Tamas Leyora
Born to a moderately successful merchant family Tamas has spent most of his life following in the footsteps of his parents.
Growing up in Alliria he was no stranger to the tides and turns of commerce, and neither were his parents. Though for years the Leyora's had made a good living buying and selling silks from the Wilds, sometime in his early teens the business dried up. Their suppliers a part of the misfortunes of the world, and their trading house quickly falling into squalor.
Deciding that being rich was not as important as being happy, Tamas' parents sold their Trading House. The value of the land alone being worth a small fortune. This money was then used to move into the small village of Keln. There they founded the Leyora General Goods store.
Within short order the shop became something of a fixture within the town, and by the time Tamas' was an adult himself the Leyora's were practically a staple. His father was elected mayor not long after, and at the age of twenty Tamas took over running the store.

During this time as he took over his fathers duties, Tamas met one Nyneave Onell and the two quick fell in love. Their romance was celebrated within the town, and when they were married Keln practically burst at the seams with invited guests.
The following decade was the happiest of Tamas' life. Simple, filled with love and devotion, the memories still carrying him to this day.
Unfortunately, the joy was not to last, and shortly after their tenth wedding anniversary Nyneave fell ill with plague. Despite sending for the best healers in Alliria and Althhaven, Tamas' beloved's condition deteriorated too fast. Nyneave quietly passing away as her husband held her, despite warnings from those around him what at what it might cost.
The plague continued to spread throughout Keln, devestating the small community until finally relief was brought. Though not until near a third of the town passed.
Devastated, Tamas could barely function. Losing the woman he loved, his father, and dozens of those whom he considered friends the Shopkeep considered a fate most would abhor. It was only through the need of those still left that Tamas found a spark of life again.
Despite being an echo of the man he once was, Tamas still knew that he could not let Keln die. So he began to plan, not just an expansion of Leyora General Goods, but of his whole town.
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