
Uro'mel'lenak "Uro"
In his true form, Uro is a large humanoid. He's got black horns rising out of his forehead, wile tusks coming from his teeth. His blood red hair is long and flows down his back. His hands end in long claw like fingernails, as do his toes. His skin also has natural swirled patterns across it, that don't form any picture or words, but are distinctive to him.
His usual dress in that form, if he is not hiding, is light, golden-colored armor, with a large sword, or a kanabo on his back.
Being a shapeshifter, he will take other forms as well. His most common, and the one he shows all but his most trusted friends (anyone he doesn't plan on eating after they see his true form in other words) is a tall, fair elvish man. This form has long flowing white-blonde hair, orange eyes, long sharp fingernails, and is usually dressed in black.
Pictured Here
Skills and Abilities
- Shapeshifting - As an Oni, Uro can change his appearance to a humanoid form. He can change his height to as short as 5', but cannot grow larger. When he changes, however, his weight does not change, thus if he looks like an old feeble man with barely any meat on his bones, he'll still weigh 300lbs, which can betray his true form.
- Fighting Ability - Naturally as an Oni, he is able to fight with the blade or kanabo he carries with him. He is not an extremely skilled fighter, however, so in most engagements, he usually relies on his size and strength, as well as hiding his true form in order to gain advantages over his opponents.
- Minor Sorcery - Uro is not a powerful spellcaster, as other Oni can tend to be. He has, however, learned to use his innate magic to lower the sound of his steps, so that when he is in a smaller form, he doesn't make as much noise.
- Opportunistic Man-Eater - While not his primary diet, Uro enjoys the occasional humanoid creature once in awhile, although he usually stifles this urge so as not to draw attention to himself.
- Mind over Might - Unlike his more brutish kin, Uro would rather deal with his problems through making a deal (usually deeply in his favor) than merely smashing his way through them. He is cunning and usually makes sure that he will benefit before he decides to make any deal, however, once he has made a deal, he always feels honor-bound to keep it, something else he doesn't share with his fellow Oni. This doesn't mean that he doesn't try to work the conditions of the deal to more of his favor at the first opportunity, however.
- Natural Strength and Resilience - Uro possesses a naturally strong and durable body thanks to being an Oni.
- Oni Weakness - His biggest weakness are weapons forged under a full moon, as well as being fearful of soybeans (both of which Oni keep VERY secret, and few mortals know about them). The bean weakness is something he can mentally overcome when it's used as a weapon, however, so it can be used to drive him off from attacking someone.
Uro is not as physically intimidating as others of his species. So, in order to survive among his kind (though he does not spend much time around them) he made sure that he would always be a step ahead of his opponents and rivals, keeping him alive.
This mindset has not changed as he has come to more civilized lands. He doesn't want to be driven out of Alliria, thus he's adopted a more honorable, yet cunning mindset. He would rather take out his problems with people and come to an understanding rather than brute force his way into power.
That being said, if he is pushed, he is likely to give into his more primal side and is willing to fight. When he does give into his more Oni nature, he is merciless and cruel. This side rarely comes out, however, and when it does never in front of anyone he thinks he wants to live after the encounter.
His goal is to become a powerful crime lord in Alliria, but he knows that if he is ever shown to be excessively cruel and evil, he would be hunted, so he is extremely careful, calculating, and tactful before relying on his strength.
Biography & Lore
Uro'mel'lenak's past before coming to Alliria is relatively unknown. He is young for an Oni, so perhaps he was driven out of his homeland by older and more powerful beings. Others say he was summoned by a mad sorcerer and was not banished before he killed the man. Either way, in the last ten years, he arrived in Alliria, and immediately wished it to be his new home.
Since his arrival, he worked for a previous, weak crime lord there. He didn't reveal his true form to the man, but he worked as muscle. He did this not for the money, which was helpful, but as a way to learn about the underworld of the city. With his help, the lord grew in power and influence, and was poised to becoming the one in charge of the majority of the city's smuggling rings. The story goes, however, that Uro's boss cheated him on his payments once, and Uro lashed out, killing his employer and all of his top lieutenants. He did not take his boss's place however. He contented himself with watching the remaining members of the organization tear each other apart in the power vacuum. He would not feed of the scraps of another, but build his own criminal kingdom from the ground up, in his own mind's image.
He started small with his dealings. Uro would offer protection to shop owners from other crime lords. At first, he was very busy, as he was muscling in on the territories of others. Soon enough, after enough bodies piled up, he wasn't challenged once he gave his protection to someone. He would even offer a better deal for his superior protection, only asking that when the time came, the owner would do something for him in return. Many were uncomfortable with the vague promise, but for the first few who took it, the favor was something small and easy. It let others know that he was not unreasonable.
When he had established a small part of the city for himself, no more than a block or two for his business, he hired two kinds of people: muscle to enforce his protections, and ears, to gain information. This information he would sell to the highest bidder, or use as leverage. He paced himself from there, not wanting to grow too fast, as the attention he had already drawn to himself was more than he wanted right away. So, he made 'peace' with other criminals in his area. He wanted to let them think that he was content with being a minor boss.
Since that time, he has gained power through blackmail, as well as singular criminals working for him. He hopes that he can start to grow in power again soon, but wants to be ready before he makes any big moves.
He has revealed his true form to few, instead taking on the form of a handsome elf. He goes simply by 'Uro' and insists people call him just that. The few who know what he is are trusted with that information, but whispers of him exist, insisting that he is more than just an elf. He doesn't mind the rumors, as long as they instill fear, and not thoughts of aggression towards him.
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