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Terra Kinn

"Get lost with me, At the start of it all there was darkness, at every birth Darkness gives forth life, At every death Darkness takes life back, Caliga is seen in every moment of every existence in every world at every time, Your god is an image of your own reflection, he is not real, he is simply you wishing to understand the unknown when the unknown should not be understood, but only be what it is, Caliga.
You place a face on something that already has one, your god is a lie to cover up the truth that has never vanished from you. "
Seeing she never knew her real-world family what the god had done did not bother her in the slightest, in fact, she rivaled in it enjoying the torment the humans would face for giving up their child. the god then took her over and made her into what is known as a Kinn, a being of darkness made solidified in the shape and form of whatever is needed. Terra holds different powers than the others of her race, and she does not aim to use them unless truly needed to defend herself or property/land, or take action against ones who give true disrespect to her or her beliefs, being a pacifist and only wanting to share the word of her god she travels aiming to find a place to call home and set up shop to build a settlement for her god and whatever people want the glory of living alongside her.
Terra has dark chocolate skin and piercing lavender eyes that turn white when she uses her powers, she is about 6 foot 1 and has a thin yet not skinny figure

Skills and Abilities
-Umbral Protection
Darkness has wrapped its arms around the holder, blessed by the god Caliga Darkness itself any being holding sin can not harm the holder, upon meeting a new living or unliving being, if that being within three days time shows it holds sin within it no harm no matter the kind can befall the holder of this blessing.
this blessing protects from all attacks including divine attacks or weaponry.
- Darkness Embodiment
The user can act as the physical manifestation or personification of Darkness, the all-encompassing void which acts as the counterbalance to light. The darkness manifested is made of pure negativity/Dark Energy and/or lack of illumination. The user of this ability is essentially tapping into the core of different forms of darkness itself to assert their dominion.
- Shadow Stealth
The user places themself within the shadows of other beings or objects and remains undetected. They can use this technique to spy on individuals without leaving behind physical evidence.
- Absolute Darkness
Also Called Blinding Darkness, Eternal Darkness
The user is able to create a field of absolute darkness that completely negates sight and may also dull or even completely negate the other senses. They are potentially able to generate darkness so intense it can completely mask objects in its path.
Beings who can see/sense in the darkness, such as those with Night Vision, or enhanced smell, are fully resistant.
- Darkness Weaponry
The user can create or wield weaponry with power over darkness, which grants the user a wide variety of darkness-based abilities. This ability is not only specific to mystic weapons but also technologically advanced weapons. The power of the weapons depends on what they were created for or what level of darkness-based ability they possess.
- Darkness/Shadow Projection/ Umbrakinetic Attacks
The User can do a wide range of attacks made out of darkness/shadow
Dark Beam Emission: Release beams of a darkness/shadow.
Dark Bolt Projection: Release many low powered projectiles of darkness/shadow.
Dark Pillar Projection: Project darkness/shadow solid pillars.
Darkness Blast: Release darkness/shadow over a specific target area.
Darkness Bomb Generation: Create bombs/explosions of darkness/shadow.
Darkness shot Projection: Fire in short sequence over a wide area.
Darkness Cutting: Use darkness/shadow to cut opponents/other life,/objects.
Darkness Infusion: Empower and energize anything touched or used (usually a weaponor person) with darkness/shadow.
Darkness Slash: Release darkness/shadow when slashing.
Darkness Spike Projection: Project darkness/shadow spikes.
Darkness Vortex Creation: Create spiral/vortex of darkness/shadow.
Darkness Wave Emission: Send out a wave of darkness/shadow that repels everything suffocating it (takes 5 rounds to charge).
Hidden Attacks: Channel attacks through another point not form yourself.
Scatter Shot: Release darkness/shadow blasts that split into multiple fragments.
Zap: A tiny short release of darkness/shadow to cause pain or discomfort, usually too low-powered to be destructive.
- Darkness buffs
The user can use Darkness to buff another or ones self
+ attack power
+ defence/shildeing
+ added Healing
Can not buff a being that has given themselves to a holy god or source, the being must be natural or dark alignment
- To attack
- To defence
- Slowing
- Stunning/Cageing
Can not Debuff a Darkness alined character, Caliga sees poorly on debuffing an even attacking dark alined being, if used on a dark alignment roll a D20 and there is a 50% chance of deflecting back on the caster. (1 to 10 deflect. 11 to 20 is good)
Debuffs cast on light alinement succeed unless the player has defense against it
- Dimensional Storage
The user can put items/beings into a separate dimension for safekeeping, and can summon them back with relative ease.
Users have different methods of "Pocketing": some have holes or areas on their body that "suck" objects in, some use a "Bag of Tricks" or "Magic satchel" to hold infinite amounts of objects inside. Others can create a "floating" portal or simply reach behind/in anything and pull out the wanted item. Some users can even use the style of "Trade In/Out" for any items that they have right now and the items that they want from their dimension,
-Shadow Marionette
The user must stand on the shadow of another for 3 turns or more, but then if allowed to stay will take control over the motor functions of others against their will as if they were a marionette via shadows, subjects are still conscious, but can’t resist the user's puppet control. This can be executed by infusing one's shadow into the shadow of the target.
