Ixcuiname is a small, almost meek, looking Naga who stands far below average at just under 6 foot in height. Her body is adorned with beautiful salmon colour scales and vivid coral outcroppings littering the length of her person. Despite the intimidating presence Naga's are renowned for Ixcuiname can almost be described as pretty, having been blessed with a face, that on any other living creature, would make angels weep with jealousy. In regards to her appearance Ixcuiname tends to wear light well-fitting clothes made of aquatic matter, otherwise, the only staple of her garb would her weapon of choice - a long-handled mace.
Skills and Abilities
As with all members of her tribe, Ixcuiname descended from ancient sirens and retains certain characteristics and traits associated with those beasts. Most notably, being from the ruling bloodline of matriarchs that govern the tribe, Ixcuiname is a capable and talented dreamstealer. By entering a special magical trance Ixcuiname is able to project her dream self across distances and infiltrate the minds and imaginations of other individuals. Notably, this enables Ixcuiname to glean secrets and knowledge from these victims.
Additionally, Ixcuiname is capable of producing sleeper agents within her targets. By infiltrating someone's slumber, she can impart a fraction of her self within the target's subconscious and leave a basic command to be activated at a later time. However, she is only capable of less than a handful of thralls at one time and each command must be relatively straightforward or simple. As well as this, these commands are only temporary and the imprint of herself she leaves will find its way back to Ixcuiname if several days have elapsed and the command has not been issued - thereby freeing the victim. Likewise, Ixcuiname is particularly careful about using this ability as it imparts great emotional, physical and mental strain upon her and several of her ancestors were driven insane or, simply, died from using this talent.
All women of the Cuicatl tribe are capable of invoking a siren's song. It is said that upon reaching maturity a male naga willingly rips out their vocal cords, rendering them permanently mute, and sacrifices the organ for a newly matured female to develop her song. This bond cements the pair for life and, while the woman is free to accept more sacrifices, the male naga is duty-bound to protect her. That said, Ixcuiname's song is of lesser quality and capability than others of her tribe. She is unable to engage in full hypnosis and, instead, uses the song to disorientate and nauseate foes, opening them up to her attacks.
Finally, as with all Naga Ixcuiname is a capable warrior. Her magical prowess serves only so far within even her tribe and Ixcuiname has shown to be particularly ruthless with her mace - capable of taking down enemies almost twice her size. That said, melee combat is her least preferred method of combat and she will try her best to have others fight in her stead.
Additionally, Ixcuiname is capable of producing sleeper agents within her targets. By infiltrating someone's slumber, she can impart a fraction of her self within the target's subconscious and leave a basic command to be activated at a later time. However, she is only capable of less than a handful of thralls at one time and each command must be relatively straightforward or simple. As well as this, these commands are only temporary and the imprint of herself she leaves will find its way back to Ixcuiname if several days have elapsed and the command has not been issued - thereby freeing the victim. Likewise, Ixcuiname is particularly careful about using this ability as it imparts great emotional, physical and mental strain upon her and several of her ancestors were driven insane or, simply, died from using this talent.
All women of the Cuicatl tribe are capable of invoking a siren's song. It is said that upon reaching maturity a male naga willingly rips out their vocal cords, rendering them permanently mute, and sacrifices the organ for a newly matured female to develop her song. This bond cements the pair for life and, while the woman is free to accept more sacrifices, the male naga is duty-bound to protect her. That said, Ixcuiname's song is of lesser quality and capability than others of her tribe. She is unable to engage in full hypnosis and, instead, uses the song to disorientate and nauseate foes, opening them up to her attacks.
Finally, as with all Naga Ixcuiname is a capable warrior. Her magical prowess serves only so far within even her tribe and Ixcuiname has shown to be particularly ruthless with her mace - capable of taking down enemies almost twice her size. That said, melee combat is her least preferred method of combat and she will try her best to have others fight in her stead.
Ixcuiname is a cunning and shrewd individual. She uses her beauty and intelligence to achieve whatever she has her mind set on at the time and despises being told what to do. Overall, she cares little about the actions, thoughts, or feelings of others - even within her tribe - and considers self-preservation to be her only goal.
She does, however, have a glaring weakness. Ixcuiname is exceptionally vain and, despite her intelligence and guile, she is particularly susceptible to flattery and bribery. Her desire to retain her beauty has led to her to seek out the Scale King, in the hopes that he can ensure her own survival past the Naga's infamously short life-span. This notion, of perpetuating her lifespan, leads her to be almost completely beholden towards the Scale King and his ideas.
She does, however, have a glaring weakness. Ixcuiname is exceptionally vain and, despite her intelligence and guile, she is particularly susceptible to flattery and bribery. Her desire to retain her beauty has led to her to seek out the Scale King, in the hopes that he can ensure her own survival past the Naga's infamously short life-span. This notion, of perpetuating her lifespan, leads her to be almost completely beholden towards the Scale King and his ideas.
Biography & Lore
Ixcuiname was born deep within the murky waters of the great delta, daughter of the great river queen Quetzalli. Her formative years were spent shadowing her mother, fighting against the human scourge and explorers that would frequent the delta and devouring all the unfortunate parties that dared to venture within Cuicatl territory.
As is the tradition in her tribe, upon reaching her maturity, the strongest of her cohort ripped out their vocal cords and offered them towards Ixcuiname. Quick to offer them to their goddess, Ixcuiname developed her own siren call and began the preparations to overthrow her mother as custom dictated.
Her mother, however, was relentless and did not wish to give Ixcuiname an easy route to power as those before her had done. Instead, the Cuicatl tribe was plunged into a civil war, the waters of the delta running red with the blood of the river Nagas. Eventually, however, Ixcuiname was successful in decimating his mother's remaining garrison and was crowned the next river queen. Her mother's body was sacrificed and her vocal cord and brain were preserved for Ixcuiname's immediate consumption.
The remains awakened her ancestral bloodline and soon she began to develop her skills as a dreamstealer. With the help of the elder guides, who tutored her mother before her, she soon became adept within this art and, despite several failed coups, has proven to be one of the most successful and longest-serving rulers of the Cuicatl.
As is the tradition in her tribe, upon reaching her maturity, the strongest of her cohort ripped out their vocal cords and offered them towards Ixcuiname. Quick to offer them to their goddess, Ixcuiname developed her own siren call and began the preparations to overthrow her mother as custom dictated.
Her mother, however, was relentless and did not wish to give Ixcuiname an easy route to power as those before her had done. Instead, the Cuicatl tribe was plunged into a civil war, the waters of the delta running red with the blood of the river Nagas. Eventually, however, Ixcuiname was successful in decimating his mother's remaining garrison and was crowned the next river queen. Her mother's body was sacrificed and her vocal cord and brain were preserved for Ixcuiname's immediate consumption.
The remains awakened her ancestral bloodline and soon she began to develop her skills as a dreamstealer. With the help of the elder guides, who tutored her mother before her, she soon became adept within this art and, despite several failed coups, has proven to be one of the most successful and longest-serving rulers of the Cuicatl.
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