Female; 1.6m-2m
An off-shoot of humanity, Tyrians make their home on the northern sections of the Isles of Sheketh.Thought to have originally come to the island thousands of years ago, Tyrians have thrived and survived on Sheketh since their arrival. Though not as powerful as the native dragons, as hearty as the fire-giants of old, nor as tough as the ashen skinned ogres they are nevertheless survivors.
Over the centuries Tyrians have adapted to their native land, leading to a line of traits and natural magics which allows them to thrive.
The primary residents of the Sheketh city of Tyr, this race has found their place of security and calm.
Generally an incredibly cunning and guileful people. Tyrians always prefer to think before they act. They have a reputation as strategists, and planners. Always scheming something and ensuring they have every move in place before actually acting.
This reputation often leads many people to distrust Tyrians, with most assuming that they are always planning something for themselves. Despite this reputation however, Tyrians in fact hold to an incredibly rigid society. The rule of law is set into them from a young age, and most are loathe to break any sort of rule unless they are sure they can skirt the consequences.

Though slightly set apart from most of their human cousins, Tyrians do not differ too greatly from the standard homo-sapiens. Most of the differences lay within the inside of their physiology rather than the outside, though the differences are enough that some can tell the difference simply by sight.
Most Tyrians have olive skin, dark hair, and yellow eyes. Those of more 'pure' blood-lines tend to have scarlet or deep crimson hair.
These are common traits, though due to the intermixing of slaves and refugees, most Tyrians that can be found the world over tend to look closer to the standard human. What sets them apart as a people are more physiological in nature[See; Traits]. In general however, Tyrians seem to move with a far more predatory nature than the average human. Their movements more sudden and jerking. Their eyes faster, and their general demeanor far more off-putting.

Tyrians make their home almost exclusively on the Isles of Sheketh in their home city of Tyr.
Though they do venture all up and down the small sliver of the continent, they are almost entirely concentrated within the city. Having long ago determined that the rest of the isle is far too dangerous, Tyr servers as a safeguard and sanctuary for all Tyrians.
Despite this haven existing, it is not uncommon for Tyrians to venture out into the wide world. They are by nature a diplomatic people, and thus it is often that most young men and women will venture out Arethil for a at least a few years. Though most inevitably return.
As stated above, what truly separates Tyrians from the rest of humanity is their inner physiology.Since their landing on Sheketh thousands of years ago, these people had adapted. Either through natural evolution, of the magics within their own blood. Tyrians have developed away from their human cousins. These changes take place in a multitude of ways.

The first of these changes is an adapted physiology. By their very nature, are far more slight than their human cousins. Their muscles a bit more lean, their bones are thinner and more brittle, and none tend to store fat as well as most other humanoids. The effect of this makes them far more vulnerable in some ways, but also gives them a tendency to be faster.
Quick reaction times, fleet footwork, and a general swiftness are a trademark of all Tyrians.
This swiftness developed as the Tyrians grew on the Islands of Sheketh, spending most, if not all of their time simply on the run from the various horrors that plagued theirs new home. Along with this change came another, a resistance against the touches of fire. Heat for a Tyrian is next to nothing, though they are not entirely immune. As a payment for this gift however the cold cuts much more harshly, and even the most enduring of these folk despise heavy winters as can be found in the Tundra.
Lastly comes the gifts of blood.
Every Tyrian is born with an ability called 'the reading'. A skill that most be honed like a muscle, every Tyrian is at least capable of this feat. Using ones blood they are able to catch impressions of a person. Seeing the truth in them, what they hold most dear, and sometimes even snippets of pasts and futures.