- Umbrakinetic Regeneration
also known as Umbrakinetic Healing Factor
The user can use darkness/shadows to regenerate their bodies with the amount of
darkness used to define the speed of healing.
- Darkness Healing
The user can heal themselves or others by using darkness.
-Umbral Protection
Darkness has wrapped its arms around the holder, blessed by the god Caliga Darkness itself any being holding sin can not harm the holder, upon meeting a new living or unliving being, if that being within three days time shows it holds sin within it no harm no matter the kind can befall the holder of this blessing.
this blessing protects from all attacks including divine attacks or weaponry.
- Darkness Embodiment
The user can act as the physical manifestation or personification of Darkness, the all-encompassing void which acts as the counterbalance to light. The darkness manifested is made of pure negativity/Dark Energy and/or lack of illumination. The user of this ability is essentially tapping into the core of different forms of darkness itself to assert their dominion.
- Shadow Stealth
The user places themself within the shadows of other beings or objects and remains undetected. They can use this technique to spy on individuals without leaving behind physical evidence.
- Absolute Darkness
Also Called Blinding Darkness, Eternal Darkness
The user is able to create a field of absolute darkness that completely negates sight and may also dull or even completely negate the other senses. They are potentially able to generate darkness so intense it can completely mask objects in its path.
Beings who can see/sense in the darkness, such as those with Night Vision, or enhanced smell, are fully resistant.
- Darkness Weaponry
The user can create or wield weaponry with power over darkness, which grants the user a wide variety of darkness-based abilities. This ability is not only specific to mystic weapons but also technologically advanced weapons. The power of the weapons depends on what they were created for or what level of darkness-based ability they possess.
- Darkness/Shadow Projection/ Umbrakinetic Attacks
The User can do a wide range of attacks made out of darkness/shadow
Dark Beam Emission: Release beams of a darkness/shadow.
Dark Bolt Projection: Release many low powered projectiles of darkness/shadow.
Dark Pillar Projection: Project darkness/shadow solid pillars.
Darkness Blast: Release darkness/shadow over a specific target area.
Darkness Bomb Generation: Create bombs/explosions of darkness/shadow.
Darkness shot Projection: Fire in short sequence over a wide area.
Darkness Cutting: Use darkness/shadow to cut opponents/other life,/objects.
Darkness Infusion: Empower and energize anything touched or used (usually a weaponor person) with darkness/shadow.
Darkness Slash: Release darkness/shadow when slashing.
Darkness Spike Projection: Project darkness/shadow spikes.
Darkness Vortex Creation: Create spiral/vortex of darkness/shadow.
Darkness Wave Emission: Send out a wave of darkness/shadow that repels everything suffocating it (takes 5 rounds to charge).
Hidden Attacks: Channel attacks through another point not form yourself.
Scatter Shot: Release darkness/shadow blasts that split into multiple fragments.
Zap: A tiny short release of darkness/shadow to cause pain or discomfort, usually too low-powered to be destructive.
- Darkness buffs
The user can use Darkness to buff another or ones self
+ attack power
+ defence/shildeing
+ added Healing
Can not buff a being that has given themselves to a holy god or source, the being must be natural or dark alignment
- To attack
- To defence
- Slowing
- Stunning/Cageing
Can not Debuff a Darkness alined character, Caliga sees poorly on debuffing an even attacking dark alined being, if used on a dark alignment roll a D20 and there is a 50% chance of deflecting back on the caster. (1 to 10 deflect. 11 to 20 is good)
Debuffs cast on light alinement succeed unless the player has defense against it
- Dimensional Storage
The user can put items/beings into a separate dimension for safekeeping, and can summon them back with relative ease.
Users have different methods of "Pocketing": some have holes or areas on their body that "suck" objects in, some use a "Bag of Tricks" or "Magic satchel" to hold infinite amounts of objects inside. Others can create a "floating" portal or simply reach behind/in anything and pull out the wanted item. Some users can even use the style of "Trade In/Out" for any items that they have right now and the items that they want from their dimension,
-Shadow Marionette
The user must stand on the shadow of another for 3 turns or more, but then if allowed to stay will take control over the motor functions of others against their will as if they were a marionette via shadows, subjects are still conscious, but can’t resist the user's puppet control. This can be executed by infusing one's shadow into the shadow of the target.
- Umbrakinetic Regeneration
also known as Umbrakinetic Healing Factor
The user can use darkness/shadows to regenerate their bodies with the amount of
darkness used to define the speed of healing.
- Darkness Healing
The user can heal themselves or others by using darkness.
Terra is very outgoing when it comes to the right topics, you start h showing interest in her god she won't stop talking about it, unlike others of her kind her god gave her the glory of free will so she upholds all the tenants and teachings of her god by her own choice and love for what she sees as more a mother figure then a god one simply follows blindly.
She is kind to a fault unless tested.
She is kind to a fault unless tested.