
Shela Iren-Paneck

Biographical information
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Physical description
Komodo Female 6'9" 311 lbs White Yellow Pale blue skin/sapphire scales
Political information
Mercenary. Probably
Out-of-character information
Aeyliea aloofscarab


Shela is tall, even for a Komodo, standing a full head over others of her kind.

Her skin tends towards pale, faintly blue where the scales are finest, and where they are largest and thickest the tend towards a deep sapphire with more pallid stripes running horizontally like a tiger's stripes. There are a fair number of scars and patches of missing scales, especially on her forearms. These represent trophies from past exploits.

She us heavily muscled, a trait not uncommon among her peers. There is no excess fat on her frame. She looks well cared for, in the peak of fitness.

Shela has serpentine eyes, yellow or green depending on the light. They are set into an angular face that, if not beautiful, at least is not ugly to look upon. Her horns curve along her skull, tips turning up and out at the base of her skull. Unlike the vcd rest of her body, they are crimson in hue and stand in sharp contrast to hair and flesh.

She wears ragged leather over her torso and legs. Beyond that, she only Carrie's a massive two-handed sword made from a huge shard of flint, the hilt leather wrapped flint such that the whole weapon is a single piece of stone fully four feet in length.

Skills and Abilities

Shela has most of the basic survival traits and skills honed by her clan and the wider people of the Komodi as a whole.

On a personal level, though, she has no real expertise in anything. She has an uncanny - and unnatural- talent for anything involving numbers, with a near inhuman skill for math and abstract thinking when it applies to numerology. Sadly, it is an unused talent.

She knows how to use the great bastard of a sword she drags along with her, but is no master with it, or any other martial skill. She gets on by luck, by sheer stubborn will and, when all else fails, with utter savagery. If not for her great physical strength and the durability of her hide, she might not even still be alive.


Whether she is just naturally friendly with everyone she meets or else too naive (or, honestly, too dim) to hold any grudges,she is genuinely friendly with everyone on first meeting, even those who are openly hostile to her. Shela is very slow to anger, capable of ignoring (or simply not understanding) most of the slights sent her way. She does not associate common traits of people in a way conducive to holding an entire race in contempt, of prejudging anyone based on what they are rather than who.

That being said, once stirred to anger she never forgets the source of that anger. Although she is slow to anger,it is quicker when any she cares about ard directly threatened. She will savagely defend any that become a part of her 'family', which is a rather loose term for her friends and acquaintances. Or at least anyone that qualifies, in her mind, as such.

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