The Red Ass of the Steppes, Khulan Altan

The Red Ass of the Steppes, Khulan Altan

Biographical information
Taagi Baara Steppes 51 Where the Black Shields make camp.
Physical description
Half Human / Half Ogre Male 6' 6" Broad as a cortosi wine barrel. A wild mess of stormy black. Near the color of jet. A fiery red.
Political information
Mercenary / Sawbones/ Drunk
Out-of-character information
Dingo 4/26/22 Yuankai Li

Said to be the spawn of an ogre, who left him to be raised by the wolves of the steppe, Khulan is a man of fierce spirit. He does nothing by half measure, and knows little when it comes to restraint.

Yet, his love for his daughter shows that he is more than just bellowing laughter and volcanic battle cries. His love for his soldiers can never be doubted. And his love for the simple joys in life have lead him to trouble. Drink, coin, and flesh.


Broad shouldered, and barrel chested. His thick bones are packed with ticker muscle, and covered by leathery red skin. A face like a tempest, prone to explosive shows of emotion. Cries like waterfalls, laughs like thunder, and shouts like the fury of the earth itself. Such expressiveness leaves many lines of laughter and sadness and furry that crinkle the skin of his face and show his age.

Thick as he is, Khulan is known to be quite deft. His movements, while a rush and crash and roil to the untrained eye, are acts of utmost control. Hence, his ability to tend to the wounded, sewing rent flesh and removing arrows and fragments from half dead bodies.

He wears simple clothing, keeping in the traditional garb of his homeland, and can often be found riding a massive silver boar named Oronku.

Skills and Abilities

Hog Rider

Steel Tempest

Bow Demon

Drunken Master

Blood Boiler


Loud and often drunk, the stubborn ass does not know the meaning of dialing things down. Yet, those who truly know him understand that at the eye of this storm there is a deep well of calm. Only there is so much that swirls about him getting in its way.

Biography & Lore

Formerly a mercenary captain of his own company, a pitched defense that had countless crash and fall against his men caught the eye of his once enemy. Now, he Captains the Bloody 4th Company of the Black Shields Mercenaries.

Additionally, he has a daughter who serves in his company as an acting officer, Enkhtuya.


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