Theodore "Teddie" Zurim
Theodore "Teddie" Zurim is a young human man, born of his father, Stefan Zurim and his mother, Merille Zurim, who is sadly now deceased.
Teddie wants to prove to himself (and likely more so his father) that he can be more than a peddler of goods; that he can make a difference in the world and help others, despite his poor constitution.
Teddie is a fair skinned young man, standing at 5'6" (when he isn't lowering his posture to appear less imposing, in order to avoid conflict.) His messy brown hair, shorter at the sides is wavy, and he often finds it getting tangled amongst itself when he neglects to take proper care of it.
Teddie's freckled face often sports a nervous look, and sharp features, owing to his gaunt frame. His eyes often appear with dark circles beneath, indicating that he may not sleep as well as many others. His complexion is very fair, almost pallid.
He often wears baggy looking clothing, as his frame is quite meek and even clothes that would comfortably fit others around his size appear somewhat loose draping from his body. He tends to lean toward neutral earthy colors, as he finds they are easiest to wash common dirt marks, mud, and stains from.
Teddie's freckled face often sports a nervous look, and sharp features, owing to his gaunt frame. His eyes often appear with dark circles beneath, indicating that he may not sleep as well as many others. His complexion is very fair, almost pallid.
He often wears baggy looking clothing, as his frame is quite meek and even clothes that would comfortably fit others around his size appear somewhat loose draping from his body. He tends to lean toward neutral earthy colors, as he finds they are easiest to wash common dirt marks, mud, and stains from.
Skills and Abilities
Persuasive Pity
Teddie has a knack for convincing others to aid him or agree with him. Picking up from his father's mercantile dealings, he learned to sprinkle certain words and patterns of speech to persuade his conversational opposition. Be this convincing them to spare him, or convincing them that he has something of value to offer. His ability to talk his way out of tricky situations has aided him in conflict avoidance many times in the past, and saved his own skin more times than he wishes to recount.
Quick and Slippery
Teddie's history of running from fights and avoiding conflict has aided him in developing an affinity for squeezing through small gaps and quickly hopping fences to flee from would-be assailants. His fighting ability requires a great amount of work, but his ability to use his small build to slip out of the grip of someone that would mean him harm and make a quick getaway has helped him many times through his life.
While Teddie has often toyed with the idea that speed would factor a great deal into his ability to fight, his cowardice and the fear that he may die from the slightest injury has led him to avoid the potential altogether.
Caring and Understanding
Teddie's ability to read others, learning from his father's business, has helped him to develop a sympathetic understanding of those around him. He is gifted at reading faces, body language, and even lips from a moderate distance. Teddie being a compassionate man by nature has used this ability to gain not only an understanding of others from a business sense, but from a humane sense as well, often donating what little profit he has to those in need, or spending time with folks that need some kindness, whom average people might otherwise avoid.
His ability to understand and comprehend extends beyond just reading people, and has provided him a particular gift for reading his surroundings and situations as well. What he may lack in strength he more than makes up for with a heightened perception, so that he might stay ahead of whatever threats the day may pose to him.
Dagger & Dodge
Teddie is proficient with a dagger, and is able to at least swipe at an opponent to grant himself an opportunity to break from combat and flee. While he may not know his way around a sword all that well, he is able to parry basic attacks from one so long as he has a dagger equipped and fear in his heart.
Teddie's swift movement and thin frame make him adept at dodging to avoid wounds. His ability to quickly dip, dodge, and duck away from attacks swung at him by a threat is something he only needs to resort to if words have failed, and will gladly dodge rather than draw a dagger.
Teddie has a knack for convincing others to aid him or agree with him. Picking up from his father's mercantile dealings, he learned to sprinkle certain words and patterns of speech to persuade his conversational opposition. Be this convincing them to spare him, or convincing them that he has something of value to offer. His ability to talk his way out of tricky situations has aided him in conflict avoidance many times in the past, and saved his own skin more times than he wishes to recount.
Quick and Slippery
Teddie's history of running from fights and avoiding conflict has aided him in developing an affinity for squeezing through small gaps and quickly hopping fences to flee from would-be assailants. His fighting ability requires a great amount of work, but his ability to use his small build to slip out of the grip of someone that would mean him harm and make a quick getaway has helped him many times through his life.
While Teddie has often toyed with the idea that speed would factor a great deal into his ability to fight, his cowardice and the fear that he may die from the slightest injury has led him to avoid the potential altogether.
Caring and Understanding
Teddie's ability to read others, learning from his father's business, has helped him to develop a sympathetic understanding of those around him. He is gifted at reading faces, body language, and even lips from a moderate distance. Teddie being a compassionate man by nature has used this ability to gain not only an understanding of others from a business sense, but from a humane sense as well, often donating what little profit he has to those in need, or spending time with folks that need some kindness, whom average people might otherwise avoid.
His ability to understand and comprehend extends beyond just reading people, and has provided him a particular gift for reading his surroundings and situations as well. What he may lack in strength he more than makes up for with a heightened perception, so that he might stay ahead of whatever threats the day may pose to him.
Dagger & Dodge
Teddie is proficient with a dagger, and is able to at least swipe at an opponent to grant himself an opportunity to break from combat and flee. While he may not know his way around a sword all that well, he is able to parry basic attacks from one so long as he has a dagger equipped and fear in his heart.
Teddie's swift movement and thin frame make him adept at dodging to avoid wounds. His ability to quickly dip, dodge, and duck away from attacks swung at him by a threat is something he only needs to resort to if words have failed, and will gladly dodge rather than draw a dagger.
