Market town
Tirnua is the ruin of a city thought to belong to the Portal Stone Builders. Its ancient buildings share many of the same qualities as the ruins found on Malakath. Buildings often have a metal skeleton, forged of some metal that has only slowly corroded over the tens of thousands of years. Outside of the city is a Pedestal, a great tower that gives anyone a view to the distance if climbed. The way of making structures in this way, to last the eons has been lost to time.
A portal stone sits in the shadow of the Pedestal, outside the city's boundaries. It has been inactive for a very, very long time. It was reactivated by Seneschal.
No one knows how the city was once used by the Portal Stone Builders. Now only a thousand or so huddle in its ruins for safety.
Brightly coloured fabrics and flags mark out the districts of the city occupied by different cultures. The wide open spaces in the middle of the city function as a great market for trade.
The area is usually peaceful, different cultures having agreed to maintain this. Troublemakers are usually dealt with by their own.
The ruins of Tirnua function as a market town for a wide region. A wide variety of species come here to find safety from the monstrous predators of Malakath.
Kalar is the equivalent to the common trade tongue used by humans in the Eastern continents. It has some similarities to a language used by giants in the west. Very few know human, dwarven or elvish here.
One of the only species here familiar to those from Epressa and Liadain are orcs, though their language is different, but related to the many varieties of orcish spoken in the west. Komodi are also found in small numbers, they speak Komodan that is similar to that used in the west.
Straline are common here. Chi'xilixi are rarely seen, though roasted insectoids are considered a delicacy. Quill are occasional visitors, though do not have a permanent presence in the city.
Kalar is the equivalent to the common trade tongue used by humans in the Eastern continents. It has some similarities to a language used by giants in the west. Very few know human, dwarven or elvish here.
One of the only species here familiar to those from Epressa and Liadain are orcs, though their language is different, but related to the many varieties of orcish spoken in the west. Komodi are also found in small numbers, they speak Komodan that is similar to that used in the west.
Straline are common here. Chi'xilixi are rarely seen, though roasted insectoids are considered a delicacy. Quill are occasional visitors, though do not have a permanent presence in the city.
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