Tarvan Bridgeport
Tarvan hold a Doctorate in Enigmas from the University of Alliria. He works locally as an inquisitive, his trade is to solve mysteries, right wrongs, and to gather information for his clients.
Tarvan has brown eyes, fair skin, and black hair. His hair is wavy and tends to come off as a little bit messy. He tends to dress in clothing typical of a metropolitan scholar who does a lot of field research. Well woven tunics, large overcoats, boots comfortable for walking, are trappings he is most commonly seen wearing. Both of his ears are pierced and he wears the signet ring of his family around his throat. His height is average and he's fairly athletic.
Skills and Abilities
Crime Scene Investigation, Fencing, Dirty Fighting, Chemistry, Bardic Knowledge, Eidetic Memory.
Tarvan is bold and comes off as incredibly easy going. He has that it factor that can make most people relax and he's not afraid to speak his mind. He tends to come off as quiet when he's thinking and on rare occasions can be irritable when he's trying to think. Tarvan is known for being obsessive-compulsive, his easygoing demeanor can collapse if he's put in a situation where there's too much disorder. Tarvan is a living paradox where he lives a lifestyle working for the local authorities but he also personally feels rebellious and doesn't like authority. This creates issues especially if he's emotionally invested in a case, this can create a strain with local law enforcement if they do not approve of his radical methods.
Biography & Lore
Tarvan was born to the Bridgeport Dynasty. His father was known as Meredill Bridgeport, he built his business off of imports of rare alcoholic beverages. They used to say that there was no tavern in town that was not supplied by the Bridgeports and that saying still rings true. His two older brothers dreamed to continue the business and worked closely with their father to learn the ins and outs.
Tarvan on the other hand had a nose for trouble. In the beginning, it would be gambling, petty theft, lock picking, and getting into other people's business. Then as he grew older he would get into petty brawls in the slums and minor crime. The Bridgeport's paid the coin to keep him out of chains and as punishment, he was sent to school. It was there that he met the aged Professor Abador Hoot, he was a shrewd dwarf but a legend of the city. There was not a crime Abador could not solve and he built a legacy of being the go-to consultant the town guard and desperate nobles came to.
The young student was fascinated by him. To the point that he mellowed out his criminal behavior and after completing his initial studies became a pupil of Abador. Studying "Enigmas," Abador taught him the ins and outs of solving complex problems and puzzles. Midway through his studies Tarvan's father passed away and his brothers offered him a sizeable amount of coin to allow them to take the business. Seeing his studies as a distraction from regret he continued to study under Abador until he finally achieved his Doctoral degree. The day it was conferred was the day Abador went missing. For months Tarvan tried to find him but every lead led to a dead end.
Tarvan decided to devote his life to solving problems and has started his practice as a local inquisitive. His true motivation is to uncover the truth of the disappearance of Abador. The city was large but the young scholar hoped that each job he took would unearth a new secret of the inner workings of his city.
Tarvan on the other hand had a nose for trouble. In the beginning, it would be gambling, petty theft, lock picking, and getting into other people's business. Then as he grew older he would get into petty brawls in the slums and minor crime. The Bridgeport's paid the coin to keep him out of chains and as punishment, he was sent to school. It was there that he met the aged Professor Abador Hoot, he was a shrewd dwarf but a legend of the city. There was not a crime Abador could not solve and he built a legacy of being the go-to consultant the town guard and desperate nobles came to.
The young student was fascinated by him. To the point that he mellowed out his criminal behavior and after completing his initial studies became a pupil of Abador. Studying "Enigmas," Abador taught him the ins and outs of solving complex problems and puzzles. Midway through his studies Tarvan's father passed away and his brothers offered him a sizeable amount of coin to allow them to take the business. Seeing his studies as a distraction from regret he continued to study under Abador until he finally achieved his Doctoral degree. The day it was conferred was the day Abador went missing. For months Tarvan tried to find him but every lead led to a dead end.
Tarvan decided to devote his life to solving problems and has started his practice as a local inquisitive. His true motivation is to uncover the truth of the disappearance of Abador. The city was large but the young scholar hoped that each job he took would unearth a new secret of the inner workings of his city.
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