Teddie is a meek individual. He avoids conflict wherever possible, and is fearful of those that are quick to anger. His weak constitution has caused him to be overly cautious and calculating in his actions, so that he might have an advantage in talking his way out of a tricky spot.
Despite his weakness and cowardice however, Teddie has a lot of heart. He is self-sacrificing to aid others should the need arise, and while every part of him screams at him to flee when stepping between someone that would do harm to another to protect the weak, he somehow finds it in himself to overcome that fear. He does not quite have an understanding of this part of himself to this day, but it is the one thing he admires about himself, and wishes to explore it further. Teddie muses that he may have the makings of a hero within him, despite the fact he may be blown asunder by a brisk gust of wind.
He finds that when confronted by someone who shouts, or bears their teeth, his shoulders droop and his voice falls quieter. This may be an automatic reaction stemming from his youth. Teddie tries to ignore it when it happens, but has found that appearing smaller and meeker may cause others to pity him, and therefore may spare him from their tirade.
Despite his weakness and cowardice however, Teddie has a lot of heart. He is self-sacrificing to aid others should the need arise, and while every part of him screams at him to flee when stepping between someone that would do harm to another to protect the weak, he somehow finds it in himself to overcome that fear. He does not quite have an understanding of this part of himself to this day, but it is the one thing he admires about himself, and wishes to explore it further. Teddie muses that he may have the makings of a hero within him, despite the fact he may be blown asunder by a brisk gust of wind.
He finds that when confronted by someone who shouts, or bears their teeth, his shoulders droop and his voice falls quieter. This may be an automatic reaction stemming from his youth. Teddie tries to ignore it when it happens, but has found that appearing smaller and meeker may cause others to pity him, and therefore may spare him from their tirade.
Biography & Lore
Theodore "Teddie" Zurim is a young human man, born of his father, Stefan Zurim, and his mother, Merille Zurim, who is sadly now deceased. Teddie was born in Merille's home in Elbion, but at the age of 4, when she passed, Stefan sold Merille's house and moved with Teddie back home to his house in Alliria.
Teddie's father is a merchant, and always has been since he was a young lad. His trade business has been handed down to him from his father, and he plans to hand the same business down to Teddie when Stefan feels he is ready. Teddie however has no interest in being a merchant. He wants to make a difference in the world by doing whatever he possibly can to help those around him.
Throughout his life, Teddie has had a weak constitution. His body boasts little musculature, and he easily runs out of breath, becoming exhausted after even a moderate amount of manual labor. Despite this, Teddie is determined to make something more of himself than a peddler of goods for trade. Even if his father repeatedly calls him a fool for his dreams of doing so.
In his youth, Teddie was bullied relentlessly by the children of merchants local to Alliria whose families were seeing greater profits than the Zurim family. His father was an advocate of tough love; telling Teddie to stand up for himself and fight back, and that this would be an important lesson for his future as a merchant. Teddie hated violence, and conflict, and opted to instead allow the bully children to push him around until they left him alone. His father scolded him often for this.
Teddie's mother, Merille, passed away from an illness when he was young. Teddie doesn't remember what the illness was exactly, and refuses to bring the conversation up with his father to inquire about it, as each time he mentions his mother, his father turns to drink or is angered by the thoughts spawned in his mind. He often wonders what his life would have been like if his mother were still around. Would she grant him her blessing to pursue a different path in life than that of a merchant? Would she provide him comfort, caring, and a gentle hug every now and again when he felt he needed it?
Desperate to prove to himself, and his father more still, that he could make a difference, Teddie has moved away from his father's home in Alliria knowing that so long as he lived with his father, he would be unable to know with certainty his ability to be independent.
Teddie now travels the land, looking for direction in life, and a purpose that will draw him closer to his dream.
Teddie's father is a merchant, and always has been since he was a young lad. His trade business has been handed down to him from his father, and he plans to hand the same business down to Teddie when Stefan feels he is ready. Teddie however has no interest in being a merchant. He wants to make a difference in the world by doing whatever he possibly can to help those around him.
Throughout his life, Teddie has had a weak constitution. His body boasts little musculature, and he easily runs out of breath, becoming exhausted after even a moderate amount of manual labor. Despite this, Teddie is determined to make something more of himself than a peddler of goods for trade. Even if his father repeatedly calls him a fool for his dreams of doing so.
In his youth, Teddie was bullied relentlessly by the children of merchants local to Alliria whose families were seeing greater profits than the Zurim family. His father was an advocate of tough love; telling Teddie to stand up for himself and fight back, and that this would be an important lesson for his future as a merchant. Teddie hated violence, and conflict, and opted to instead allow the bully children to push him around until they left him alone. His father scolded him often for this.
Teddie's mother, Merille, passed away from an illness when he was young. Teddie doesn't remember what the illness was exactly, and refuses to bring the conversation up with his father to inquire about it, as each time he mentions his mother, his father turns to drink or is angered by the thoughts spawned in his mind. He often wonders what his life would have been like if his mother were still around. Would she grant him her blessing to pursue a different path in life than that of a merchant? Would she provide him comfort, caring, and a gentle hug every now and again when he felt he needed it?
Desperate to prove to himself, and his father more still, that he could make a difference, Teddie has moved away from his father's home in Alliria knowing that so long as he lived with his father, he would be unable to know with certainty his ability to be independent.
Teddie now travels the land, looking for direction in life, and a purpose that will draw him closer to his dream.
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