Veris Thymae

Veris Thymae

Biographical information
Casteilise Unknown He drifts but occasionally returns to Casteilise for a time.
Physical description
Human but partially a plant Male 5'9" 186lbs Green blades of grass Bright green Very pale white but hidden under dark green vines
Political information
Drifter and researcher
Out-of-character information
Leviathan 8/29/2020

Veris is the victim of an unfortunate accident caused by his research into the uses of magic on plant growth. When he was still completely human, he attempted to use magic to create new plants that excelled in defending crops from harmful pests. However, he accidentally created an extremely parasitic type of plant in the process. These plants quickly took over the entire farming village he lived in, Casteilise. They infected all living things in Casteilise eventually killing them all. The only person left alive was Veris. He was protected partially as it was his magic that created the plants. Though he remained alive, he was still infested by the parasitic plant life and is now only partially human.


At a glance little can be gleaned about Veris' physical appearance. One can tell that he has a slender body with slightly large hands. Any more specific features of his body are hidden under the clothes that he wears. Namely his very large brimmed hat and scarf which do well to hide his face. The small area of his face that is uncovered, his eyes and some of the area above and below them, seems to be cloaked in shadow. Even when looking at his face from just a few feet away the area appears to be little more than a dark shape with no other features than two large bright green eyes. The rest of his body is also covered by his clothing. Veris' outfit seems to always be the same unchanging brown pants, leather boots, and green shirt. He also seems to always have on his hat, scarf, gloves, and short tan mantle. Veris never seems to take any of these items off his person no matter what the environmental conditions are. He also carries with him a wooden staff with a curved end, and a satchel usually filled with the seeds of various plants. If one were able to get a good enough look at Veris' skin hidden underneath all his clothing they would notice something strange. Though he has the body shape of a human he is completely covered in thick dark green vines weaved together almost as if they are his skin. The vines are a part of the parasitic plant that resides within his body and acts as a defense mechanism. They protect his actual skin from harm against certain attacks, though he can feel pain and other sensations through them. Thanks to these vines he also weighs more than he would seem as they add extra weight to his body. Other than these vines the only other signs of his plant-like nature are the blades of grass (his hair) which have grown through parts of his hat. Though it could be reasonably assumed that they are simply attached to his hat and not coming out of his head.

Skills and Abilities

Plant Physiology- Due to his state of being partially human and partially a plant Veris has many unique traits.

Poison Resistance... Kinda- Thanks to his plant physiology any plant-based poisons are completely ineffective against him. On the flip side of this, things that are poisonous to plants are also poisonous to him.

Body Vines- Veris' body is covered in a thick layer of vines through which he can feel things almost like skin. These vines protect his actual body from certain types of damage, such as blunt force, by softening the impact of such attacks. These vines fail to protect against certain things like piercing and slashing attacks and even make him weaker to things such as fire. Being a part of his body the vines cannot be easily removed but will shrivel up and die upon taking enough damage. These vines will then only regenerate the next time that Veris eats a meal. Veris has limited control over these vines. Mainly he can just shift them on his body which can at times be used to boost the defense of one area while weakening another. He can also extend the vines away from his body to about a foot's distance from any given point on his body at one time.

Requirements for Living- Thanks to the type of plant that inhabits his body Veris no longer needs to sleep, eat, or drink to survive. Instead of sleeping, he goes into a dormant state in which he is still awake but sits unmoving for a period of time. While he no longer needs to eat or drink things he still needs water and nutrients to survive. He acquires them by absorbing them through the vines on his body. This is usually achieved by attaching them to a living or freshly deceased organism to drain them of their nutrients and water. Generally, this kills living creatures and creates a shriveled dry husk. He can use this process on both plants and animals though he usually chooses animals as they have more to absorb. Theoretically, this could be used in battle as a contact-based leeching attack. However, it is a slow process and easy to interrupt and therefore not very feasible for a fight.

Plant Knowledge- Thanks to the connection the plant inhabiting his body has with his brain his knowledge of plant life his generally very high. This is due to the fact that when he absorbs the nutrients of a plant he can naturally deduce what it is made out of and contains. This knowledge also includes what properties the plant has such as "this plant contains a deadly poison" and "this plant has pain-relieving properties." This allows him to have an almost encyclopedic knowledge of plants he absorbs. He can then utilize this knowledge to create various plant-related products such as poisons or healing salves as he knows exactly which plants to use.

Plant Magic/Botanomancy- Arguably Veris' most important skill is his ability to use Botanomancy. With this magic, he has the ability to control plants to a certain degree mainly by making them grow at accelerated rates. However, the real strength of this magic lies in its ability to fundamentally change a plant. For instance, one can cause a plant to grow thorns or produce poisons it normally wouldn't. Particularly skilled casters can even turn plants into monster-like creatures that act on instinct. Thanks to Veris’ unique physiology he can control the plant creatures to a certain extent. Such drastic changes are never permanent and only last a short while before the plant will die. As a human Veris' use of this magic was largely experimental and basic. Caution was a must as undesirable results were all too common. Though with his new partially plant body his use of this magic has entirely changed. Being a plant himself he now has a much deeper understanding of how plants work on a base level. This coupled with his extensive knowledge of different types of plants allows him to use his magic much more effectively than before. However, despite his change, the requirements of the magic are still the same. Like all magic Botanomancy has a price that must be paid in order to use it. This price is paid with the very things that plants use to grow, water, and nutrients. Botanomancy uses what is already inside a plant, what is inside the caster, and even what is in surrounding plants to cause changes. Generally, this means larger changes require more plants to be drained. Though part of the price must still be paid by the caster themselves no matter what.

