

Biographical information
Fainraeth, Day Court 349 Fainraeth, Day Court
Physical description
Duannan; High Fae Male 7'2" muscular dark red light green bronze
Political information
Out-of-character information
LovesickSiren 8/4/24 nelmdraws (Tumblr)

we wear the mask that grins and lies
it hides our cheeks and shades our eyes
this debt we pay to human guile
with torn and bleeding hearts we smile
and mouth with myriad subtleties

-Paul Laurence Dunbar, "We Wear the Mask"



Thallan has long, dark red hair, pale green eyes, and bronze skin. His nose is straight, his jawline is sharp, and his lips are full. He wears elegant clothes and favors the colors green and gold.

Affinity and Celestial Alignment

Thallan was born under the sun in the Day Court.

He has an affinity for fire, reflected in his flaming hair. He can never be burned but he is in turn more sensitive to colder temperatures. His eyes glow a yellow when he gets very deep in his magic- a symbol to those around him that he is growing closer to the edge of his magic. He has never gone past this edge but if he did it could be disastrous.


Thallan is arrogant, condescending, and aloof. In the Court of Lies, he is the Lord of Games. He is very manipulative and even though he can't lie, he is good at pretending. He has many walls before his heart and mind and he takes great care in making them hard to break or even peek through the cracks.

Biography & Lore

Thallan was an only child to the Lord and Lady of Malwyrth, his family estate. He was spoiled as a boy. His mother, Elasha, doted on him and still does. He got her skill of acting and pretending, while he got his father Fenian's self-sure attitude. As a boy, he was very close to his mother, a fact his father berated him for. His father would call him a weak suckling, a mama's boy. But this was only the beginning.

Fenian had a temper and he tended to take it out on his son and wife. One night it had gone farther than it ever had before; Elasha was knocked unconscious on the floor, and Thallan, in a burst of anger, killed his father.

Elasha did eventually wake up, and when she did Thallan released just exactly what he had done, and so with his mother's help, they erased all evidence of how Fenian died. They pointed the murder at one of Fenian's personal servants and had the servant executed for it and they mourned the appropriate period and moved on with their lives. They are the only two who know about how Fenian of Malwyrth truly died, and they don't plan on ever letting anyone in on their little secret.

Since his father's death, Thallan took on Fenian's roles around the house, stepping into the role of Lord of the house. He is still very close to his mother and he does everything in his power to make sure she is happy.


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