Varo is a young half-elf born in an Elven City hidden deep within the Falwood.
Son of an Elven King, Varo spent most of his early years in complete revel and utter luxury. His days consisted mostly of traversing the outer reaches of the Falwood, playing games with other Elven Children, and learning about the nature that sat around him. From a young age Varo had a sense of trouble about him, though most simply assumed that he would grow out of.
Though this was never the case, Varo was still beloved. As half-human, most people within his home city saw him as a charming token, and even those he ran afoul had a cordial affection towards him.
In truth, even though he was a constant fuckup, it seemed almost impossible to stay mad at the young man.
This constant life of trouble and fun eventually hit a wall of reality that shattered the young mans life. It was during the night of a full moon that Varo ventured out with a group of friends deep into the Falwood. There he ran afoul of a beast that even he could not befriend; a werewolf.
Unable to escape, unlike his friends, Varo was bitten and scratched by the Wolf. His wounds, though not serious, were enough to infect him with the curse of Lycanthropy.
Though initially returning to his home city, Varo came to quickly understand the blight that afflicted him. Before the first full moon struck, the young man ventured out from his home and into the woods. There he began his trek across the world, eventually ending up in Alliria after several months.
There he was scooped up by a small gang in the Shallows, a band of misfits whom took him in and taught him even an Monster had a chance.