"뜻이 있는 곳에 길이 있다" - "In a place where there is will, there is a road"

Su Jun Seo (수준서)
Skills and Abilities

Marksmen- This skill applies more prevalent to the throwing variant, as well as within the utilization of a bow and arrow.
Butcher- A skills learned from a former life, Jun Seo can tell you how to utilize all parts of an animal, even those of a mystical natural. Jun Seo can craft many items out of an animal carcass, as well as both preserving meat and telling you which part is the tastiest.
Hunter/Tracker- The skills of a butcher comes in handy when pinpointing the weak spots of one’s prey, it also helps that said butcher knows how to track them down to begin with.
Survivalist- Jun Seo can survive in the wilderness with nothing more than a knife and the clothes on his back, a result of many years of bitter experience.
뼈절단기(Bone Cleavers)- A pair dual meat cleavers made up of a jet black metal, with a hook like hole embedded near the end of both weapons. Both weapons also have two hole like , meant to allow for Jun Seo to control the weapon better, not to mention giving him the ability to perform some “whirlwind” techniques. It is said that the weapons resembles the lower half of a greatsword, given it’s appearance and sheer cutting power, although it’s origins have much less...martial origins.
Throwing Knives/Arm Holsters- A very mismatched collection of small knives, all of which modified to be utilized in a throwing manner. Most of these knives are holstered away in Jeo Suo’s makeshift gauntlets, allowing him to draw upon them at a moments notice, although more can be taken from his own body.
Makeshift Bow and Arrow- Jun Seo isn’t always seen with a bow and arrow, as he often prefers to craft one on the spot. These make shift ranged weapon often do little against a truly armored foe, but against simple game it proves to be more than sufficient. The bow itself is either made up of wood or bone, arrows crafted out of wood(occasionally with flint tips), and the strings are what Jun Seo provides from his pack.
Eastern Clothes & Knapsack- Upon first glance, you wouldn’t think much about Jun Seo. Fact of the matter is that he is often compared to a bandit by the way he dresses, which isn’t too far from the imagination. However, closer examination would reveal that his manner of dress isn’t local to the main continents, with a rather Eastern flavor.
Jade Animal Necklace- A particular necklace often tucked away and hidden underneath his clothing. It is a necklace of animal teeth and claws that appears to be symmetrical, with a piece of jade located in the very middle. It seems to hold great significance to Jun Seo, to a point that were it stolen, it’ll send the man into a berserk like frenzy in an attempt to get it back.
Throwing Knives/Arm Holsters- A very mismatched collection of small knives, all of which modified to be utilized in a throwing manner. Most of these knives are holstered away in Jeo Suo’s makeshift gauntlets, allowing him to draw upon them at a moments notice, although more can be taken from his own body.
Makeshift Bow and Arrow- Jun Seo isn’t always seen with a bow and arrow, as he often prefers to craft one on the spot. These make shift ranged weapon often do little against a truly armored foe, but against simple game it proves to be more than sufficient. The bow itself is either made up of wood or bone, arrows crafted out of wood(occasionally with flint tips), and the strings are what Jun Seo provides from his pack.
Eastern Clothes & Knapsack- Upon first glance, you wouldn’t think much about Jun Seo. Fact of the matter is that he is often compared to a bandit by the way he dresses, which isn’t too far from the imagination. However, closer examination would reveal that his manner of dress isn’t local to the main continents, with a rather Eastern flavor.
Jade Animal Necklace- A particular necklace often tucked away and hidden underneath his clothing. It is a necklace of animal teeth and claws that appears to be symmetrical, with a piece of jade located in the very middle. It seems to hold great significance to Jun Seo, to a point that were it stolen, it’ll send the man into a berserk like frenzy in an attempt to get it back.

However, there seems to always be something greater on Sun Jeo’s mind wherever there is idle time. Oh sure, he’s with you when entering a fight, or hunting game, or giving advice on how to butcher, he’ll even pick fights on his own. But whenever Sun Jeo enters a period of silence, some sort of trans will over take him. This is often observed when he begins to stare into space, his face occasionally relaxing or tensing, occasionally talking to himself in a foreign language. Whatever it is, it seems important to him, and what seems to keep him up some quiet nights...nights spent looking up into the heavens...and wondering...
Biography & Lore