Treyvr Forrester


Basic Details

  • Name: Treyvr Forrester
  • Species: Human
  • Age: 27
  • Height: 6 Feet Tall
  • Weight: 190 Pounds
  • Hair: Long brown hair
  • Eyes: Deep blue eyes
  • Skin: Tan

Personal Details

  • Occupation: Hunter
  • Place of Birth: Alliria
  • Affiliation: Independent
  • Home:
  • Aliases: Joel Woods



Treyvr Forrester face is lined with brown stubbled facial hair, his eyes are a deep blue and his facial features are rugged. His hair is long, and a dark brown that matches his facial hair. The man is almost always draped in green attire to match the woods he's elected to live in. He has a scar along the left side of his face underneath his eye from an eager swordsman years ago that never fully healed, and stands at a height of 6 feet, with a rough weight of near 190 pounds.

Skills and Abilities



Unseen Movement



Treyvr's a humble man, that most perceive as kind and charismatic. But ever since he abandoned his post as an Allirian Ranger, and taken upon the name Joel Woods, he's become careful in concealing his identity. To the people of small forest town he's taken up residence in, little is known about him other than he's kind and an adequate hunter. He rarely if ever interacts with the townspeople and keeps to himself in his small cabin in the woods.

Biography & Lore

Treyvr was born the son of Monty Forrester, a member of Alliria's merchant council. His fathers position made him a wealthy man and it was seen to that he had a swordsmaster teach him melee combat from a young age. Because of this he became proficient in swordplay over time, but it had never been his true love, merely a task his father had held him too. His father was always cold and distant, absorbed in his work and attempting to compensate for it by throwing money and expensive teachers at his son. But Trevyr could not be bought, and he found new ways to entertain himself.

While his days were spent in the towering architectural marvels of Alliria practicing the art of coin and sword as his father had planned, his nights were spent in the woods just outside of the city, hunting wildlife with a makeshift bow he'd made for himself. To others it didn't look like much, but to him it was his own, something he'd earned and not been given by his fathers abundant wealth. Every deer he downed was the product of a skill he'd learned without expensive teachers, his archery was born of himself, not coin.

And over the years he became quite talented in both the art of swordplay and archery to the point where a senior ranger sought him out at the age of 16, and offered him an apprenticeship. Forresters father had objected and turned the man away, saying that he'd wanted Treyvr to take his place on the merchant council one day when he was ready, but such a life had never interested the boy.

So Treyvr ran away from home, and from his father and accepted the position against his fathers will. After only two years as an apprentice the ranger who's name was Bishop, promoted him to a full ranger. A promotion that early was almost unheard of, and he was sent away to a town a few hundred miles east of Alliria and stationed in a small town that consisted of a lords castle and a village of about 200 people, functioning as the Area's only ranger.

Items / Companions

Allerian Rangers Bow


The Allerian rangers accuracy with a bow is well renowned. This is in large part due to the way they are crafted, as well as their consistent practice. Many experienced rangers bows have been carved from the great tree in Fal'Addas ensuring they are made with the finest wood the realm has to offer. The bows are then blessed by the elves with runes written in dragons blood to slow the users breathing and calm their nerves, making their shots more precise and accurate, assisting the weaker bowmen, and turning the truly talented into larger than life legends.

Although he abandoned his post as a ranger, Treyvr was a sentimental man and could not leave his bow behind. Not willing to risk exposing his identity as a ranger, he keeps the bow tucked away underneath the floorboards of his one man cabin on the outskirts of Pernrith.

Allerian Shortsword

Hunters bow

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