The Kingdom of Samskaya
Ruled over by a leader known as the Scaled King, the Kingdom of Samskaya is a society the likes of which had never graced the jungles of Nagai before. Created as a result of a relentless and bloody conquest set forth by one of the Naga tribes on the island, the Kingdom has seen a period of unrivaled expansion throughout its neighboring territories — an expansion caused both by war and diplomacy.
Underneath the Scaled King is a court of his advisors, a collection of notable and skilled Naga who aid in matters of state and external affairs. Though some are the rulers of inner tribes and clans of the kingdom, not all who advise the Scaled King are royalty. They were each specially picked due to displays of skill and capability at their prospective positions, some being excellent tacticians and warriors while others are discrete shamans and spies. These select few are offered the largest amount of privileges in the realm. Among these privileges is the ability to indulge in Tiskuani blood magic, a coveted boon that transfers life from one to another. This allows them to live beyond the restraints of mortal Naga, so long as they continue to undergo the ritual.
This is, of course, a tactic to ensure loyalty among the Scaled King's followers. The ritual behind Tiskuani life-drinking is a closely guarded secret only known by its practitioners. When more extensive and elaborate rituals are undergone, they are done behind closed doors and under close supervision to ensure knowledge of it does not leave the hands of the tribe.
Underneath the Scaled King is a court of his advisors, a collection of notable and skilled Naga who aid in matters of state and external affairs. Though some are the rulers of inner tribes and clans of the kingdom, not all who advise the Scaled King are royalty. They were each specially picked due to displays of skill and capability at their prospective positions, some being excellent tacticians and warriors while others are discrete shamans and spies. These select few are offered the largest amount of privileges in the realm. Among these privileges is the ability to indulge in Tiskuani blood magic, a coveted boon that transfers life from one to another. This allows them to live beyond the restraints of mortal Naga, so long as they continue to undergo the ritual.
This is, of course, a tactic to ensure loyalty among the Scaled King's followers. The ritual behind Tiskuani life-drinking is a closely guarded secret only known by its practitioners. When more extensive and elaborate rituals are undergone, they are done behind closed doors and under close supervision to ensure knowledge of it does not leave the hands of the tribe.
Several tribes make up the Kingdom of Samskaya, each with separate customs and beliefs. Under the rule of the Scaled King, these differences are adapted so that they may coexist within the greater union. However, each one still maintains a semblance of its inherent individuality.
The central tribe is the Tiskuani, whose blood magic was what allowed the Scaled King's conquest in the beginning. Known as the lifedrinkers if converted to Common, they are a deeply mystical people who have mastered the sacred art of blood magic. The ruler of Samskaya, Tir'Coatl, hails from this tribe. Little is known of the tribe's magic, though its benefits have often been utilized as a bargaining tool to ensure loyalty and fealty among the population. Many of its members are considered ancient by their fellow Naga, reaching beyond the typical lifespan of thirty years.
Among the other tribes are the Aswani Naga, a fearsome and savage clan closely tied to the ocean. There is no formal chain of command in the tribe, operating under the idea of the strong prevailing as the weak perish. They had recently allied themselves with the encroaching Kingdom of Samskaya, though the prevalence of xenophobia within the populace has kept them from mingling with its neighboring tribes and peoples. They are a powerful component of the kingdom's military, aiding their conquest with a near-religious devotion as they sacrifice their enemies to the corals. This deal had been negotiated by one of the tribe's members, An'azesh, who had been chosen to be one of the Scaled King's advisors.
The Cuicatl are a matriarchal society of Naga in the Iuk'u Delta, led by Queen Ixcuiname. The descendants of ancient sirens, they still carry many of their characteristics. Among these characteristics is a siren's song. It is said that upon reaching maturity a male naga willingly rips out their vocal cords, rendering them permanently mute, and sacrifices the organ for a newly matured female to develop her song. This bond cements the pair for life and, while the woman is free to accept more sacrifices, the male naga is duty-bound to protect her. The art of manipulating and entering the dreams of others, dreamstealing, is said to have originated from the tribe, making them a valued asset in the Kingdom.
The Prvasi Naga are an aquatic subsect of Naga that resides along the coastline of Nagai. Especially primitive compared to their peers, they live in small leaderless family communes among the roots. Even within the capital city Samskaya, Prvasi Naga have a tendency to remain on the outskirts of civilization.
