Talya of the Waves
Vel Anir and its territories are sanctuaries for human-kind. Even the oldest of bloodlines, however, can carry impurities. At some point in Talya’s ancestry a genie took an interest. That contact lay dormant for an untold time, but the influence of such a powerful being cannot be contained forever.
Talya was born with the ocean genie’s ancestry on full display. While not nearly as powerful as a true elemental, she did inherit a diluted version of its powers and attributes.
Naturally, she was shunned immediately upon her birth. Blue skin, finned ears and webbed digits, an ethereal subaquatic sheen to her body - a death sentence for the lucky.
Talya was unlucky, and was inducted into the Forsaken ranks in early childhood. Here she was honed into a weapon, a hidden blade, a vicious dog kept beneath the surface until someone needed to die.
Talya did well, as well as a Forsaken could. She was well-suited to nautical missions, however these were scheduled with massive gaps in between. Vel Anir was always careful to keep her away from water for extended periods of time, knowing that her strength grew with every minute spend in water.
With the Forsaken “freed” after the Revolution, Talya’s life shifted to one she was never prepared for. While now more of an indentured servant than a slave, she still serves Vel Anir more or less without choice. She now works directly with an overseeing Dreadlord, and while outright torture is no longer permitted, she is well aware of the horrors that humans can perform upon her.
“The ocean taken form.” Talya physically represents her marine heritage well. Her skin, eyes, and hair are varying shades of blues and greens mimicking tropical waters. Her hair moves like waves and never seems to keep exactly the same form over time, sometimes it is difficult to make out individual strands as opposed to liquid sheets. Her toes are webbed, as are her fingers to a lesser extent. Her ears are fin-like a well attuned to listening underwater. She does not possess scales, though the light tends to ripple across her skin as though she were submerged in shallow water. When not deliberately deprived of water, she always appears well hydrated, with a healthy moisture to her skin and hair as though she had just recently dried from a swim.
Skills and Abilities
Water affinity - Talya is most at home in and around water. She is a phenomenal swimmer. In addition to breathing, she can see, hear, smell, and speak perfectly beneath the waves. She can detect movement in water at significant distances.
Water magic - Talya can manipulate existing water into any number of forms, including orbs, streams, and tendrils. With additional effort, she can freeze or boil water and manipulate the ice or vapor. With significant effort, she can manifest (more accurately multiply) water magically, though this requires at least some water present in the air or environment.
Talya requires more water intake than an average human, and is weakened by prolonged dryness. She is extremely susceptible to lightning and electrical magic and devices.
Water magic - Talya can manipulate existing water into any number of forms, including orbs, streams, and tendrils. With additional effort, she can freeze or boil water and manipulate the ice or vapor. With significant effort, she can manifest (more accurately multiply) water magically, though this requires at least some water present in the air or environment.
Talya requires more water intake than an average human, and is weakened by prolonged dryness. She is extremely susceptible to lightning and electrical magic and devices.
Talya has learned to be seen and not heard, both by her targets and her superiors. Stepping out of line was punished harshly, often lethally, within the Forsaken, and those lessons are not easily unlearned.
She has a natural urge for exploration and adventure as imparted by the free and wild magics within her bloodline, but these have been crushed and buried beneath decades of trauma.
She has a natural urge for exploration and adventure as imparted by the free and wild magics within her bloodline, but these have been crushed and buried beneath decades of trauma.
Biography & Lore
Talya was born to human parents who had no knowledge of the elemental tainting of their bloodline. She was inducted into the Forsaken at age three, and whether this was because her parents attempted to raise her, or hid her away, has never been revealed.
Talya does not remember her parents or her life before the Forsaken. Her story within the ranks is typical: horrific training that she was lucky to survive, and equally barbaric treatment as an agent. She was a member of a useful, but shameful branch of Vel Anir’s might. Talya performed the work deemed unsuitable for Vel Anir’s human soldiers.
Now she is no longer a slave, being “freed” by the revolution. That is a generous word for her status, for while her living conditions have markedly improved, she is still under the thumb of the Anirians.
Centuries of fear and bigotry aren’t undone overnight, after all.
Talya does not remember her parents or her life before the Forsaken. Her story within the ranks is typical: horrific training that she was lucky to survive, and equally barbaric treatment as an agent. She was a member of a useful, but shameful branch of Vel Anir’s might. Talya performed the work deemed unsuitable for Vel Anir’s human soldiers.
Now she is no longer a slave, being “freed” by the revolution. That is a generous word for her status, for while her living conditions have markedly improved, she is still under the thumb of the Anirians.
Centuries of fear and bigotry aren’t undone overnight, after all.