Fight or Flight Mode- When Veris' body takes a certain amount of damage the plant in his body will assume full control of his body. This will cause him to enter into a state of fight or flight where he acts almost purely on instincts similar to a wild animal. During this time he will be more aggressive in his fighting and demonstrate increased physical capabilities such as faster reaction time, moving faster, and being stronger. This state can also activate in situations in which Veris is perceived to be in extreme danger. In these cases, he acts purely on flight instincts and will attempt to escape the situations by whatever means necessary.


Veris has a personality best described as true neutral. He has an in general strange personality as his mind has been warped by a plant. Most of this stems from the removal of his memories by the plant inhabiting his body. This causes him to have a weird perception of a number of concepts. For instance, he believes all legends and myths to be factual. Veris also has little to no concept of what is good or bad. However, he recognizes that certain things are rewarded in society while others are punished. He tends to view things through a logical lens as his ability to feel emotions is limited. There are only a few exceptions to this such as when it comes to plants, and music as both invoke an emotional response from him. Generally, this leads him to be neither rude nor nice but very blunt about things. He is naturally a very curious person and seeks to learn new things. This is especially true when it comes to strange new plants he has yet to discover. He generally only allies himself with people he finds interesting or who he thinks can help him in some way. When dealing with such people he is very docile and complies with directions very easily. Whenever Veris' body takes a large enough amount of damage the plant infesting his body takes partial control of his mind and initiates a strong fight or flight response. This leads to a personality change in such situations in which he will act more like a feral animal than a human.

Biography & Lore

Veris was born in a small farming village situated in the Allir Reach known as Casteilise. Despite being situated quite a ways away from Alliria, most everyone in the village made their living off farming and trading with traveling merchants. Being useful on a farm was always very important for the children growing up in this village. However, unlike most children, Veris was never very good with physical labor as he spent the majority of his childhood sick. This caused him to feel like an outcast in the little village.

One day out of desperation he drug himself out of bed and into his family's fields wanting to prove himself. Unsurprisingly he found the work to be incredibly difficult and struggled to stay on his feet as his health was so poor. Eventually, his parents found him passed out in a field clutching one of the crops in his hand. They frantically tried to wake him unsure if he was okay. As Veris slowly began to wake up his father noticed something strange. The crop in his son's hand had matured and was ready for harvest while all the others were still weeks away from that point. Thereafter it was quickly discovered that Veris had used some type of magic to cause the plant to grow. It was likely he overexerted himself in the process and fainted.

The village people were astounded that the boy had managed to accomplish something so strange. Magic was a rarity in the village as none there used it. It was something only occasionally seen when a traveling merchant knew some magic. However, despite their amazement at his feat, the villagers were still skeptical of his usefulness. For what good would it do to cause one plant out of many to grow faster. It would only throw the farmer and produce crops before there was any need for them. Veris on the other hand was determined to learn more about his interesting ability. As the townsfolk gave up on him he only grew more determined to succeed.

In time he grew to better understand and control his magic and gradually became more useful. Instead of simply making the plants grow faster he could make them grow larger. With practice and planning, he could work hard each season to increase crop yields for all the village's farmers. Though he always had to be careful not to do too much in one day. His health was still consistently poor and using his magic often only seemed to make things worse. Despite his health, Veris was still happier than ever to finally be able to be useful to his village. Things would continue on like this for a few years with Veris gradually improving on his skills. Until one year in his twenties when he began to notice, he could not improve anymore, seemingly having reached his limit.

Almost as if toying with him, fate would have it that the year in which he reached his limit was also the year his skills were needed more than ever. That particular year a new type of pest began to invade the village's crops. The bugs were larger and hardier than any that had come before. They resisted every method of eliminating them and quickly wreaked havoc among the crops. Everyone in the village came to Veris for help as he seemed to be the only one who could save their crops. He tried to change the plants in many ways to deter the bugs, but his options were limited. He had to find a way to save the plants without making them unsuitable for use.

After a month of trying to save the village's farms and failing people were beginning to lose hope in Veris. Everything he tried to do failed and he was running out of options. Though one day he came up with a new idea. It was a very strange and difficult idea but he was desperate enough to try anything. Even if it meant pushing the boundaries of his magic and trying something new. He decided he would try to make a new type of plant with his magic instead of just alter already existing ones. He hoped to create a plant that would entice the pests to eat it but would eat them instead. Veris was however ambitious in his goals and a bit overly confident in his skills. He wanted to create a plant that wouldn't compete with the village's crops and would survive without any further maintenance.

