The Shadow
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Not much is known about the appearance of the shadow. They are always seen in dark hooded leathers with an ornate mask hiding their facial features.
Skills and Abilities
Forget Me Not:
Dispite it's name The Shadow possesses an rune engraved ornate Elven steel mask that is enchanted to make people forget that they have seen him when activated. The mask allows the wearer to see in the dark aswell as through walls by displaying heat signatures. The mask also disguises the voice of the wearer.
Close Quarters Combat:
The Shadow is an expert at close quarters combat, however he typically chooses to avoid this type of combat preferring to not get into extended brawls.
Bladed Weapon Expert:
Be it knife, dagger, or sword The Shadow knows his way around a blade. He has trained many years hoping one day to be a Master.
The Shadow has a natural talent for the bow, he is a crack shot and rarely if ever misses his mark.
The Shadow has the ability to bend light around him to make himself, clothing and equipment invisible. This takes some time to do so, shimmers of light can be seen when he moves. The more he moves the harder it is for him to keep up the veil around him.
The Shadow has a vast knowledge of poisonous herbs and animals and has done many alchemical experiments with them to create lethal and non lethal poisons, for example, he can create a poison that paralyzes the victim but not kill them. His research has also granted him immunity to poisons. He accomplished this by ingesting small amounts of poison over time to build up immunity.
Thrown Weapon Expert:
The Shadow is an expert at thrown weapons be it knives, axes, or other thrown weapon.
Dispite it's name The Shadow possesses an rune engraved ornate Elven steel mask that is enchanted to make people forget that they have seen him when activated. The mask allows the wearer to see in the dark aswell as through walls by displaying heat signatures. The mask also disguises the voice of the wearer.
Close Quarters Combat:
The Shadow is an expert at close quarters combat, however he typically chooses to avoid this type of combat preferring to not get into extended brawls.
Bladed Weapon Expert:
Be it knife, dagger, or sword The Shadow knows his way around a blade. He has trained many years hoping one day to be a Master.
The Shadow has a natural talent for the bow, he is a crack shot and rarely if ever misses his mark.
The Shadow has the ability to bend light around him to make himself, clothing and equipment invisible. This takes some time to do so, shimmers of light can be seen when he moves. The more he moves the harder it is for him to keep up the veil around him.
The Shadow has a vast knowledge of poisonous herbs and animals and has done many alchemical experiments with them to create lethal and non lethal poisons, for example, he can create a poison that paralyzes the victim but not kill them. His research has also granted him immunity to poisons. He accomplished this by ingesting small amounts of poison over time to build up immunity.
Thrown Weapon Expert:
The Shadow is an expert at thrown weapons be it knives, axes, or other thrown weapon.
Biography & Lore
Not much is known of the identity or even existence of The Shadow, some believe he is just an urban legend started by a crime syndicate to scare the masses.
The Shadow is said to be the head of a crime syndicate in Allaria. Very few people believe he actually exists, this is because no one has ever met The Shadow, that they can remember anyways.
Due to his possession of an enchanted mask that has the ability to erase any interactions and memories of himself from memory effectively freezing a person in place for a short amount of time. Ever remember walking into a room to grab something, only to forget what you came for? You probably encountered The Shadow
The Shadow is said to be the head of a crime syndicate in Allaria. Very few people believe he actually exists, this is because no one has ever met The Shadow, that they can remember anyways.
Due to his possession of an enchanted mask that has the ability to erase any interactions and memories of himself from memory effectively freezing a person in place for a short amount of time. Ever remember walking into a room to grab something, only to forget what you came for? You probably encountered The Shadow
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