Rythal Tenebraeus
Exiled from his people.
Reviled as one who betrayed the spirit of his people.
When who you were has been taken away, what is left?
Physical Description
Of average height, for an Elf, Rythal is still a brow taller than the standard human. He keeps his black hair at medium length, and back from his eyes. Those eyes are a rare violet color, with gold flecks within, and a thin, gold rim around the iris. The eyes usually flash with amusement, as he projects a confident, relaxed air most of the time. His chest is tattooed in flowing Elven script, a form of rune magic that was formerly forgotten.
He keeps himself clothed in well made clothes, made by Elven hands exclusively. He tends towards darker colors of jackets with high collars, and white or cream shirts beneath. Dark trousers tucked into soft, dark doeskin boots complete his typical outfit. At his belt he always keeps one item, a dagger that is clearly Elven made, and meant more for ceremony than for battle.
He keeps himself clothed in well made clothes, made by Elven hands exclusively. He tends towards darker colors of jackets with high collars, and white or cream shirts beneath. Dark trousers tucked into soft, dark doeskin boots complete his typical outfit. At his belt he always keeps one item, a dagger that is clearly Elven made, and meant more for ceremony than for battle.
Early Years
The homeland of the Tinu'edhel is shrouded in mystery, one that even those exiled as Rythal has been are wary to reveal. Rythal grew up in this mysterious homeland, and was schooled from a young age in the Art and Science of Magic. Central to the tenets he was being taught was the principle of bearing the price for balancing your magic yourself. The Tinu'edhel held the balance of the cosmos above all, and tended to drill it into the minds of their youth.
Rythal, however, was always rebellious. He never minded bearing the price, but maintaining the balance didn't seem to be a good way to be a caretaker of the world. Young Rythal was always about aiding the forces of light, life, and good. He believed that maintaining the balance as their elders did, too often meant sitting on the sidelines and out of the conflicts of the world.
Rythal, however, was always rebellious. He never minded bearing the price, but maintaining the balance didn't seem to be a good way to be a caretaker of the world. Young Rythal was always about aiding the forces of light, life, and good. He believed that maintaining the balance as their elders did, too often meant sitting on the sidelines and out of the conflicts of the world.
A Turn Towards the Dark
Rythal's beliefs came to a head against his elders in his adolescence. He'd been training for nearly a century, and never left the Tinu'edhel realm. Instead, he'd been privy to watch while he learned to wield the arcane. This caused no end of pain to Rythal, who believed the Tinu'edhel could be doing so much good in the world.
One day, during the enslavement of a large contingent of Wood Elves to the local population of Orcs, Rythal and a group of like minded young mages took matters into their own hands. The mages descended on the Orcs from seemingly nowhere, one of the secrets of Tinu'edhel magic was to travel fast in the form of smoke, and they annihilated the Orcs. An entire city of Orcs who had enslaved the Wood Elves was obliterated over the course of a single day, and the Wood Elves were freed.
Upon returning to their homes, however, the Elders of the Tinu'edhel confronted the youngsters. Various punishments were meted out, and each of the rebellious youths was rightfully sorrowful for breaking the values of the Tinu'edhel. All except Rythal. He went on a tirade, that day, about the evil of complacency and waiting. His words fell on deaf ears, and even his friends refused to meet his gaze. In the end, his own father, an Elder of their people, laid down the sentence that had been little used before. Banishment, and excising of Rythal from the source of magic.
One day, during the enslavement of a large contingent of Wood Elves to the local population of Orcs, Rythal and a group of like minded young mages took matters into their own hands. The mages descended on the Orcs from seemingly nowhere, one of the secrets of Tinu'edhel magic was to travel fast in the form of smoke, and they annihilated the Orcs. An entire city of Orcs who had enslaved the Wood Elves was obliterated over the course of a single day, and the Wood Elves were freed.
Upon returning to their homes, however, the Elders of the Tinu'edhel confronted the youngsters. Various punishments were meted out, and each of the rebellious youths was rightfully sorrowful for breaking the values of the Tinu'edhel. All except Rythal. He went on a tirade, that day, about the evil of complacency and waiting. His words fell on deaf ears, and even his friends refused to meet his gaze. In the end, his own father, an Elder of their people, laid down the sentence that had been little used before. Banishment, and excising of Rythal from the source of magic.
Dark Mage
Rythal did not wait for the sentence to end before he made his decision. Powerful and ready to act, he took the Tinu'edhel by surprise. Some said that he had prepared for this, tattooed his flesh with Elven script, utilizing a forbidden Elven magic. Others say that his years of study and willingness to act gave him singular, innovative insight into the arcane that day. Either way, the end result was the death of every single one of his companions, as well as his father. Their essences were trapped within the twining tattoos until Rythal, at a much later date, fashioned vessels for holding them. Then he fled, leaving the city he was born in, and never planning to return.
If the Tinu'edhel refused to act for the greater good, it was Rythal's intent to force them to come for him. They never did. As the years went on, Rythal utilized the Tinu'edhel magic to wage his war for what he considered to be the greater good. Every instance caused his views to become more and more twisted as no one from his home came to confront him.
Now, he does as he pleases, and looks to either bring ruin to the continent, or finally bring down the Tinu'edhel into the fray of the world.
If the Tinu'edhel refused to act for the greater good, it was Rythal's intent to force them to come for him. They never did. As the years went on, Rythal utilized the Tinu'edhel magic to wage his war for what he considered to be the greater good. Every instance caused his views to become more and more twisted as no one from his home came to confront him.
Now, he does as he pleases, and looks to either bring ruin to the continent, or finally bring down the Tinu'edhel into the fray of the world.
Personality Traits
Mysterious - Rythal does not often speak of his past, and he enjoys keeping details confusing by specifically starting various rumors that contradict each other about his past. He has done this long enough that his original rumors have attained the level of barely remembered stories, even among Elves.
Skills and Abilities
Dark Summoning - Shade uses a practice he has adapted from the summoning arts of the Tinu'edhel. He is able to capture the soul/spirit/essence of a creature within a prepared object. Capturing a creature like this requires an extensive ritual, but the creature will then be able to be utilized when the vessel is thrown and broken.
Necromancy - Shade utilizes Necromancy, though he tries to stay away from the trope of summoning undead from graveyards. Instead, he prefers to utilize the more subtle arts within the Necromancy school, creating dread auras and causing debilitating effects.
Necromancy - Shade utilizes Necromancy, though he tries to stay away from the trope of summoning undead from graveyards. Instead, he prefers to utilize the more subtle arts within the Necromancy school, creating dread auras and causing debilitating effects.