Many others exist beyond these four, from minor clans to wide-spanning tribes, in such a large volume that it would an exercise in madness to mention and lay them all out individually.
Most have a culture based on strength, with the vast majority partaking in slavery in some capacity—some as mere servants, laborers, or even as untrained hordes to send into raids. There are very few Naga slaves, and the tribes that do so are heavily looked down upon by their peers for their perceived savagery. Beastmen and Saurag are far more common, particularly the former due to their mammalian nature.
Tiskuani slavers have begun to brand their slaves with blood, most commonly in the higher ranks of Samskayan society, taking after what was observed by Vel Anir forsaken. This is a new practice, and as such has only made its way into the slaves of royalty. It is a brutal practice and one viewed with utmost practicality.
Xenophobia is a common aspect in Samsakayan society, specifically targeted towards 'Skinned Ones.' This term is universally used by Naga to refer to humans and other similar races, with the common trait possessed by them being their inherent lack of scales. Skinned Ones are thought of as weak and feeble, with their flesh offering little protection from the world they so arrogantly claim to be theirs. At best, they are too weak to do anything of note and should be ignored without hesitation. At worst, their existence was a mistake that should be righted. As the Naga expand further, this view is becoming more and more measured amongst the population. However, it is still a major part of their culture that is unlikely to go away soon.
The central tribe is the Tiskuani, whose blood magic was what allowed the Scaled King's conquest in the beginning. Known as the lifedrinkers if converted to Common, they are a deeply mystical people who have mastered the sacred art of blood magic. The ruler of Samskaya, Tir'Coatl, hails from this tribe. Little is known of the tribe's magic, though its benefits have often been utilized as a bargaining tool to ensure loyalty and fealty among the population. Many of its members are considered ancient by their fellow Naga, reaching beyond the typical lifespan of thirty years.
Among the other tribes are the Aswani Naga, a fearsome and savage clan closely tied to the ocean. There is no formal chain of command in the tribe, operating under the idea of the strong prevailing as the weak perish. They had recently allied themselves with the encroaching Kingdom of Samskaya, though the prevalence of xenophobia within the populace has kept them from mingling with its neighboring tribes and peoples. They are a powerful component of the kingdom's military, aiding their conquest with a near-religious devotion as they sacrifice their enemies to the corals. This deal had been negotiated by one of the tribe's members, An'azesh, who had been chosen to be one of the Scaled King's advisors.
The Cuicatl are a matriarchal society of Naga in the Iuk'u Delta, led by Queen Ixcuiname. The descendants of ancient sirens, they still carry many of their characteristics. Among these characteristics is a siren's song. It is said that upon reaching maturity a male naga willingly rips out their vocal cords, rendering them permanently mute, and sacrifices the organ for a newly matured female to develop her song. This bond cements the pair for life and, while the woman is free to accept more sacrifices, the male naga is duty-bound to protect her. The art of manipulating and entering the dreams of others, dreamstealing, is said to have originated from the tribe, making them a valued asset in the Kingdom.
The Prvasi Naga are an aquatic subsect of Naga that resides along the coastline of Nagai. Especially primitive compared to their peers, they live in small leaderless family communes among the roots. Even within the capital city Samskaya, Prvasi Naga have a tendency to remain on the outskirts of civilization.
Many others exist beyond these four, from minor clans to wide-spanning tribes, in such a large volume that it would an exercise in madness to mention and lay them all out individually.
Most have a culture based on strength, with the vast majority partaking in slavery in some capacity—some as mere servants, laborers, or even as untrained hordes to send into raids. There are very few Naga slaves, and the tribes that do so are heavily looked down upon by their peers for their perceived savagery. Beastmen and Saurag are far more common, particularly the former due to their mammalian nature.
Tiskuani slavers have begun to brand their slaves with blood, most commonly in the higher ranks of Samskayan society, taking after what was observed by Vel Anir forsaken. This is a new practice, and as such has only made its way into the slaves of royalty. It is a brutal practice and one viewed with utmost practicality.
Xenophobia is a common aspect in Samsakayan society, specifically targeted towards 'Skinned Ones.' This term is universally used by Naga to refer to humans and other similar races, with the common trait possessed by them being their inherent lack of scales. Skinned Ones are thought of as weak and feeble, with their flesh offering little protection from the world they so arrogantly claim to be theirs. At best, they are too weak to do anything of note and should be ignored without hesitation. At worst, their existence was a mistake that should be righted. As the Naga expand further, this view is becoming more and more measured amongst the population. However, it is still a major part of their culture that is unlikely to go away soon.
