Sybil Lusce

Sybil Lusce

Biographical information
Night Court 5 Night Court
Physical description
Fae Female
Political information
She's a baby
Out-of-character information
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Sybil is the youngest of the Lusce family line, though she is a child, she can still certainly cause anyone a wild range of mischievous pranks...when she can escape her mother that is.


Sybil is small and spritely. Her hair is a crimson cascade of curls. Often her hair has dirt, twigs and other such items tangled in the curls. She has pale skin and vibrant emerald eyes. As she is but and infant by fae standards, you'll often catch her stripped of suffocating clothing just to run around and get absolutely filthy from play.

Skills and Abilities

Her abilities currently are small, though she has the potential to be quite fearsome as she grows. Flame is her ability. In time she will master it.

Her animal to shapeshift into is a red fox. As vibrant and playful as she is.


She is young, and loves to play the manipulative card. She will pull pranks and give the saddest puppy dog eyes when caught, just to get out of it. She looks up to her siblings, often clamoring for attention and wanting to be a part of what they are doing. She is likely to get under feet and cause general chaos.

Biography & Lore

<This is where your detailed biography will go. Feel free to complete this section later and add to it as your character develops>


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