news of her off on some important mission. Poor bastard, whoever her target is. They say she's the worst of 'em.
Anyway kid, don't be going round asking just anyone about them Sisters. You wouldn't want them to hear, would you?
Skills and Abilities
Now you see me: The Shabah race have an innate ability to turn their bodies translucent to the point of being near invisible to the naked eye and able to walk through solid objects. This ability is only skin deep and as such does not transfer to the clothes she wears, unless she is in the sacred garbs of her race. These robes are made out of a rare and unique silk native to the Shabah's native lands and possesses the ability to use the gifts of its wearer.
The Blessings of the Church: Demise proved herself to be a dedicated and talented student of the Church, no doubt in part due to the dedication and conviction of her devout parents. Out of the arcane, shadow and blood magic taught to all students of the Church, Demi is strongest in the ways of Shadows and Illusions, an affinity most of the Shabah race seem to share owing in part to the similarities of their natural magic.
Assassins Creed: Like most assassins, Demise has been taught in the ways of stealth and - most importantly - killing. Demi's signature method of killing is asphyxiation. She is known to take a finger from every person she kills, and it is thought she uses the bones from her victims as spell runes.
The Blessings of the Church: Demise proved herself to be a dedicated and talented student of the Church, no doubt in part due to the dedication and conviction of her devout parents. Out of the arcane, shadow and blood magic taught to all students of the Church, Demi is strongest in the ways of Shadows and Illusions, an affinity most of the Shabah race seem to share owing in part to the similarities of their natural magic.
Assassins Creed: Like most assassins, Demise has been taught in the ways of stealth and - most importantly - killing. Demi's signature method of killing is asphyxiation. She is known to take a finger from every person she kills, and it is thought she uses the bones from her victims as spell runes.
Demi is a woman of few words and for some time as a youth she was even thought to be mute, though the quality was often praised for it left more time to commune with the Mother. She has an eerie manner about her in the way that she moves and holds herself and her fascination with stopping the breath coming from a persons lungs is chilling even to some of her fellow assassins.
Despite her aloof and reclusive manner, Demi has been seen several times to be vocal in manners that relate to her family marking her as deeply loyal to her fellow sisters. It is only around them that she truly is herself.
Despite her aloof and reclusive manner, Demi has been seen several times to be vocal in manners that relate to her family marking her as deeply loyal to her fellow sisters. It is only around them that she truly is herself.
Biography & Lore
Demise was born to the devout Bishop Sorrow and her husband Vicar Turmoil. As a Bishop, her mother blessed both twins with their True Names as soon as she held them, bloodied, in her arms. Her and her twin, Prevail, were the third set of identical twin girls born to the pair and they were once more overjoyed at the contribution to the Church their bounty would prove to be.
Demise and Prevail knew nothing of the world beyond the Church. Their homeland, Sha'dhor, was a city dedicated to the Mother and no outside influences were allowed. They were raised alongside others of their kind in the Mothers teachings and when old enough began their lessons in the magics of Blood and Shadow. Even as a youth it was clear that Demi possessed the greater strength and drive to see herself through. Unbeknownst to most, Prevail had become content that she was the twin that needed to die, and helped further her sister as much as she could and worked diligently to learn how she would one day best serve her sister.
The girls were living in the Citadel of Ash under going their tutelage as they neared their 18th birthday when the news reached the city of the annihilation of Sha'dhor at the hands of the Radiant Church. Whilst the Shabah's connection to the Caliginous Church was never uncovered, the Radiant Church believed their race to be a monstrosity and executed any woman, man and child it could find. This was a devastating blow not only for the Church, but Demise and her family too. Only a handful of their kind had escaped the genocide including, as they would find out some months later, their siblings and parents.
As expected during the Trial of Bonds, Demise came out victorious and Prevail took her rightful places as her sisters shadow. What was somewhat surprising, however, was her procurement of a Fox Shadowkin. Her mother proclaimed it was a mark from the Mother of how lucky their family had been to escape the Purge of their kind.
Demi's progress has been a steady and healthy climb since then, following in her mother and sisters footsteps before her.
Demise and Prevail knew nothing of the world beyond the Church. Their homeland, Sha'dhor, was a city dedicated to the Mother and no outside influences were allowed. They were raised alongside others of their kind in the Mothers teachings and when old enough began their lessons in the magics of Blood and Shadow. Even as a youth it was clear that Demi possessed the greater strength and drive to see herself through. Unbeknownst to most, Prevail had become content that she was the twin that needed to die, and helped further her sister as much as she could and worked diligently to learn how she would one day best serve her sister.
The girls were living in the Citadel of Ash under going their tutelage as they neared their 18th birthday when the news reached the city of the annihilation of Sha'dhor at the hands of the Radiant Church. Whilst the Shabah's connection to the Caliginous Church was never uncovered, the Radiant Church believed their race to be a monstrosity and executed any woman, man and child it could find. This was a devastating blow not only for the Church, but Demise and her family too. Only a handful of their kind had escaped the genocide including, as they would find out some months later, their siblings and parents.
As expected during the Trial of Bonds, Demise came out victorious and Prevail took her rightful places as her sisters shadow. What was somewhat surprising, however, was her procurement of a Fox Shadowkin. Her mother proclaimed it was a mark from the Mother of how lucky their family had been to escape the Purge of their kind.
Demi's progress has been a steady and healthy climb since then, following in her mother and sisters footsteps before her.
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