Vasha Drurcius
"Have you considered perhaps that just because you might not be willing to pay everything for power, that someone else might be willing to make you pay it?"
At first glance, Vasha seems a father small and easily overtaken girl. Yet, upon closer inspection, most find her appearance a little too unnerving to risk being close by for long. Her stark white hair is dry and perpetually frayed, framing a face that stares at most literally with the cold, predatory eyes of a reptile. As a result, combined with her stoic demeanor, her expressions tend to be a bit harder to read than most. Usually, it's enough to keep people from digging too deep into things. Sometimes, however, it results in more curiosity than desired.
Clothing wise, the young woman prefers to wear more stretchy, breathable fabrics, especially those with more open sleeves due to her particular powers. This helps preserve some semblance of clothing in the event of a partial transformation, but not in the event of a full transformation. This is why she will always carry a second set with her pack, along with any other needed amenities.
Clothing wise, the young woman prefers to wear more stretchy, breathable fabrics, especially those with more open sleeves due to her particular powers. This helps preserve some semblance of clothing in the event of a partial transformation, but not in the event of a full transformation. This is why she will always carry a second set with her pack, along with any other needed amenities.
Skills and Abilities
Hand to Hand Combat: Vasha's specialty is close quarters in nature and often leads directly to weaponless hand to hand combat. As such she has learned various forms of combat tied to this theme. While she is trained to utilize longswords, daggers, and various other weapons in melee, her ability to cover her hands in scales and tip her fingers with claws has landed her a frightening amount of capability when competing with such weapons "bare-handed".
Ranged Combat: Due to having the eyes of a reptile, Vasha is able to see in a wider range of colors than an ordinary human might, and is capable of focusing her vision in a variety of ways. This results in her having a surprisingly high accuracy when it comes to archery when forced to use it. However, in combat, one relies the most on quick reflexes- and having to adjust her vision from long to close range can create vulnerabilities in her defensive reaction speeds. As such she prefers to avoid using this style of combat unless there is no other option, especially when many other individuals in her class have capabilities at range to cover her otherwise apparent lack.
Pain Resistance: Vasha can take a beating. A hell of a lot more than should be considered normal. While this is especially noticeable when it comes to physical harm, she has developed some measure of magical resistance as well, while this tends to get more of a reaction- likely due to it meddling with her own magic.
To be specific, when Vasha transforms, her body forcibly relaxes itself and her bones and muscles rapidly grow and change to accomodate the new form. This can be as mild as growing claws and scales on her hands, to as extreme as a full body transformation into a 30' long from head to tail Drake. Naturally, one would think this process would cause an intense amount of discomfort. It does. Just- not immediately. Instead, once a transformation is initiated, the degree of the transformation causes her to feel less and less pain in the immediate timeframe. However, as a drawback, all the pain she otherwise would suffer from said transformation and suffers during it will then collapse back on her as soon as the reverts back into her normal human form again. This can range from unpleasant cramps to outright incapacitating her for days depending on the severity.
Physical Resistance: While Vasha is structurally just like any other human girl, her scales and bones becoming broader upon transforming grants her a measure of resistance to physical attacks. This has made her exceptionally potent at barreling through unprepared defensive lines and wreaking havoc accordingly.
Anti-Coagulant Venom: Should she fully transform into her Drake form, Vasha's saliva begins to be permeated with an anti-coagulant venom. This has made her into a particularly lethal choice of combatant when having to deal with larger monsters or entities, as not only is she sturdy enough to get close and survive a hit, any attack from her could leave her opponent with a time limit until they bleed out. This venom does not last more than a few minutes once outside of her mouth however, much to the annoyance of the Proctors that once tried to see if they could bottle it for use on weaponry.
Ambusher: While not able to run for extended periods, Vasha is capable of putting on fairly intense bursts of speed capable of running down most fast horses when in full Drake form. Combined with her hard head and clawed limbs, she has been known to outright tackle and brawl targets as soon as she trips them up, heedless of whatever bruises might result from the move later.
Credit for the art goes to Nereiix
Ranged Combat: Due to having the eyes of a reptile, Vasha is able to see in a wider range of colors than an ordinary human might, and is capable of focusing her vision in a variety of ways. This results in her having a surprisingly high accuracy when it comes to archery when forced to use it. However, in combat, one relies the most on quick reflexes- and having to adjust her vision from long to close range can create vulnerabilities in her defensive reaction speeds. As such she prefers to avoid using this style of combat unless there is no other option, especially when many other individuals in her class have capabilities at range to cover her otherwise apparent lack.
Pain Resistance: Vasha can take a beating. A hell of a lot more than should be considered normal. While this is especially noticeable when it comes to physical harm, she has developed some measure of magical resistance as well, while this tends to get more of a reaction- likely due to it meddling with her own magic.