A young race, the Naga's existence has been remarked upon as a nuisance by the civilized world. They surge from their island home of Nagai onto the mainland like a blight, raiding villages and enslaving any that do not fall to their blades. They are deemed primitive beasts, monsters with a taste for blood, and nothing more.
Away from the sight of the Skinned Ones, however, a kingdom is forming. The tents of the old tribes are replaced with palaces and abodes, palisades turned to great walls, shrines to temples. Old and dark magics alike are shared among them, called upon by their shamans. What were once thought to be mindless savages have collected under the authority of the Scaled King, and their eyes are set beyond the jungle.
The story of its formation is a bloody one, rife with conquests and wars. The Tiskuani tribe, under the leadership of Tir'Coatl, set forth a brutal and relentless campaign across Nagai known as the Red Tide. Tribes that refused to swear fealty to their banner were cut down, their foolish members serving as sacrifices to fuel Tiskuani blood magic, further empowering their army. However, this cruelty was not without restraint. Those that surrendered were allowed their survival, fully assimilated into the newly forming kingdom. Conquered Naga found themselves able to serve in the Red Tide's army, worship their gods under a loose collective pantheon, and royalty was allowed to taste the power of Tiskuani blood magic as an incentive for their continued subservience.
The Kingdom of Samskaya was born, and Tir'Coatl was crowned the Scaled King.
More recently, negotiations have been undergone with the Drow races. Though their unfortunate race made their offer of alliance undesirable at first, a duel between the Drow weapon master and Tiskuani champion Zul'Tana shows their strength. Thus, the strangest alliance had been formed.
Away from the sight of the Skinned Ones, however, a kingdom is forming. The tents of the old tribes are replaced with palaces and abodes, palisades turned to great walls, shrines to temples. Old and dark magics alike are shared among them, called upon by their shamans. What were once thought to be mindless savages have collected under the authority of the Scaled King, and their eyes are set beyond the jungle.
The story of its formation is a bloody one, rife with conquests and wars. The Tiskuani tribe, under the leadership of Tir'Coatl, set forth a brutal and relentless campaign across Nagai known as the Red Tide. Tribes that refused to swear fealty to their banner were cut down, their foolish members serving as sacrifices to fuel Tiskuani blood magic, further empowering their army. However, this cruelty was not without restraint. Those that surrendered were allowed their survival, fully assimilated into the newly forming kingdom. Conquered Naga found themselves able to serve in the Red Tide's army, worship their gods under a loose collective pantheon, and royalty was allowed to taste the power of Tiskuani blood magic as an incentive for their continued subservience.
The Kingdom of Samskaya was born, and Tir'Coatl was crowned the Scaled King.
More recently, negotiations have been undergone with the Drow races. Though their unfortunate race made their offer of alliance undesirable at first, a duel between the Drow weapon master and Tiskuani champion Zul'Tana shows their strength. Thus, the strangest alliance had been formed.
I saw them.
I saw them as they slithered just beyond the village borders, skulking in the darkened edges of the Wilds. I had seen them in my dreams before, though the details escape me before I could recall what they told me. Brutal beasts, savage raiders with no taste for civilization. Any man in his right mind would have sounded the alarm and pierced their scales with an arrow before they even thought of laying waste to their home.
My body refused to move, my arm unyielding to my commands. It was though I had become a prisoner in my own mind, subject to view the heinous acts my puppeteered body committed. I could only watch as my body moved to the gate, stared out to the assembling horde of beasts, and opened the gate. Dozens of others in my town followed me as I walked toward them, walked toward my death willingly.
What followed next was a scene from a nightmare.
I saw them as they slithered just beyond the village borders, skulking in the darkened edges of the Wilds. I had seen them in my dreams before, though the details escape me before I could recall what they told me. Brutal beasts, savage raiders with no taste for civilization. Any man in his right mind would have sounded the alarm and pierced their scales with an arrow before they even thought of laying waste to their home.
My body refused to move, my arm unyielding to my commands. It was though I had become a prisoner in my own mind, subject to view the heinous acts my puppeteered body committed. I could only watch as my body moved to the gate, stared out to the assembling horde of beasts, and opened the gate. Dozens of others in my town followed me as I walked toward them, walked toward my death willingly.
What followed next was a scene from a nightmare.
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