Velkyn Deth
Velkyn was born as the sole son of his lineage. Once powerful, the House of Deth had much like many Dark Elf institution deteriorated to a former shadow of itself by the time he came along. Both his mother and father were more than content to let things slide, and their domains within the Underground slipped away over the centuries.
Despite the status quo that once placed the El'Eth and their kin above all else in the Underworld, tumultuous times in the great Empire's capital and many other cities brought this to an end. Many cities became enclaves, some insular and some still reaching out into the further reaches of the dark expanse.
Levesari, the ancestral home of House Deth lay in the furthest reaches away from the core of Drow lands, and was one of those that slipped into obscurity.
Though once a city of commerce and war, as House Deth slipped away so too did it's influence. The city was eventually overrun with foreigners. Duergar, deep gnomes, goblins, and even black Orcs took up residence and the Drow majority quickly became drowned out.
When Velkyn reached adulthood, the state of his home became too much to bare.
Slaughtering both his mother and father, Velkyn adopted the old ways and for the next century went about retaking his city. Though it took much blood and death, Levesari was eventually set right. House Deth ruled once more, with his kin standing firmly by his side. Though by now it stood as a little more than small enclave far from the rest of the El'Eth.
Knowing that he had not the strength, nor the support to break his way back through the lines of the Old Empire,Velkyn instead looked towards another way; the Surface.
Without delay, Velkyn departed his home and taking a retinue of his most loyal soldiers set forth for the city of Raath.
Though technically still position within the Underdark, Raath nestles itself nearer the surface. It is one of the few touchstones those of the Underworld have with the rest of Arethil, and it was here that Velkyn intended to grow his power. Using the resources of House Deth to reassert the dominance of the El'Eth within the city.
Skills and Abilities
A Drow of some years, Velkyn is an exceptional warrior.
Like many of his kinfolk he is far faster, stronger, and more durable than most human beings. He is well trained in the use of most weapons, though prefers the long serrated daggers of the El'Eth. Though more than capable, Velkyn has proven that unlike many of his people he prefers controlled violence to the chaotic mess of war.
He does not flicker to cruelty immediately, but instead uses it like a hammer pressing against something to be forged. That is to say, only used when and where he deems it necessary. Even though he does deem it necessary more often than not.
Aside from these features, Velkyn is also well learned in the magics of his people.
A part of why he was so successful in his bid for power was the learnings that many had let slip to ages past. He is a voracious reader and collector of knowledge, and will often dig into his former foes simply to learn their secrets. No matter what they may be.
Like many of his kinfolk he is far faster, stronger, and more durable than most human beings. He is well trained in the use of most weapons, though prefers the long serrated daggers of the El'Eth. Though more than capable, Velkyn has proven that unlike many of his people he prefers controlled violence to the chaotic mess of war.
He does not flicker to cruelty immediately, but instead uses it like a hammer pressing against something to be forged. That is to say, only used when and where he deems it necessary. Even though he does deem it necessary more often than not.
Aside from these features, Velkyn is also well learned in the magics of his people.
A part of why he was so successful in his bid for power was the learnings that many had let slip to ages past. He is a voracious reader and collector of knowledge, and will often dig into his former foes simply to learn their secrets. No matter what they may be.
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