This gift is an incredibly integral part of Tyrian society, and has created some of the most firm rules within it's Culture. This gift within the blood must be practiced, and if not touched upon will fade over time. It is said that the truly skilled can see the very soul of a person, reading everything from memories, intentions, and even possibly futures.
Although these gifts are possible for any true-blooded Tyrian, it has long since been known that various other gifts are bestowed upon the people of Tyr. These magics are all involved and related to the Blood. Some of these abilities allow their bestowed to communicate over great distances, take on the faces of others, and even control the crimson within the beings of the living.
Tyrian's are inherently gifted with Blood Magic, the Crimson Vitae of life being a core to their being and society.
Tyrian society is incredibly rigid and protective.Born out of an almost refugee like mindset, the core of these people is about safety and sanctuary. Thus there is an almost intrinsic self-interest that is harbored within almost every one of these people. They are cunning, scheming, and often will shy away from confrontation. Especially when it is clear that things will not go their way.
Most Tyrians have a string of narcissism constantly tugging at their throat. They are self interested and involved by nature, though that does not mean they incapable of empathy.
In stark contrast, most Tyrians are incredibly protective of those who see as part of their 'pack'. Once a connection of loyalty is established it is incredibly hard to break away. This is partially the reason why Slaves are treated so well in the city of Tyr, with it's primary founders fully believing in a sense of reciprocal loyalty.
This also of course means that rivalries are part and parcel of all Tyrians, and they often take competition to incredibly fierce level.

One of the most important aspects of all Tyrian society is the Gift of the Blood. This innate magical skill is central to the harsh sense of safety and general weariness to fight within all Tyrians. Due to the ability to see ones secrets with a single drop of someones blood, Tyrians jealously guard the crimson within their veins.
The spilling of blood is mired with a mess of cultural stigma and anger. Fights between members of this species rarely comes to full on blows, and in the city they built it is all but entirely outlawed.
Once simple refugees on the Isles of Sheketh, Tyrians were a hardy folk who had to deal with dozens of dangers upon their new homeland. Constantly harried by Fire-Giants, Dragons, and other beasts that could only be spoken of in legends, the Tyrians found themselves consistently running from their bestial enemies.Over the centuries their flight took them northward. They would travel for days and nights, moving, changing, until they eventually found a set of three great mountains. It was here that they finally decided to make their stand, and using the magics of their blood founded a new city.
Tyr came into being as a sanctuary, a refuge where people could find safety from what threats roamed the land around them.
With ingenuity and guile, the Tyrians built their new city. Harvesting the power of the mountains to build their society and construct a place where they would finally be safe. Using the natural flows of Lava, and channeling the violent eruption of the volcanoes, the Tyrians constructed the base of a city, and in this defended themselves.
It was not long before the Tyrians were greeted with other feeling refugees.
First came the goblins.
Scoured from beneath the earth the ordinarily greenskinned creatures has been turned gray. They begged and pleaded for safety, offering their hands as craftsmen and cunning merchants. The Tyrians saw their plight, and opened up their walls to the newcomers.
With the Goblins at their side the Tyrians harnessed the power of the earth around them in new ways. The first of the forges were created, and soon enough weapons and industry began to grow within the new city.
Then came the Ogres, not as refugees, but conquerors. Their armies came bellowing and roaring, storming forward and threatening the peace of Tyr. A battle loomed, a war to be fought, and yet the first of the three Kings stepped forward. He offered not a hand of war, but friendship. A home to the conquerors, a place within a new city.
The Ogres accepted, and a pact was made.
Thus the Death Watch came into being, The Ogres taking their place within the society of Tyr as watcher and protectors.
From there Tyr grew. The city became a hub, a central fortress that protected its people and cared not for the ways of those beyond. The volcanoes continued to feed it's forges, the lava flows drew through the fields, and as the years went on Tyrians society became more and more of what it was.
There the Tyrians now dwell, making their home comfortably within their sanctuary. Lords of a new kind of dominion.
- https://chroniclesrp.net/threads/an-enticing-song.4166/
- https://chroniclesrp.net/threads/the-past-returns.4208/
- https://chroniclesrp.net/threads/a-silver-tongue-turned-gold.4128/
- https://chroniclesrp.net/threads/the-tides-of-fate.3161/
- https://chroniclesrp.net/threads/to-the-ends-of-the-earth.4346/
- https://chroniclesrp.net/threads/going-home.3332/