At first sight Solith looks like some strange monster that one would find hard to believe would have basic intelligence. Solith has four limbs which include. two legs, two mantis like forelegs which some mistake as arms. Solith also has a pair of wings which sadly do not grant him flight.
Skills and Abilities
Stealth: Solith is a skilled assassin and uses magic to temporarily change the colour of his carapace to blend in with his surroundings. Able to stay perfectly still for hours on end waiting for the perfect time to strike
Grasping Forelegs: Like a mantis Solith comes equipped with modified forelegs built to grasp his enemies. These forelegs are also quite sharp allowing Solith to tear through flesh and sometimes steel. Great for assassinating his targets these weapons sadly are not great for a drawn out brawl. One problem with these forelegs is that he can not really do anything other than grab stuff making many devices incredibly hard for him to use
Leaping Wings: While not able to fly Solith uses his wings to enable him to leap long distances with incredible accuracy and speed.
Utility magic: Solith understands the weaknesses of his physiology and was trained in simple ulititly magic such as summon magic hands that enable him to do things he normally wouldn't be able to do like turn a door nob or use a bow.
Grasping Forelegs: Like a mantis Solith comes equipped with modified forelegs built to grasp his enemies. These forelegs are also quite sharp allowing Solith to tear through flesh and sometimes steel. Great for assassinating his targets these weapons sadly are not great for a drawn out brawl. One problem with these forelegs is that he can not really do anything other than grab stuff making many devices incredibly hard for him to use
Leaping Wings: While not able to fly Solith uses his wings to enable him to leap long distances with incredible accuracy and speed.
Utility magic: Solith understands the weaknesses of his physiology and was trained in simple ulititly magic such as summon magic hands that enable him to do things he normally wouldn't be able to do like turn a door nob or use a bow.
Solith is a determined hunter preferring to keep to the shadows and stalk his prey. Solith isn't emotionless and does sometimes end up caring for others as long as it doesn't interfere with his main mission. Solith sometimes stalks his prey for months on end before deciding to attack. Solith isn't one for moving around big cities at day time preferring to head out at night where it is less likely for him to be spotted.
Biography & Lore
Solith was born overseas in a kingdom he refuses to name. Solith was born and raised as an assassin and when the time was right he was summoned by the archmages of his kingdom for a special ritual. Before the mages started the ritual they told Solith his mission was to find an ancient relic believed to be in the land of Arethil. The mages then proceeded to start the ritual and while Solith can't remember what happened he did awake in the middle of nowhere. A month went by until Solith found out he was infact in the land of Arethil and the mages must have used some powerful teleportation magic on him most likely at the cost of their own lives. For now Solith was determined to complete the mission he was given and hopefully find a way back to his homeland one day.