

Biographical information
Drennantor 32 Drennantor
Physical description
Human Male
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Thaddeus is a skilled and well respected captain amongst the men and women of Drennantor. His personal prowess in battle is worthy of no small mention, but his overall ability as a tactician are his truest talents.

He is kind and honourable, and perhaps more forgiving than he should be in times of war. Be he believes staunchly in holding to the things that make him who he is, at times even to a fault.


Masculine and strong, Thaddeus embodies the image of a leader. Inspired by the great military minds that have come before him, he has maintained the necessity for not only maintaining his strength, but maintaining his dress and appearance. He is always well kept, and though he grows his hair long like all Drennan men, it too is well tended and often braided.

Perhaps more than most he takes great pride in his appearance, and he is diligent about how he presents himself, even so carefully as to draw clear lines in his facial hair.

His armour is well crafted, and well cared for, but it goes without any doubt that he is one who hardly shies away from the frontline. Like most men and women of Drennantor, his place of leadership only heightens his desire to be on the frontline, where they believe a leader should be.

Skills and Abilities



Thaddeus is kind and caring. Often soft spoken, even seen as shy by some. He often keeps to himself, and is often found reading books or praying.

On the field of battle there is a stark contrast displayed. He becomes ravenous, almost bloodthirsty, but not so much as to be blinded by rage or the desire to kill. He retains a certain level of mental composure, all while striking fear into those who dare to cross blades with him.

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