To be specific, when Vasha transforms, her body forcibly relaxes itself and her bones and muscles rapidly grow and change to accomodate the new form. This can be as mild as growing claws and scales on her hands, to as extreme as a full body transformation into a 30' long from head to tail Drake. Naturally, one would think this process would cause an intense amount of discomfort. It does. Just- not immediately. Instead, once a transformation is initiated, the degree of the transformation causes her to feel less and less pain in the immediate timeframe. However, as a drawback, all the pain she otherwise would suffer from said transformation and suffers during it will then collapse back on her as soon as the reverts back into her normal human form again. This can range from unpleasant cramps to outright incapacitating her for days depending on the severity.
Physical Resistance: While Vasha is structurally just like any other human girl, her scales and bones becoming broader upon transforming grants her a measure of resistance to physical attacks. This has made her exceptionally potent at barreling through unprepared defensive lines and wreaking havoc accordingly.
Anti-Coagulant Venom: Should she fully transform into her Drake form, Vasha's saliva begins to be permeated with an anti-coagulant venom. This has made her into a particularly lethal choice of combatant when having to deal with larger monsters or entities, as not only is she sturdy enough to get close and survive a hit, any attack from her could leave her opponent with a time limit until they bleed out. This venom does not last more than a few minutes once outside of her mouth however, much to the annoyance of the Proctors that once tried to see if they could bottle it for use on weaponry.
Ambusher: While not able to run for extended periods, Vasha is capable of putting on fairly intense bursts of speed capable of running down most fast horses when in full Drake form. Combined with her hard head and clawed limbs, she has been known to outright tackle and brawl targets as soon as she trips them up, heedless of whatever bruises might result from the move later.

Credit for the art goes to Nereiix
Vasha does not come across as someone with...well, any particular emotions other than wanting to keep away from others. She is very painfully aware of what she is, and how she came to have her powers after all. And it horrifies her. While most have seen her brazen and highly confrontational side against the Proctors over the years, Vasha will actually tend to avoid harming another student in her class if she can manage to.
However, on rare occasions when she chooses to speak rather than simply play mute due to her lisp, Vasha has shown she has a keenly analytical mind and can be quite tactical in her handling of issues. She has a tendency to try to think of all possible outcomes before acting, and as a result will frequently show the famous heavy handed nature of her lineage: ending a fight as quickly as it starts.
She has a low competitive drive compared to other students, instead rarely showing top marks but hovering frustratingly slightly above acceptable levels. Vasha, as stated above, has a bit of a mean streak when it comes to the Proctors- going so far as to openly hunt and attack them in her younger years while she was developing more fine tuned control over her powers. To her, they were the punching bag she got, instead of the one she wanted: her father. And they treated her much the same in turn, which has resulted in Vasha being especially ruthless when it comes to rival mages in a fight.
However, the revolution flipped her world entirely on its head. Whereas before, Vasha could expect what would happen (beating and subsequent torture) if she acted out, now she has no basis to go off of. This, if anything else, frightens her immensely, as unpredictability has always caused her the most pain in life. From her father discovering her lack of magic and turning her into a monster, to his eventual dropping her off at the school for training and subsequent treatment at the hands of the Proctors and other students. Vasha does not respond well to sudden changes whatsoever, and as a result of this particular change, even two years later, has become more withdrawn and wary of the Proctors rather than confrontational.
However, on rare occasions when she chooses to speak rather than simply play mute due to her lisp, Vasha has shown she has a keenly analytical mind and can be quite tactical in her handling of issues. She has a tendency to try to think of all possible outcomes before acting, and as a result will frequently show the famous heavy handed nature of her lineage: ending a fight as quickly as it starts.
She has a low competitive drive compared to other students, instead rarely showing top marks but hovering frustratingly slightly above acceptable levels. Vasha, as stated above, has a bit of a mean streak when it comes to the Proctors- going so far as to openly hunt and attack them in her younger years while she was developing more fine tuned control over her powers. To her, they were the punching bag she got, instead of the one she wanted: her father. And they treated her much the same in turn, which has resulted in Vasha being especially ruthless when it comes to rival mages in a fight.
However, the revolution flipped her world entirely on its head. Whereas before, Vasha could expect what would happen (beating and subsequent torture) if she acted out, now she has no basis to go off of. This, if anything else, frightens her immensely, as unpredictability has always caused her the most pain in life. From her father discovering her lack of magic and turning her into a monster, to his eventual dropping her off at the school for training and subsequent treatment at the hands of the Proctors and other students. Vasha does not respond well to sudden changes whatsoever, and as a result of this particular change, even two years later, has become more withdrawn and wary of the Proctors rather than confrontational.
Biography & Lore
Vasha is an artificial hybrid. She was not born a mage; instead her father, a fourth level Dreadlord of House Drurcius who could not stomach the idea of siring one impotent in the Arts, used his gifts to forcefully bind her to fragmentary pieces of draconic creatures that he had gathered on past missions. Scales. Bones. Teeth. Eventually, it was enough. Barely, in his eyes, that is. But it was enough. And out of that horrid experience came a girl who now struggles to maintain the barest shreds of who and what she once was.
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