It took time and a great deal of trial and error, but eventually Veris created his miracle plant. It was a strange sort of plant that grew into a gourd-shaped fruit. However, instead of having roots, the plant would grow green vines at its base which would spread out around it. Whenever a pest would attempt to eat the vines they would get ensnared within them. When a bug became trapped the plants would then use something akin to roots from inside the plant's vines to drain the bug of all the water and nutrients in its body.

The plant did its job perfectly for a time and the village managed to recover from its pest issue. However unbeknownst to even Veris a new problem had begun. As the villagers worked in close proximity to predatory vine plants they would occasionally step among them. In these situations, the vines would react by attaching roots to their feet. In time the roots would make their way into their skin and begin their work. One by one villagers began to fall ill as an unknown disease swept through the village. Eventually, everyone began to start experiencing the symptoms of dehydration and starvation. Symptoms that wouldn't go away no matter how much they ate or how much rest they got. It was a slow process that took a great deal of time and suffering before the first person passed. Though after the first many others followed quickly until eventually, Veris was the only one left.

Veris seemed to be unaffected by whatever it was that had killed the rest of the village. He was alone and beside himself with grief that everyone he knew was gone. Though he still felt the need to investigate. He simply had too many questions to not try to find answers. Why was he seemingly immune to the disease? Why did no treatments seem to have any effects on it? Though there was one question his mind refused to think about. Why did there seem to be a relationship between his plants and the deaths of the villagers?

His investigation started with what came most natural to him. He would venture out into the fields for hours each day carefully inspecting every plant. All the crops seemed to be normal with no hint of abnormality and even his plants seemed to be normal albeit growing a bit too fast. It wasn't until a few days later that he began to notice something strange. In certain areas, the vines of his plants seemed to be growing out of the ground. With no gourd to have grown from and no other nearby plants, he was unsure why they were there. It wasn't until more vine patches started showing up that he noticed a pattern. Each patch was showing up in places where people killed by the disease were buried.

Horrified by even the thought of what his discovery might imply Veris quickly made plans to dig into one of the burial sites. He chose one not yet showing vines in the hopes that when he dug the corpse up it would be vine free and would thus dispel his worries. Sadly the opposite happened when he finally managed to dig the corpse out of the ground. What should have been a partially decayed corpse was instead a skeleton covered in a thick web of roots. Vines as well had already begun to grow from the skeleton's skull down towards its feet. When Veris unearthed the skull from the dirt he was shocked to find the gourd of one of his plants had grown inside. It didn't take him much more investigation to garner an idea of what had happened to the village.

Now beside himself with anger that he had created the thing that killed everybody, he set out with a new goal. He was going to destroy every last plant in the village. However, he had grown too comfortable with the thought that he was immune to the effects of the plants. Veris was not immune to them at all. As a matter of fact, he was the first one of them all to be infected by the plants. However, because it was his magic that created the plants in the first place they had a different effect on him. Whereas the other villagers were parasitized by the plants, Veris' magic caused him to have a sort of symbiosis with them. It was no coincidence he failed to realize what was ailing the villagers before they died. One of the plants had grown into and integrated with his body and mind in such a way that it gained a type of mind itself. Its presence caused him to subconsciously turn a blind eye to the happenings in the village. Though the plant could only fight against his will so much before he had things his way.

So with his willpower high and his goal in mind he set out into the field to destroy the plants. He would attempt to use his best and only tool to do so, his magic. Though in his rage he would overexert himself quickly becoming both starved and dehydrated. Had he not fainted so quickly after starting he would have accidentally killed himself with his recklessness. Still, though it seemed he would perish quickly in such a state with the sun still looming overhead. He most certainly would have died if not for the plant inhabiting his body. The vines of the plants his body lied upon slowly began to move snaking their way around his body to shield his from the sun. Nearby crops were entangled with roots as they were drained of nutrients to sustain Veris.

It was a long slow process that lasted around a month, but when it was over Veris had been nursed back to health. However, he was no longer the man he once was. The plant inhabiting his body did more than just heal him. It had grown itself deeper into his mind entwining itself with his entire nervous system. In the process, it managed to destroy his personal memories to make him more compliant. It grew entirely to become a part of his body and wrapped it tightly in protective vines. When he woke he had no memories of who he was other than his name, Veris Thymae. He had no memories of the place he found himself in. Not that he would have recognized it in the first place after it had become so heavily infested with vines and gourds. Despite this, he still knew all he had known before. He had his magic, his knowledge, and in his mind a new family of plants.

He stayed in the village for a long period of time after that. Days spent tending to the very plants that he had created so long ago. He no longer had to worry about being chronically ill. The plant had taken care of that as it had many other things. Eventually, though parts of his personality would begin coming back and his curious nature would drive him to explore the world. He began to drift learning the ways of the world as he went. He'd discover many flowers he'd never seen before as well keeping a mental catalog of them all. Occasional he would be driven by his plant to return to Casteilise. Though he'd always leave again on a never-ending search for knowledge.


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