Talmanes Al'Vere
Talmanese is the third son of the famous line of Al'Vere.
Born in the city of Tyre on the isle of Sheketh, Tal's family has been a mainstay of the city for as long as the city has existed. Wealthy, noble, and powerful enough that their word is practically law, the Al'Vere family has held sway over their home for nigh on centuries.
Though this status has afforded them a great amount of power, it also made them hesitant and incredibly careful.
Anything at all that threatened the power they held was swiftly done away with, and this included Talmanes.
From a young age the boy proved to be incredibly brash, fool-hardy, and most importantly magically gifted. Unfortunately, there was little controlling this gift. Tal would often wreak havoc within his families estate and beyond, causing trouble in the city streets and often doing whatever he pleased.
Though rash, and honestly quite abrasive Tal was well known for his intelligence. He knew what he was doing, and often planned out even his more overt acts of rebellion. Many claimed that the havoc he wreaked was simply a cry for attention, a way to make a name in a family that saw him as little more than a back up plan.
Whatever it was, the chaos he caused quite quickly caused rebuke from his father. The family had the young man arrested and then sanctioned.
His magic was bound. Ancient runes carved and tattooed into his flesh to seal away his power. He was then exiled, told that his return to Tyre would be followed by a swift death and that no longer was he and Al'Vere. Gifted nothing and sent away, Tal made his way across the world.
Eventually he found himself in Alliria, and there quickly found himself wrapped up in the underworld. Desperately seeking a means to reclaim his power.