Torie, a tiger druid

Torie, a tiger druid

Biographical information
Eretejva Unknown Wanderer
Physical description
Human (permanently in tiger form) Female
Political information
Adventurer/will do most savoury things for coin
Out-of-character information

A gregarious and caring glutton.

Torie was sent far from her homeland on a journey of discovery, but seems content to wander rather than return to her people. She is a druid, taking the form of a siberian tiger, though her tiger form is extra big and **ahem** extra wide. For whatever reason Torie refuses to return to human form. She enjoys making new friends, helping people, and eating.


A large, extremely obese tiger. Very cuddly. Green eyes and extra large paws.

Skills and Abilities

Very strong.
Sharp claws and powerful jaws.
Can heal her own injuries with magic.
Can sense nearby life forms with concentration and meditation.


Gregarious, generous (except with food), compassionate and gluttonous.

Biography & Lore

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